We all have secrets. Some are harmless—like buying fancy oat milk and decanting it into the cheaper brand’s carton—while others could shake the very foundation of your relationship. The latest episode of Girls Gotta Eat dove deep into this topic.
Rayna Greenberg and Ashley Hesseltine didn’t hold back from discussing what people hide from their partners. Botox? A classic. As one host noted, “I’d never tell my partner, he would kill me if I did that.” This reveals something deeper: Why are we lying about something as harmless (and, let’s be honest, as common) as a little needle to the forehead? It’s not just about wrinkle-smoothing—it’s about control, shame, and internalized double standards. If your partner thinks Botox means you’ll look like Jocelyn Wildenstein, maybe it’s time for a little education session rather than subterfuge.
As Ashley quipped, “Men hear ‘Botox’ and think ‘filler,’ like I’m gonna walk in looking like a Bratz doll.” Meanwhile, maybe you’ve had it for years, especially if you suffer from migraines, and he’s none the wiser.)
Another big secret people keep? Money. And it ranges from the mundane (“I totally bought that on sale” when it was full price to the potentially marriage-ending (hiding debt). The podcast touched on this, with one listener confessing, “I’ve been hiding how much I’ve been spending on coffee every week.” If your latte habit is the hill your relationship dies on, that’s not love—that’s financial micromanagement.
But financial infidelity is real. When it escalates to secret credit cards and maxed-out accounts, you’re not just hiding purchases—you’re eroding trust. As Rayna put it, “There’s a difference between ‘I got Starbucks three times this week’ and ‘I’m $20,000 in debt and you don’t know it.’”
Let’s talk about porn, masturbation, and those little fibs we tell to avoid awkward conversations. The pod revealed that plenty of people—yes, even in happy relationships—hide their solo habits. One woman admitted, “I’ve been faking orgasms for years, and I’m too deep in to confess now.”
Honey, no. This is not a Grey’s Anatomy episode—you can’t flatline your sexual happiness for the sake of someone else’s ego. As Ashley wisely noted, “If you’re pretending, you’re just robbing yourself. Your partner doesn’t get better, and you’re stuck in orgasm purgatory.”
What’s acceptable to keep private? Here’s the breakdown straight from the Girls Gotta Eat wisdom vault:
Okay to Keep Private:
Not Okay to Hide:
As Ashley summed up perfectly: “If you’re hiding it because you think they’ll judge you, that’s a relationship issue. If you’re hiding it because you know it’s wrong, that’s a you issue.”
Look, relationships aren’t built on brutal honesty 100% of the time. Do you really need to tell your partner every time you’re annoyed by how they load the dishwasher? No. (Do you want to be right, or do you want to be happy? Loading the dishwasher differently isn’t going to matter in five years. I promise.) But if you’re consistently hiding things out of fear, shame, or guilt, it’s worth examining why.
As Girls Gotta Eat reminded us, the healthiest relationships aren’t built on perfection—they’re built on trust, laughter, and the occasional secrets about how much those shoes really cost. (But seriously, maybe tell him about the Botox. He’ll survive.)
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