I am thrilled to have my husband Jonathan back on the show today to answer all of your burning questions about marriage, love, soulmates, spirituality, parenthood and beyond (way beyond). We have a heart to heart convo and also answer your questions and it is a favorite episode by far. We also touch on what it’s been like for Jonathan this year to support me through my anxiety journey, and how that has felt for him. We really hope that this will
help any other couple out there who is going through something similar. And he’s hilarious as always, so he will have you guys laughing. 😉
We hope you love this episode and cannot wait to hear your feedback! As always, enter to win this week’s big wellness giveaway by rating and reviewing the show on Apple Podcasts, subscribing, and sending a
screenshot to jordan@thebalancedblonde.com !
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Instagram: @thebalancedblonde
Please note that this episode may contain paid endorsements and advertisements for products and services. Individuals on the show may have a direct or indirect financial interest in products or services referred to in this episode.
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