We can’t think of a better place to get some good ol’ fashioned, unsolicited advice than from the What We Said podcast. BFFs Jaci Marie and Chelsey Jade always give the most inspiring and entertaining advice in their episodes, which are released each and every Tuesday. They offer wholesome advice about topics like health, business, relationships, and life in a candid way and share other useful and funny life stories. They often feature hilariously relatable stories submitted by listeners that will definitely make you LOL. So, today we’re sharing a round up of the best podcast episodes from What We Said and why you absolutely need to hear them.

The 10 Best What We Said Podcast Episodes


There’s no better way to kick off our round up of episodes than with a whole episode devoted to listener stories. Get ready for an hour of hilarious stories about pranking mishaps, putting objects where they don’t belong, and more! The stories from listeners never disappoint!

  1. CHELSEY IS PREGNANT!! + Self Care

Surprise! In this episode, Chelsey reveals that she’s pregnant and talks about alllllll the changes that come along with it. The ladies talk about all things pregnancy, signs that you need a break, physical and emotional health, and self care. For more episodes about mental health, check out our round up of the best mental health podcasts!

  1. How Can She Afford THAT??!! (Money + Social Pressures)

Money is great – it’s the whole working all the time thing that really sucks! In this episode, Chelsea and Jaci talk about their relationships with money, societal pressure, keeping up with the Joneses (or not!), and more. You’ll also hear about a wild Uber ride, a missed flight, and Hawaii.

  1. GENDER REVEAL + How To Pull Yourself Out of a Rut! 

This episode is super special because listeners finally get to find out the gender of Chelsey’s baby and because this is an all-around super inspirational episode. Chelsey and Jaci talk all about self-care, self-love, how to pull yourself out of a rut, and ways to show up for yourself. This is a great episode for anyone who needs a little pick me up.


The name of this episode says it all! Get ready to hear all about Chelsey and Jaci’s top 20 favorite things including things like podcasts, products, clothing stores, and more. And here’s a little loyal listener tip: the What We Said podcasts descriptions always have special promo codes for discounts on products mentioned in the episode!

  1. MEN TELL ALL! (w/ Our HUSBANDS!) 

It’s a men tell all episode and we are totally here for it! In this episode, we hear alllll the tea from Chelsey and Jaci’s husbands and try to comprehend the male brain. You’ll hear about what grosses guys out, red flags, how to tell if a guy is into you, and more!


Beep beep – the girls are moving and spilling the tea about the whole process! To keep with their moving theme, this episode is devoted to stories about crazy neighbors. Get ready to hear some of the wildest, and weirdest, stories about neighbors you’ve ever heard mixed with hilarious side-comments from Chelsey and Jaci.


Who doesn’t love a good crazy roommate story? Guess you never really know someone until you live with them. In this episode, Chelsey and Jaci read insane roommate stories submitted by listeners that include everything from strange men to driving cars through walls. This is not one to miss!

  1. FALL OBSESSIONS (Trends, Healthy Habits, & Favorite) 

This episode is all about pumpkin spice and everything nice! Jaci and Chelsey share all their latest fall must-haves, obsessions, and favorite items. They also discuss new and old habits, health, current trends, fashion, and more in this autumn themed episode.


Need a confidence boost? You’ve come to the right place. Get ready to learn how you can have a “hot girl summer” just by being yourself. The ladies dive deep into body comparison, confidence, and how to live with a happier mindset. For more episodes about confidence, check out our round up of confidence boosting podcasts!

+ BONUS: Scandalous College Stories!

We all did crazy stuff in college, right? Well, just wait until you hear some of the insane college stories the girls shared during this episode. You’ll laugh out loud, gasp, and drop your jaw as you listen to what some of these people got into during their college years.

What is your favorite episode of What We Said?

The What We Said podcast is one of the best female comedy podcasts we know of with tons of episodes and content that are totally worth checking out. Jaci and Chelsey always keep it light and the listener stories never fail to put a smile on our faces! You can always expect a candid, heartfelt, and entertaining episode with Chelsey and Jaci and you might get some advice you didn’t even know you needed. Do you have a favorite episode we didn’t mention here? Let us know below and we’ll be sure to check it out! Enjoy listening to What We Said and always feel free to let us know what you think about the podcast below! And for more fantastic podcasts, check out the Dear Media show guide!