My Secret To Always Having A Boyfriend ft. Erica and Molly from Shooter’s Gotta Shoot

In this episode, I virtually sit down with Erica and Molly from Shooter’s Gotta Shoot podcast. We discuss the “making sure you got home safe text,” living with a friend, no reach no second date, why you need to bring cash on a date, if is it a sign they aren’t into you if they let you split the bill, how to bring up paying equally in a relationship, men being more insecure about saying how much they make, why my BF and I split rent, me being a serial monogamist, my secrets to get guys, why exclusivity is trash, using read receipts to your ad- vantage, and more. The episode starts with a solo where I discuss how to ask the person you’re dating about their past relationships, sleeping in separate beds, being honest in therapy, dating in winter quarantine, and my astrology reading.

Erica runs a virtual Herpes support group, people can email for 15% off plus Free Shipping! with code ACME to get $25 off your first box! or use code LINDSEY for 10% off your first order!


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How To Harness The Power Of Your Sexuality ft. GG Magree
00:00 / 49:29
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