Woman silhouetted by the sun looking stoic

You know that little voice in your head that influences what you do, how you react to situations, and affects your day-to-day behaviors? Yep, that’s your mindset. 

We all have unique mindsets that we build over time based on our experiences and how we view the world. But that internal dialogue you have within yourself can affect so much more than you realize—from the opportunities you identify (or don’t), how you handle stress, and what you believe is even possible.

The crazy thing is that even when we’re put in the same situation, we each have different mindsets that influence our outcome. Where one girl sees challenges, another spots opportunity. 

So, are you ruling your world with a positive abundance-based attitude or letting scarcity mindsets limit you and steal your joy? 

We’ll find out today as we discuss the difference between a scarcity and abundance mindset and how you can shift from the former to the latter. Because, darling, you deserve all the good things life has to offer.

Abundance vs. Scarcity Mindset

Abundance Vs. Scarcity Mindset

What Is A Scarcity Mindset?

Simply put, a scarcity mindset is a limiting mentality that makes you feel like you never have quite enough, whether that’s money, love, clients, or even Instagram likes. Under the “scarcity spell,” it feels like the world’s resources are limited, and there’s not enough to go around.

If you have the scarcity mindset, you find yourself constantly worrying about things not going to plan. You’re always looking for external validation to feel secure. And, celebrating your wins and present blessings feels impossible . . . because the grass is always greener somewhere else, right??? Sound familiar?

With a scarcity mindset, it’s easy to overanalyze every encounter and experience. You might think, “There’s no way this opportunity is actually for me,” when all the evidence proves you’re overqualified. Or, in relationships, you might cling to a toxic situation because you believe there’s no one better out there for you.

So, how do you change your mindset and get off the scarcity train? You should check out the podcast episode on overcoming scarcity mindset and knowing when to pivot from Balanced Black Girl. We promise it’s worth the listen! While at it, manifest your more positive mindset with the Balanced Black Girl’s Success Era tee

What Is An Abundance Mindset?

So, now that you know what scarcity looks like, let’s flip the script to abundance! An abundance mindset is about believing there’s more than enough to go around—success, love, happiness, you name it! It’s like a mood-boosting superpower that helps you focus on what really matters (what you have and what you can achieve) rather than what you lack.

A woman operating in abundance wakes up feeling grateful for the little things instead of worrying about what she doesn’t have. She stays optimistic that there are solutions to every challenge. When an opportunity arises, her first thought isn’t, “Am I qualified?” but “Oh, I can so do this! And girl, that mind-opening attitude makes all the difference.

If this sounds like something you’d love for yourself, you should listen to the episode of Being Her called 4 Steps to Attracting Abundance & Money.

List of attributes of an abundance mindset vs. a scarcity mindset

How To Go From Scarcity To An Abundance Mindset

Identify and challenge scarcity thoughts.

It’s so easy to go through life on autopilot, running that same tired inner script without even realizing it. But, the moment you become aware of the messages you’re sending yourself, you can start rewriting them. And, that is the first step to changing your mindset from scarcity to abundance. 

Once you catch yourself slipping into those negative perspectives, it’s time for a friendly intervention. So rather than “there’s never enough money,” rewrite it as “I’ll make do with what I have and find more opportunities to make more.”

The more you practice identifying and challenging scarcity thoughts, the more naturally you will develop an abundance mindset. 

Surround yourself with people who have an abundance mindset. 

You know that saying, “Show me your friends, and I’ll tell you who you are?” Well, it could never be more true when it comes to your mindset. Whether we like it or not, the quality of people you surround yourself with can largely determine your mindset. 

So, if your “besties” are always in complaint mode, consoling themselves on struggles instead of thinking positively, that energy will also rub off on you. Slowly but surely, those scarcity thoughts will seep in without you even realizing it.

Our advice? Be intentional about making space in your circle for optimistic people who celebrate small wins, see potential in every challenge, and help you develop a high performance mindset where abundance is at the center of everything! 

Practice gratitude. 

We all want more from life. I mean, who doesn’t want more money, clothes, cars, and just more everything? But in wanting more, it’s very easy to slip into a scarcity mindset and remain there when all we think about is what you want and what you don’t yet have.

One of the best ways to shift your mindset to abundance is by making a routine out of being thankful daily. This trains your brain to focus on life’s blessings rather than what’s lacking. In doing this, you’ll begin to realize just how much you already have compared to what you don’t. You can learn more about how this works in Real Pod‘s episode titled The Science of Gratitude & Human Potential with Dr. Glenn Fox | The Truth About Being Happy! 

So, take a few minutes each day to intentionally practice gratitude. You could do this by keeping a gratitude journal or voice-recording a gratitude memo. (And maybe rock this Celebrate Your Wins tee?) Being grateful doesn’t need to be a big deal. Acknowledging simple things we may take for granted, like clean air to breathe or our healthy bodies, can do so much to redirect our scarcity mindset. 

Prioritize experiences over possessions.

We all know the dopamine hit from consumerism is fleeting. Buying more stuff and accumulating more crap doesn’t actually make you feel more fulfilled and secure long term. It’s memories and moments that actually make us feel abundance! 

Our experiences are like the glitter of our lives because they become the shining memories we hold on to. They last a lifetime and make you feel richer than material things make you feel.

Besides, when you live more for the moment than tangible things, you release SOOOO much mental weight—no more worries about the latest water bottle trend or the next “must-have” accessory. You simply cherish the good times. Eventually, you become content by realizing you have more than you could have ever asked for. 

Train your mind to see opportunities and possibilities.

When your scarcity mindset makes you feel limited or stuck, it’s easy to miss fresh opportunity that is LITERALLY everywhere. But if you shift that lens even a little bit, you’ll see a whole new world of possibilities and potential. 

Because, let’s be honest, our minds can be tricky little slaves to habit. For some of us, our years of self-doubt have wired negativity as our default setting. So even if a good opportunity slaps you in the face, you’ll never see it. 

However, with some mindfulness, you can become an opportunity-grabbing superstar. So when next you’re faced with a challenge, ask yourself, “What can I learn from this?” or “How can I turn this into an opportunity?” If you do this consistently, you’ll become a pro at thinking in abundance rather than scarcity. 

How To Go From Scarcity To An Abundance Mindset

Level up your mindset by thinking in abundance.

We hope this mindset makeover has left you feeling confident to take an abundant approach to looking at life. You deserve all the success and happiness the universe has to offer, so why not embrace the mindset that keeps your cup overflowing with that? The world is full of opportunities, and with the right mindset, you can seize them all like the boss you are.

If you need more tips on changing your mindset to one of abundance, listen to Dear Gabby‘s episode How to Cultivate an Abundance Mindset. And, for more uplifting content, be sure to check out Dear Media’s blog or draw more inspiration from our amazing catalog of podcasts.

Remember, girls, only you get to write your story. So, why not fill it with as much joy and positivity as possible?