Crowd Favorite: Aging and Longing (Um, the Wisdom Episode?)

We’re wise enough to know it’s about time to revisit this wisdom episode from the vault. We share our feelings about feeling our age and some excellent advice we caught about living with a little longing—and we very much would like to hear if this one hits differently the second time around.  


Some readings that impacted how we’ve been navigating aging include Being Mortal by Atul Gawande, Casey Johnston’s Swole Woman program, Cheryl Wischover’s “What Changed When I Started Lifting Weights” in the Gloria newsletter, and Kayleen Schaefer’s “How 50 Pushups A Day Helped Me Cope In An Uncertain World” for Elle

If you have thoughts on longing or musings about aging share them with us at 833-632-5463,, or @athingortwohq. And try out a Secret Menu membership for more recommendations.

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