This one is for all you expectant mother’s out there. With all the joy, excitement, anticipation, and gratitude that comes along with pregnancy, there is an equal amount of worry, confusion, and questions. Whether this is a surprise baby or one you’ve been planning for years, an expectant parent almost always feels at least a little bit unprepared. And in case no one has let you in on this little secret yet, we’ll be the first to tell you – it’s totally normal to feel this anxiety and there’s totally something you can do about it.
Listening to podcasts is one of the best ways to get answers to your questions and learn all about the ins-and-outs of pregnancy. That includes everything from prenatal nutrition, pregnancy, and birth to postpartum life, parenting, and beyond. And the best part? Not only will you hear from experts in the field, but regular women too who are just getting through it like you are.
So, today, we compiled a list of our favorite pregnancy podcast episodes. They range from raw and unfiltered to evidence-based and professional. No matter which ones you listen to, you’ll feel supported, educated, and entertained by these 12 pregnancy episodes:
If you’re curious about your options with labor and delivery, this episode of Him & Her makes a great listen! Podcast hosts Lauryn Evarts Bosstick and Micheal Bosstick meet with Andrey Lemon, a doula and herbalist to discuss all things birth and baby. She discusses delivery plans, hospital protocols, water births, placenta options, and just how to have an overall amazing birth experience that works for you!
Being Bumo is a great podcast to binge before baby, because it’s all about parenting and motherhood! In this episode, the hosts discuss their different experiences delivering their children. The goal of this birth story podcast episode is to make women feel heard, understood, and supported regardless of their experience or birth plan!
Raising Good Humans is another parenting podcast that you can listen to on a weekly basis! Dr. Aliza, the podcast host, delivers evidence based information on anything and everything parenting related. This pregnancy episode, though, covers the little-discussed topic of postpartum depression. Not every transition into parenthood is graceful. In fact, most aren’t! This episode breaks the stigma and prepares you for the possibility of a difficult postpartum season.
The Papaya Podcast host and super-relatable mom Sarah Nicole Landry delivered a baby in 2021, and in this episode she gives listeners a play-by-play of the whole water birth experience. If you want an unfiltered breakdown of labor and delivery from a mom instead of a textbook, this is definitely the one to listen to.
Pregnancy is tough. Early pregnancy is extra tough—especially when you’re trying to hide it! What We Said co-host Chelsey Jade explains how she’s been hiding her expecting status while dealing with pregnancy symptoms. She also shares some great prenatal self-care advice!
How about one more stellar motherhood podcast for expectant parents out there? Meaning Full Living uses this episode to tell listeners about all the things they probably don’t know about pregnancy. Whether it’s a pregnancy nutrition misconception or turning a breeched baby, they’ve got it covered!
The hosts at Him & Her are at it again with another pregnancy podcast that discusses a range of topics like prenatal care, labor signs, natural childbirth, and so much more! Their guest is a decorated midwife with over 30 years of experience who has the DL on happy birthing – whether it’s at home or at the hospital.
This one definitely comes with a trigger warning! This episode of Dear Gabby tackles some big taboo topics like fertility issues, miscarriage, and postpartum depression. If you are dealing with any of these struggles, want to be prepared for the worst, or just want to be sympathetic to those around you that are, this one is a must-listen!
Brandi Jordan joins podcast host Pia Baroncini for an open conversation about pregnancy and parenting. Whether you’re in search of information on birth and postpartum struggles or tips on child discipline and sleep training, Brandi has got it covered!
She’s a lactation consultation, pediatric sleep specialist, newborn care specialist, and she has a masters in social work! Now, she owns The Cradle Company that provides easy-to-access information on pregnancy and motherhood. If you really like Pia’s style, she has another baby episode on having a second child HERE! And, if you love Brandi’s expertise, she jumps on the Recovering from Reality podcast too! (Can we just say, we LOVE Dear Media podcast crossovers!)
Pregnancy can totally disrupt your wellness and workout routines. Even skincare and other self-care rituals can change with pregnancy! Shanina Shaik, an expecting mother and successful model, discusses these changes and how she has altered her habits to keep up on her mental and physical health while pregnant.
After pregnancy, the body goes through a slew of changes.
In another crossover episode, Molly Sims of Lipstick on the Rim joins Lauryn Evarts-Bosstick from The Skinny Confidential Him & Her podcast to talk about mom guilt, relaxation tips, and how to have a rockin’ beauty routine that supports your new body!
Q&As are some of the best podcast episodes to watch, because you can get quick answers to your own questions and hear answers to questions you didn’t even know you had! In this episode, Jordan Younger of Soul on Fire answers all her listener questions from morning sickness to baby spiritualism. If you’re a mindful and soulful person, this is the perfect motherhood podcast episode for you.
Since we haven’t yet said it, congratulations on your pregnancy! We are so excited for you, and we’re happy to have so many podcasts in our directory that perfectly serve your needs.
Dear Media has a huge roster of mostly female hosts that can identify with your experience. Plus, each one provides a supportive community for their followers. Check them out and be sure to come back for our weekly blog posts covering more topics like this!