You Got This! Thinking ahead, being kind to yourself, and navigating difficult roadblocks

Join Shira on as she discusses common roadblocks that hinder decision-making and self-care. Drawing from client experiences, Shira addresses underestimating decision-making challenges during stress. She emphasizes breaking tasks into manageable steps and pre-committing to self-care choices Shira also explores the impact of negative self-talk, urging listeners to challenge self-imposed labels. Instead, she advocates for honest self-assessment and curiosity to overcome setbacks and foster growth. How do you navigate a roadblock? Share any tips or tricks with us! DM Shira on Instagram  or tell us your thoughts via an Apple Podcast review.

This episode may contain paid endorsements and advertisements for products and services. Individuals on the show may have a direct, or indirect financial interest in products, or services referred to in this episode.


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