Chicken Salad, Gas-Station Shopping, and Sandra Boynton After Dark

We’ve got a grab bag for you today featuring tampon testing, Boynton Blends, Chicken Salad Chicks, and capturing the elusive joy of shopping while at the gas station. 

We were blown away by this Mother Jones article “​​Wait, Tampons Weren’t Being Tested With Human Blood?”

We’re back on our Sandra Boynton beat! See Audrey Gelman’s piece for The Strategist about  Boynton Blends coffee, Anne Diven’s Gaga x Sandra TikTok, and an eBay trove of vintage wallpaper.

Friends, we had to do a deep-dive on Chicken Salad Chick (thank you to this How I Built This ep for much of the intel!).  

Jacob Gallagher’s “The Hottest Shop in America Is Your Local Gas Station” for the WSJ is very quotable—and about the state of shopping, really. 

Have you eaten Chicken Salad Chick?! Tell us everything at  833-632-5463,, @athingortwohq, or in our Geneva!

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