274. Jane & Byron Younger: MY PARENTS!

We are thrilled to have Jane & Byron Younger back on the show today — Jordan’s parents! In this episode we get to catch up about all things grandparenthood and how it has been seeing Jordan as a mother. We go there with expectations vs. reality. 😉 


We also get into the holistic treatments they love, spiritual elements that Jordan has turned them onto, non-invasive treatments & cosmetic procedures (the people want to know because they are aging in reverse!), money and ego, their greatest lessons learned, favorite memories of Jordan as a child, astrology & Human Design and so much more. 


Also Jordan wants to note — in this episode she said that her mom had an Aquarius moon, but she is a SCORPIO moon! So she is, in fact, triple water. And Byron is triple fire! 


The most special part of this episode is their love for Atticus, and there is a very special end of episode shoutout to Atticus himself, for him to listen to when he is older. 🙂 This will be a cornerstone episode for life and we are thrilled to release it and have it on the show!


We hope you love this episode and cannot wait to hear your feedback! As always, enter to win this week’s big wellness giveaway by rating and reviewing the show on Apple Podcasts, subscribing, and sending a screenshot to jordan@thebalancedblonde.com!





Website: thebalancedblonde.com
Store: thebalancedblonde.com/shop
Instagram: @thebalancedblonde  Jane’s Instagram


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Use code BALANCED at checkout for 20% off your first purchase at Wellgrovehealth.com.


Produced by Dear Media.

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