Doc Amen Shares Tips for Anxiety and ADHD, Improving Your Memory & Optimizing Brain Health with Your Daily Habits

This is a re-air of an incredible episode that originally aired in February of 2023.

Struggling with anxiety and ADHD? Want to improve your memory and boost your brain health? Doc Amen, a Brain Disorder Specialist and Psychiatrist, describes his daily habits to optimize your brain and overall wellness. He shares the mantra he starts his day with, the #1 question to ask yourself throughout the day, and why you should always end your day with gratitude. We discuss what your anxiety is trying to tell you, how to manage ADD naturally, and his favorite supplements. You’ll leave this episode with several new quotes/ideas to live by and implement into your life – When you invest in your brain, you invest in your whole body.


Follow Marianna: @marianna_hewitt

Follow Doc Amen: @doc_amen


Links from episode:

Pre-Order Change Your Brain Everyday

Brain Health Assessment 

Hapi Brain App

Produced by Dear Media

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