Ep. 78 ft. Jenna Zoe – The Down-Low on Human Design: Permission to be Exactly Who You Are

In this episode Jordan chats with the amazing, intuitive and incredibly talented Human Design energy type Reader, Jenna Zoe. What does that mean? It basically means that your aura and your astrological makeup have a TYPE, and that is your Human Design. Not only do Jordan & Jenna hit it off as friends right off the bat in this episode… but they end up chatting for two hours about all things Human Design and aligning our soul with exactly who we are meant to be.


Jenna describes Human Design as the contract your soul makes with the Universe about who you came to be, what you came to do, and what karma you came to correct this lifetime around. She is able to interpret this energy so naturally, which is hands down a tribute to this career setting her soul on fire.


Human Design combines so many different schools of wisdom in one: the Hindu chakras, the Chinese iChing, conventional astrology and the kabbalistic Tree of Life – but the result is an entirely new system that’s here to realign you with exactly who you are meant to be. The most radical thing we can do for ourselves and for the collective is be bold enough to be our real selves. We weren’t built to be all the same, and we do a disservice to our whole tribe when we hold each other to that homogeny.


Jenna gives Jordan the FULL lowdown on her energy type – she’s a REFLECTOR (only 1% of the population is a reflector… and it explains everything!)  – and then we dig deep, deep, deep into what that means! We can’t wait to hear what types all of you are, and hear how it enhances your life to start living in alignment with who you are at your core.


Come learn more about shamanism with Jordan + Shaman Durek!!


What: “A Night of Yoga & Shamanism with The Balanced Blonde & Shaman Durek” When: March 13th, 2018 | 6:30 – 8:30 PM Where: Alo Yoga – The Grove | 189 The Grove Drive Suite G30, Los Angeles, CA How: Click this link to sign up!!


We’d like to thank Terra Origin for sponsoring this episode, who Jordan has been religious about using for the last several months! They’ve created a line of thoughtful, scientifically supported nutraceutical supplements and powders inspired by the ancient practice of Ayurveda. They believe in a well rounded approach to nurture your mind, body, and spirit – and you know we’re all about the mind-body-spirit life here on The Balanced Blonde!! You can get 25% off your first order by using the code BALANCEDBLONDE25 at TerraOrigin.com.


Jordan also thinks everybody has to know about Thrive Market! If you like to eat high vibe, plant-based, organic goodness from the earth, then this is going to save you a lot of money because their prices are 25-50% below retail price. Plus, Thrive Market is offering you $60 of FREE organic groceries, with free shipping and a 30-day trial on their website, if you go to ThriveMarket.com/BLONDE.


For more info, visit: www.TheBalancedBlonde.com/podcast



Learn more at JennaZoe.com
Connect with Jenna: Instagram | Twitter

Do your own Human Design energy type reading at MyBodyGraph.com

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