For all the mamas with teenagers, we’ve got our resident on the show today to answer all our questions from friend groups to phones to body image and everything in between!
And if you don’t have a teenager right now, you’ll love hearing what is going on in the minds of middle schoolers!
Ally shares what “shipping” is, if her friends are addicted to their phones, and how she started learning about portion sizes. You’re going to want to hear her final message to us parents on what we can do to connect with our teenagers today.
Thanks for being here and cheering Ally on! So many of you have been her internet aunties for the last decade and we love you for it. This is a must WATCH chat so head over to YouTube to see all of our reactions – just go to
Thanks for being here! Let’s keep this chat going over on IG at
Get the rest of the links and resources from this episode at
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