Staying Home With Whit | Black Lives Matter: Our Friends and Activists, Chid Liberty and Georgie Badiel-Liberty

It’s easy to condemn the police officers who killed George Floyd. What has been more difficult is to recognize my role in systemic racism in our country. I am part of the system that fails to prosecute these crimes, demand police oversight, and invest in black-owned businesses. In the last week, I have felt an urge to do something but also felt afraid I would say the wrong thing or make it about me, or somehow fail to navigate these delicate waters in the right way. I decided the first step was to educate myself and have a discussion – Listen to people experiencing this and elevate their voices. 

As suggested by a comment on my Instagram, any money I make from the ads on the podcast will go directly and entirely to the charities I put in my Black Lives Matter highlight.

Produced by Dear Media

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