10 Best Raising Good Humans Podcast Episodes

Mother, father, parents…these words almost seem too short to make up for the multitude of emotions and feelings we get when we hear these words. Parenting can be joyful, wonderful, and absolutely amazing. But it can also be exhausting, overwhelming, and insanely stressful. And the reality is, you’ll never have all the answers to every parenting problem. But, what you do have is a whole wide world of resources right at your fingertips that can definitely make the parenting journey less overwhelming.

Meet the ahhh-mazing podcast host of Raising Good Humans, Dr. Aliza Pressman, developmental psychologist, parent educator, asst. clinical professor, and co-founder of Mount Sinai Parenting Center and SeedlingsGroup. Plus, she’s a mom of two who’s here to serve up realistic and trustworthy advice that parents need. When it comes to raising good, smart, and kind humans, Dr. Pressman is totally your go-to for allll the best tips.

The Raising Good Humans podcast is allll about setting the goal that all parents want to achieve and seeing the important bigger picture of raising good children. By sharing their experiences and their wide-reaching research, Dr. Pressman and her guests are consistently offering sound, practical, and nonjudgemental advice about all types of parenting issues & problems. And, let’s be honest…awesome parenting advice from actual experts and real parents that actually makes sense can be hard to come by. So, without further adieu, let’s talk about the top ten podcast episodes of Raising Good Humans and the awesome advice that each episode has to offer!

10 Best Raising Good Humans Podcast Episodes

Why Is My Child In Charge? A Roadmap to End Power Struggles

Welcome to our roundup of the top ranked episodes of Raising Good Humans! In this episode, Dr. Aliza Pressman sits down with Claire Lerner to talk about effective approaches and tools to deal with parent-child power struggles, cooperation, and parenting toddlers. Lerner is the Director of Parenting Resources at Zero to Three: National Center for Infants, Toddlers, and Families and has years of experience in this field.

Big Little Feelings Toddler Experts Are Talking Toddlers

Buckle in for this totally toddler episode of Raising Good Humans! You’ll hear tooons advice for how to survive that terrifying toddler stage! Dr. Pressman is joined by Kristin and Deena from Big Little Feelings to answer allll those pressing questions about the terrible twos, biting, hitting, bath time blues, and talking to your toddler about death.

Cultivating Bravery with Kelly Corrigan

This week, Dr. Pressman welcomes Kelly Corrigan, NYT bestselling author and host of the podcast Kelly Corrigan Wonders, to the studio. Together, they discuss the difficulties unique to modern parenting and finding balance between offering guidance and embracing uncertainty. They also take a closer look at the concept of “kitchen table bravery” and discuss how even simple, everyday parental decisions can make you stronger.

How to Raise Kids Who Aren’t Assholes with Author Melinda Wenner Moyer

Melinda Wenner Moyer and her best-selling book, How to Raise Kids Who Aren’t Assholes are the main topics of this super-interesting episode of Raising Good Humans. Melinda is a writer for The New York Times & The Washington Post and she is a contributing member of the Science, Health & Environmental Reporting program at NYU’s Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute.

Fair Play and The Practical, Time and Anxiety Saving System For Couples To Run The Household

Looking for an episode to watch with your spouse? This episode, featuring best-selling author Eve Rodsky, is an awesome podcast for couples because it is chock full of tips for creating a happier and healthier household – with or without children. You’ll learn how to change the dynamic of your relationship, how to focus on what really matters, and how to start living life to the fullest.

Everything You Need To Know About Discipline with Dr. Tina Payne Bryson

Settle in and enjoy this episode where Dr. Pressman and Dr. Tina Payne Bryson get down to the nitty gritty of all things discipline. Dr. Bryson is the best-selling author of The Bottom Line for Baby & The Power of Showing Up and is here to talk about discipline from the toddler stage to the teenage years.

New York Times Best Selling author Dr. Madeline Levine on Setting Our Kids Up For Resilience

If there’s anything we know for sure, it’s that the world is a crazy place that is constantly changing and progressing. This is why it is sooo essential to prepare our children not only for the world we currently live in, but also for the world they will grow in to. In this episode, Dr. Pressman and best-selling author, Dr. Levine, dive deep into the subject of resilience and how to prepare your children for the future.

Practical Tools for Tricky Toddler Transitions With Renowned Psychologist and Bestselling Author Dr. Tina Payne Bryson

In this episode, Dr. Pressman welcomes back toddler expert, Dr. Tina Payne Bryson, for a second round of awesome conversations and super helpful advice! This time, Dr. Bryson is here to discuss the actual science behind toddler brain’s, outbursts, and the terrible twos. When dealing with difficult toddler transitions, it can be really useful to understand the chemicals and hormones that are affecting your child as they grow.

How to Decrease Yelling as a Discipline Strategy

As a parent, it can be difficult to find the discipline strategy that works best for you and your family. And, as with any type of discipline, there are always a multitude of differing opinions. Plus of course the mom-shaming blogs that make it even harder to figure out the best solution for you. If this is something you’re struggling with, then this is definitely the episode for you! In this solo episode, you’ll hear about why yelling might not be the best solution and gain key tips for disciplining children and teenages.

The Sleep Doctor: How Do You Sleep Train a Baby, How Do You Sleep Train a Toddler and What Happens To Sleep Training with Older Kids?

This episode, featuring Dr. Jason Bronstein, might be the last in our roundup today, but it is certainly not one to miss! Getting good sleep is one of the best ways to improve your mental health and in this episode, Dr. Bronstein gets down to the nitty gritty of the actual science behind sleep training. Doctor’s Pressman and Bronstein discuss how to address sleep-time issues. In addition, they discuss how to make an effective plan for training your child (and yourself!) to sleep alllll the way through the night.

Ready to start Raising Good Humans?

Each and every parenting style is different and that is what makes each and every one of us special and unique. Parenting is one of those things where most of us are just winging it while we are still growing and changing ourselves. Raising Good Humans is an all-around awesome and educational podcast where you can boost your confidence as a parent and learn life-changing and effective strategies for life, parenting, and even marriage.

Dr. Aliza Pressman releases new content weekly, so be sure to check in every Friday for new episodes. Since she knows that parents can be suuuper busy, each episode is only about one hour long. With over 120 episodes about tooons of different parenting issues, you can pretty much guarantee that there’s an episode just for you! So, when you’re ready to start listening, you can find Raising Good Humans on Dear Media, Apple Podcasts, and Spotify. We hope you enjoy it and as always, feel free to drop any comments or questions you might have below!


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