If there’s one thing we can count on from Lisa Rinna and Harry Hamlin, it’s content. In the latest episode of Let’s Not Talk About The Husband, we got a little bit of everything: celebrity name-dropping, Hollywood history lessons, existential musings, and, most importantly, fart machine pranks on a serious AMC drama set, Mayfair Witches.
Ted Levine, aka Buffalo Bill from The Silence of the Lambs, one of the most unsettling screen villains of all time, plays Harry Hamlin’s father in Mayfair Witches. Which, okay, sure, let’s just throw those two in a supernatural Anne Rice series and see what happens.
Apparently, what did happen: Harry deciding that the best way to wrap his scenes with a Hollywood legend is to derail an emotional moment with a fart machine.
“I got Ted Levine because he plays my dead father in Mayfair Witches,” Harry explained, in what was definitely one of the more unexpected mid-podcast confessions.
Lisa, of course, was already rolling her eyes because she knew where this was going.
“The very last scene we were doing together,” Harry continued, “I taped the fart machine to the table that he was sitting at. We went all through his close-ups, got to mine, and I had the little button in my pocket. Just as we got to my big speech, I pressed the button.”
The results? Cinematic gold.
“The whole set went crazy,” Harry said, clearly proud of himself. “And I said, ‘Ted, what did you have for lunch?’ And he goes, ‘What? That wasn’t me!’ And then I pushed the button again.”
Lisa, ever the voice of reason (and barely contained secondhand embarrassment), interrupted: “Why do people think that is so funny? And you in particular right now are cracking up. We can actually see your teeth, which hardly ever happens.”
That’s right—Harry Hamlin, usually stoic and reserved, was grinning ear to ear over his Mayfair Witches fart prank.
The best part? Ted Levine wasn’t even mad. “At the end of the scene, after the whole thing happened and they had to cut the camera and everything, he was just like, ‘That wasn’t me.’”
Can Mayfair Witches 2 please release the blooper reel? It belongs to the people.
While Ted Levine was getting ambushed by pranksters, Alexandra Daddario was causing an entirely different kind of on-set disruption. Harry revealed a moment when her intense screen presence nearly derailed his ability to do his job.
“We’re doing a scene where we’re talking to each other,” Harry said. “And I’m looking right in her eyes as I’m talking to her, and all of a sudden, I had to say, ‘Cut, cut, cut, cut. I’m sorry. I have to spend a few minutes with these eyes before I can do it on film.’”
Lisa completely understood:“I know it. Every time I watch the show, I literally fall into her eyes. They’re just so mesmerizing.”
Apparently, the last time Harry encountered a stare that powerful was when he met Bo Derek.
“The only other person who had eyes like that was Bo Derek,” he said. “I remember meeting Bo for the first time—she was good friends with Ursula [Andress, Harry’s ex and the mother of his son]—and I’ll never forget looking into her eyes. You just fell into them.”
Next: a little detour into some classic Hollywood messiness. Harry Hamlin has stories, and Lisa knows exactly how to drag them out of him.
Did you know that Bo Derek’s ex-husband, John Derek, was never technically divorced from Ursula Andress?
Lisa, of course, was delighted by this information.“Oh, whatever, you just let the cat out of the bag,” she said.
Harry, meanwhile, remained blissfully unbothered. “Well, I don’t know. I’m not sure. You’d have to go back and find the paperwork, but I’m not at all convinced they ever got divorced.”
This naturally led to a discussion about Ursula’s high-profile relationships.
“She was with John Paul Belmondo after John Derek,” Harry said. “And before that, she dated James Dean.”
Lisa, unable to contain herself, gasped. “She dated James Dean?”
“Oh yeah,” Harry said, cool as ever. “And then Elvis Presley gave her a car.”
This, as you can imagine, sent Lisa spiraling.
“What?! Elvis gave her a car?”
“Yeah,” Harry said. “A really fancy BMW. I think there were only three made. She kept it in storage in Van Nuys, and when I met her, she said, ‘Oh, I have this great car in storage.’ But she never paid the storage bill, so the guy finally took the car.”
Lisa, understandably horrified, could barely process what she was hearing.
“Wait. The storage guy took the Elvis BMW?”
“Yeah,” Harry confirmed. “Because she never paid the bill.”
In conclusion, a lucky storage unit owner has a one-of-a-kind BMW gifted by Elvis Presley to a Bond girl somewhere out there. And Ursula Andress did not care.
What a legend.
Between the fart pranks, Alexandra’s hypnotic gaze, and the unexpected Hollywood history lesson, this episode of Let’s Not Talk About The Husband was, in a word, chaotic.
And honestly, we wouldn’t want it any other way.
Lisa and Harry may have been arguing about shopping habits (“The RealReal has a permanent appointment at our house every two weeks!” Harry complained). Whether Lisa ever gives him enough back rubs (spoiler: she does not), but the love is undeniable.
They’re ridiculous, hilarious, and the kind of couple you want to eavesdrop on at dinner. And luckily for us, we get to listen in every single week!
If you’re not already watching Mayfair Witches 2, what are you waiting for? Because if this is what’s happening off-camera, just imagine what’s going down on it.
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