How Long Should I Meditate to Develop a Daily Habit?

how long should i meditate

Making time for yourself in this busy world isn’t always easy. But, meditation can do everything from relieving stress and reducing anxiety to boosting creativity and enhancing clarity. This ancient practice has been around for centuries, and let us tell you, the benefits are endleesssss! Take a cue from Dr. Will’s episode on How To Use Spirituality + Meditation To Heal Your Body on his show The Art of Being Well.

Despite the ton of benefits it offers, one question we always hear is, “How long do I really need to sit to see the results?!” And, that’s exactly what we’re diving into today. 

Figuring out the perfect amount of time to meditate can feel like a bit of a guessing game. Should you aim for 20 minutes? 30 minutes? 45 minutes? Or, just enough time to get through a single Taylor Swift song? Spoiler alert: there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. But, don’t worry. We’re going to break it all down for you in this post. 

how long should i meditate

How Long Should I Meditate Daily?

There’s no formula for how long you can meditate. It all generally depends on what you’re looking to get out of your meditation practice. However, one thing is for sure you must be consistent.

According to Dr. Paul Greene, founder and director of the Manhattan Center for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, just 20 minutes of transcendental meditation (TM) two times a day can do wonders for your stress levels. But, if you’re feeling ambitious and can squeeze in 40-45 minutes, you’re golden! However, this is mostly recommended for mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR).

How Long Should I Meditate to Develop a Daily Habit?

So, when will you start noticing the benefits of meditation? Honestly, it’s different for everyone. But, if you commit to your practice and find your balance, you might start seeing those results quicker than you think. You can even reward yourself with this “Balanced” crew to show just how mindful you’re becoming. 

Now, we understand that your schedules aren’t always so flexible. That’s why consistency is just as important as the actual length of your sessions. Even just 10 minutes of meditation can provide MAJOR benefits if you do it daily. Some studies even found that as little as 12 minutes of daily meditation led to cognitive improvements. To make it a little easier, you can listen to the episode of Life with Marianna, titled 15 Min Meditation: Open Up the Possibilities in Your Life to pass the time while meditating. 

So, don’t stress if you can only carve out a few minutes. Just do you. At the end of the day, it’s all about what works best for you.

How To Meditate Consistently

Find your magic number.

One of the best ways to make meditating a regular habit is by finding your magic number. And by that, we mean deciding how many minutes a day you can dedicate to your mindfulness meditation. Once again, the trick is finding what works for you. 

It’s so much easier to commit to 10 minutes a day than wondering if you should go for 20 or 30 minutes and not be able to go through with it. You should also consider your lifestyle. Are you an office 9-5er or a busy mom of 3? Then, consider blocks of time that actually work for you.

Set a daily routine.

If you want to become good at meditation, you have to make it part of your daily routine. Having a set routine makes meditating a habit rather than something you’ll “get to when you have time.” So, find a time of the day you are most likely to actually follow through. It could be right when you wake up, during your lunch break, after dinner, or before bed.

The more you integrate meditation into your day, the easier it becomes. Over time, your meditation sessions will feel as natural as scrolling through Instagram (but way more relaxing!).

Start small and build up.

Slow and steady wins the race. No one expects you to dive headfirst into an hour-long meditation on your first day. If you do that, you’ll become overwhelmed and quickly get tired of it. So, start small and take it from there.

You can start with a few minutes a day. Yes, even 5 minutes counts. Meditate for 5 minutes for a couple of days or a week. You can listen to Dear Gabby‘s episode called 5 Minute Guided Mediations that Will Change Your Life, for some inspiration to start your 5-minute sessions. Then, gradually increase your sessions to 10 minutes, 15 minutes, etc., as the weeks go by.  

The most important thing is to stay consistent. Meditating for short periods is better than getting burnt out after one big session. Soon enough, you’ll develop a routine that fits your lifestyle. And before you know it, meditation becomes less of a chore and more of a feel-good habit. It’s just like how you wouldn’t expect to run a marathon without training, right?

Choose the right technique for you.

If you’re not sure where to start, try a few different meditation techniques and see what sticks. There are so many techniques out there, from mindfulness meditation to TM and beyond. So, just figure out what feels good to you and what will best help you reach your goals. 

You can meditate for manifestation through mantra meditation by repeating soothing sounds, or movement meditations like yoga or dancing. You could even try going on nature walks while listening to the 30 Minute Walking Meditation for Manifesting, Abundance and Self-Love episode of Life with Marianna

Once you’ve found a technique that you enjoy, it’ll become easier to spend time meditating. You probably won’t even notice time passing by.  

how to meditate consistently

Find a comfortable spot.

If you’re not comfortable, you won’t stick with your meditation routine. So you have to find the perfect spot. With the right atmosphere, you’ll be way more consistent. This could be curling up by the window with a cup of tea, soaking up warm sun rays out in the garden, or cozying up in a aesthetic corner made just for the occasion.

Ideally, you want somewhere that helps you relax and get grounded. Once you’re comfy, those minutes will literally fly by. And you can take it a step further by customizing your spot and making it your designated relaxation retreat. So, throw in a soft blanket, light a candle, add some crystals or incense, and voilà, you have yourself a personal zen zone.

Use an app.

Using meditation apps is like having a personal meditation teacher in your back pocket. They help meditation become effortless. With just one click, you can have your perfect 10-minute session cued up no more stressing about what technique to try.

Examples of such apps include Calm, Healthy Minds Program, Ten Percent Happier, Headspace, and The Smiling Mind. They’re all available on Android and iOS, and some are totally free.

These apps can help you stay consistent, track your progress, and guide you with soothing voices that can make you forget you’re still on Earth. With these apps, you don’t even need to stress about what to think about when meditating. Just press play and let the app take you to your happy place.

Join a group or class.

You know how working out is more fun with friends? Meditation is no different. Sometimes, having other people who have the same goal as you can be all the determination you need to be consistent.

It can be very affirming to be surrounded by strong women like yourself who are crushing their meditation goals and achieving inner peace side by side. You can even form an accountability group and check on each other’s meditation progress. It’s easier to stay motivated when you have a group of like-minded people cheering you on.  

It’s easy to build a meditation habit that sticks.

So, how long should you meditate? The answer: it’s all about what works for you. Whether you’re clocking in a quick 20 minutes or going all out with a 2-hour sesh, just make sure you’re consistent and enjoying the journey. At the end of the day, it’s not just about the minutes of meditation, but how you feel afterward. 

While you’re setting up your new meditation routine, why not treat yourself to our Be Kind To Your Mind Tote Bag? You deserve a little something for all that consistency. But, don’t stop there. If you want more inspo on how to live your best life, head over to our Dear Media blog or check out our podcast page.

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