what is the goal of meditation

Boss babes like us are constantly hustling, so self-care should be non-negotiable. Sometimes, we just need to take a moment to breathe. And regular meditation is one of the best ways to do that. 

People have practiced meditation for thousands of years. So, you’ve probably already heard about how relaxing and life-changing it can be if you practice it daily. 

But at some point, you’ve probably thought, “Who the hell has time for that?” Between work, keeping up with friends and family, and just trying to do life, who has time to sit quietly and think about . . . ABSOLUTELY NOTHING?!

But the thing is, if you understand the goal and value of meditation, your perspective will totally change. Once you get what meditation is about, it’ll become a lot easier to make space for it in your daily routine. And trust us, once you see the benefits, you’ll wonder how you ever lived without it.

That’s why today, we’re spilling all the tea on what the real goals of this ancient practice are so you can achieve that much-needed sense of calmness.  

What Is The Goal Of Meditation?

What Is The Goal Of Meditation?

Reduced Stress & Anxiety

Who doesn’t need a little more calm in their life? Modern life already comes with a lot of pressure, from crushing deadlines at your 9-5 to drama with your friends or just feeling burnt out.

However, one of the major benefits of meditation is that it helps you find inner peace and say goodbye to those nagging worries. How? Well, when you meditate, you learn to slow your breathing and quiet the constant chatter in your brain. If you do it regularly, you’ll give your mind a chance to relax, hit reset, and always focus on the present moment rather than worry about the future.

So the next time you feel overwhelmed from work or something else has you stressed out, commit to just 10 minutes of meditation. Or, listen to the episode of Life With Marianna, titled Meditation and Sound Bath for Anxiety and Stress. You’ll be surprised by how much calm you feel after. 

Enhanced Focus & Productivity

These days, it’s easy to feel like your brain is running in 10 different directions at once. We almost always have ENDLESS to-do lists, with a GAZILLION things to get done, and somehow, we’re supposed to stay on top of it all. So it’s very easy for our minds to wander and get distracted. 

Meditation helps you to train your mind to focus on one thing at a time. No more getting sidetracked by random thoughts or that irresistible urge to check your phone for the 100th time. You’ll be able to give your full attention to whatever needs it, which will help improve your productivity. Soon, that mountain of work will start feeling a lot more like a molehill.

Increased Happiness & Positivity

You know, the kind of “can’t-stop-smiling” joy that you’re left with after a fun weekend or when the morning coffee buzz wears off. That’s the kind of happiness that meditation brings. And, when you’re feeling good, it shows in everything you do.

So, how does this magic happen? When you meditate, you train your brain to focus on the here and now. Instead of holding on to the past or stressing about the future, you focus on the present. And, before you know it, you start noticing the little things and appreciating life more. Suddenly, you’ll start to see those silver linings a lot easier.

Meditation allows you to let go of those negative emotions that hang around like unwanted guests at a party. It conditions you to experience more joy. Eventually, you’ll level up to spreading good vibes like the sunshine babe you are!

list of goals of meditation

Enhanced Mental Clarity

Life can be one big, beautiful, chaotic mess. Sometimes, our thoughts can feel foggy and all over the place, and our brains just feel like they’re running a marathon without ever crossing the finish line. Meditation is like a mental detox for all that clutter.

Sounds perfect for us multi-tasking babes, right? After all, no one has time for mental fog when we’ve got a million things to manage every day. 

When you meditate regularly, you clear out all the mental junk, racing thoughts, and endless chatter that distract you from what really matters. It helps you slow down and actually breathe so you can see things as they are. Your thoughts flow crystal clear!

Improved Self-Awareness and Inner Peace

Have you ever wondered how on earth some people seem to have it all together (even when life throws them curve balls left and right)? Here’s the secret: meditation.

Being self-aware is about getting to know the real you. When you meditate, you block out the noise of the world and tune into your inner world. You start to notice your thoughts and how you’re feeling emotionally, mentally, and physically without judgment.

If you meditate regularly, over time, you’ll become more aware of who you are and what you want. You’ll also be able to self-reflect, and this helps you process negative emotions better, so annoying little things won’t easily ruin your mood.

Enhanced Emotional Resilience

It’s impossible to avoid stressful or unpleasant situations 100% of the time. We’ve all had those days where our emotions go through it, from raging with anger to stressing in sadness to spiraling into anxiety. And, as much as we don’t want to admit it, it can be soooo damn hard not to let our feelings completely overwhelm us sometimes!

But regular meditation practice builds your emotional resilience so you can stay cool, calm, and collected when life gets a little wild. You’re training your mind to handle stress and disappointment with calm and strength. Besides, wouldn’t it be nice to handle whatever life throws at you with more grace and bounce back faster? 

So the next time someone gets on your nerves, or you have a fight with your new boo, remember that just 10 minutes of meditation will help you keep your cool.

5 Ways To Practice Meditation

Mantra Meditation

In mantra meditation, you silently repeat a meaningful word, phrase, or sound (aka your mantra) to try and focus your mind on the present moment. The basic premise is simple: you sit comfortably, close your eyes, and focus only on silently repeating a word or short sentence over and over for the duration of your session. You can make your session however long or short you want it.

The mantra can be anything positive, calm, and meaningful to you. Some of our fave mantras are “I am enough”  or “I am peace.” Mantra meditation is a great way to meditate for manifestation because you can use phrases related to what you’re trying to manifest. You can say, “I am successful,” “Abundance flows to me,” or “Opportunities come easy to me.” You’re basically using the law of attraction to your advantage. 

Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness is like meditation 101. With how chaotic daily life can get, this type of meditation should be your new BFF. It helps you become more aware of your emotions, reactions, and everything around you.

Practicing mindfulness requires you to just focus on something, like your breathing. Just you, right here, right now, focusing on what’s happening and how you feel. It’s kind of like hitting pause on life’s chaos and taking a breather.

So, find a comfortable spot to sit down or lie in your bed. Then, set a timer and relax into the natural rhythm of your breath without judgment. Notice physical sensations like your belly expanding or the air breeze on your nostrils. 

When your thoughts intrude, don’t fight them. You’re not trying to push them away (because, honestly, they’ll just come back), but instead, you’re just letting them exist without letting them take over. 

Next time life gets hectic, and you just want a break from it all, try this simple mindfulness technique. Your brain will thank you for it.

Movement Meditation

Sometimes, our racing minds just need an active outlet, which is where movement meditation comes in. If you’re the kind of girl who finds it hard to sit still for traditional meditation, then this one’s for you.

This meditation aims to sync your body and mind using gentle motion. So, whether you’re walking, doing yoga, tai chi, or even having a free-flowing dance session in your living room, the goal is to focus on your body and how it feels at that moment.

Our fave method right now is walking meditation. Just put on your favorite Calma T-Shirt, grab your sneakers, hit a trail if you can, or walk through a beautiful park, and try to be fully present with each step. Try to feel the sensations in your body and listen to nature’s sounds. 

If this sounds like your jam, check out Life With Marianna‘s episode 30-Minute Walking Meditation for Manifesting, Abundance, and Self-Love ASAP! She guides you through a manifestation walk that leaves you feeling positive. 

ways to practice meditation
Transcendental Meditation (TM)

Transcendental meditation (TM) is simply about finding inner peace and calm, and honestly, who doesn’t need more of that? Unlike other forms of meditation that focus on your breath or body, transcendental meditation requires you to silently repeat a mantra for about 20 minutes, twice a day. Don’t worry about what to think when you’re meditating; just let your mantra do the work.

Sounds easy, right? That’s because it is!

TM allows your busy mind to settle freely and go into deeper states of self-awareness and inner peace. It’s almost a dreamlike state of consciousness. Personally, we find it frigging amazing for releasing built-up anxiety. There’s definitely a reason why the Beatles wanted us to give it a try! 

But before you start practicing TM, you should totally check out Will’s episode on The Mindset of A Manifestor, Culinary Alchemy, Transcendental Meditation + Self-Trust  As The New Self Care from Art of Being Well. Trust us, you’ll thank us later.

Loving-Kindness Meditation

For our babes who love surrounding themselves and others with positive energy, you’d love this! Loving-Kindness Meditation (aka metta meditation) focuses on sending out positive energy, not just to yourself, but to everyone around you, including that coworker who always eats your snacks. Yep, even them!

You sit down, close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and start by directing warm, fuzzy feelings toward yourself with phrases like, “May I be happy, may I be safe, may I be at peace.” 

Once the feeling of warmth and compassion starts to envelop you, you direct them outward—to your friends and your family. You can start with someone you’re close to. Feel the love you have for them and repeat the phrases. Then you can start including other people, one after the other.

Meditation deserves a spot on your daily to-do list.

Sometimes, modern problems require ancient solutions, and meditation helps with exactly that. It does everything from stress relief and happiness to productivity and inner peace. No wonder celebs like Gwyneth and J.Lo can’t stop gushing about their practices.

If you’re ready to take your meditation game to the next level, don’t miss out on the 5-Minute Guided Meditations that Will Change Your Life episode from Dear Gabby. You can also check out more self-care wisdom on the Dear Media blog or podcast page. You’ll find plenty more ways to nurture your mind and spark positivity.