Grief is one of the hardest, heaviest feelings to carry. Even the word “grief” feels like a weight, right? And let’s be real it doesn’t magically go away when the funeral’s over or people stop checking in. It has this way of showing up in ALL places of your life.
Your mood, routine, productivity, grief is just, well… sh*tty. There’s no sugarcoating it; it’s straight-up rough. Whether it’s a dull ache in the back of your mind or a full-on fog you can’t shake, there’s no roadmap for when or how you’re supposed to be “over it.”
This is where books can help. They won’t totally erase the pain, but they remind you that you’re not alone in it. And that somehow, someway, you will find yourself again. So, today, we’re sharing a few books about grief to help remind you that even when it feels impossible, connection is a great first step to healing.
When Ngozi lost her dad at the peak of COVID, she poured her heart out in an essay for The New Yorker about how that loss hit her in unexpected ways. But, she didn’t stop there. She turned that essay into a full-blown memoir, diving deep into the loneliness and anger that grief can bring.
Notes on Grief by Chimamanda Ngozi lets you view grief from every angle love, anger, humor, devastation because, as we all know, healing is not linear. In times when you feel like nobody could possibly get it, this book wraps you up in a big hug that reminds you that you aren’t alone in all of those messy, complicated emotions.
A Year of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion is a national book award winner and New York Times bestseller for a reason. Didion gives you an unapologetically raw look at how grief can flip your world upside down.
After a close call with her daughter’s health during the holidays, Joan’s husband suddenly passed away from a heart attack, leaving her to process the unexpected grief of a 40-year marriage. Everything she thought she knew about life, love, and death was up for grabs.
This book isn’t just about grief; it’s about understanding what it means to live and love after a great loss. It’s authentic, honest, and 100% unfiltered.
In those moments where you just wanna scream and shout until your grief is gone, Megan Devine is here to remind you that grief is natural and that it’s simply just love in its most wild and painful form. Ugh, that sentence alone is a tear-jerker.
This book flips the script on that whole “getting over grief” thing. Instead of trying to go back to how life was before, embrace this new chapter you’re in the one where you’re living with grief, not fighting against it. There’s something super healing about knowing that grief isn’t a feeling you need to fix or solve; it’s a whole journey to live through and learn from.
After you finish this book, dive deeper with her workbook and journal. It’s a no-BS guide to navigating grief, and it might be the breath of fresh air you didn’t know you needed.
Sometimes, you don’t need a step-by-step guide or a “how-to” handbook you just need to know that someone else gets it. That’s exactly what Brianna Pastor’s approach is all about. She takes a less traditional POV to grief books through poems and short stories about grief, trauma, anxiety, and depression.
It’s not here to teach you how to handle or manage grief, but to show you that grief is messy as hell. It’s chaotic, confusing, and totally unpredictable, but it’s a feeling you aren’t experiencing alone. When you need a moment to read something and think, “This is EXACTLY how I feel!” this collection will speak straight to you.
It’s a quiet permission slip to feel every emotion without judgment or pressure.
There’s a difference between helping someone through their grief and actually living through it yourself. And if anyone can attest to that, it’s Leanne Friesen. After studying grief in school and even preaching at memorial services, Friesen thought she had it all figured out. That was until she lost her sister. Then, she really got a good look into the face of love and loss.
Grieving Room takes a vulnerable and intimate approach to your relationship with grief. She discusses holding space for regret, rage, hard holidays, and changed schedules. You don’t have to get OVER it; you just need to scoot over and let grief have its moment. To a world that pressures you to heal and move on quickly, this book is a big, bold middle finger.
For more on letting grief take its course, listen to Grief is Forever and That’s Okay from Oddvice.
When Clare Mackintosh lost her 5-week-old son, she took to Twitter (now X) to post an inspiring thread of promises for others who are struggling to get through their darkest days. After an overwhelming response, she decided to turn those promises into a book.
When you’re struggling with your grief, it’s natural to want to get to the “good part.” Mackintosh shows you that the stages of grief aren’t wrapped up in a neat, pretty bow there’s unforgiving anger and pain. But, when the chaos fades and you sit with the weight of your loss, she offers 18 promises to remind you that it won’t always feel this heavy.
Who better to guide you through the loss of a loved one than the ICONIC Long Island Medium herself, Theresa Caputo? We all dream of a one-on-one sesh with her to connect with our loved ones, but let’s be real she’s booked and busy. Until then, grab her book instead.
Theresa brings an energetic, uplifting, and totally positive approach to grief a refreshing break from the heaviness. Through her experiences and encounters, she helps you feel stronger and more optimistic about your future and life after grief.
Check out “How to Get Answers from the Universe” with Medium Cindy Luffred on Let’s Be Honest for insightful tips on navigating the grieving process from a psychic medium.
Losing a loved one is disorienting, there’s no denying it. You feel all types of wild emotions, you act in ways you normally wouldn’t, you say things you might regret, and you feel like you’re losing your mind! Breathe. Because Dr. Wolfelt, one of the world’s most respected grief counselors, is here to reassure you that you AREN’T crazy; you’re simply going through the motions of grief.
But ironically, instead of rushing forward, you have to go back. Healing through grief isn’t a straight and narrow path it’s messy, circular, full of twists and turns. But, as Dr. Wolfeit shows you, to move through grief you have to welcome it, as unpredictable and confusing as it may be.
It’s easy to feel like in times of grief, you have to choose between being strong or falling apart. But, what if someone told you that you can do both? Gina Moffa, licensed grief and trauma therapist, is here to drop that truth bomb.
Moffa calls out the toxic positivity that comes with the healing process (emphasis on toxic) the pressure to heal, smile, and move on. “Griefall,” as she calls it, is that freefalling moment when the trauma hits and everything unravels. This is where the work begins. Moffa maps out a toolbox full of tips to help you navigate that process, allowing you to fall apart and rise again as needed.
Listen to this episode of Dear Gabby for more on giving yourself grace through grief. And for more helpful tools on navigating grief, check out this episode of The Squeeze.
After losing someone, everyone likes to tell you that you just have to work through the stages of grief. What are the stages of grief? Is there a rulebook on how to successfully do that? Claire offers a new approach to each stage: Entering, engaging, surrendering, and transforming.
This book is about consciously and intentionally engaging with all those messy and chaotic feelings, confronting them instead of shying away from them. When grief takes so much from us, gaining that power back is an important step in the process.
For more about the stages of grief, listen to this episode of Career Contessa.
On top of reading books about grief, there are a few ways to deal with and navigate these feelings. Let’s look at some!
One minute you’re okay, the next minute you’re in the car crying over a song that reminds you of your loss. EMBRACE IT! Let it happen. The more you push that pain aside, the more it will stick around and fight you back. Listen to this episode of With Whit to understand the importance of letting yourself sit with grief when it comes around.
Leaning into those people, places, and things that help you feel safe and understood is crucial. Whether it’s a friend who provides a judgment-free zone or a journal that catches your every thought, you don’t have to go through this alone. For tips on how to get started with journaling, listen to this episode of Balanced Black Girl. Or, if you’re interested in learning about all the benefits of having a journaling practice, give this episode a listen!
There is NO shame in reaching out to a counselor or therapist. In reality, it’s one of the most powerful things you can do. Grief is a tricky path, and talking to someone trained to navigate it is infinitely helpful. If you want a little nudge in the right direction, listen to this episode of Him & Her. If you’re struggling with the idea of therapy altogether, this episode of Dear Gabby talks about breaking that stigma.
Don’t worry; we aren’t telling you to go work out. We’re just telling you that you can’t stay stagnant. Take a hot girl walk, do some trauma release exercises, dance around your living room like nobody’s watching whatever makes you feel good. Your body holds onto emotion, and movement can be that release you didn’t know you needed.
In grief, every second of unexpected happiness can feel like a betrayal. It’s like your brain tells you, “How can you feel joy when we’re going through something this sh*tty?”. It’s a hard habit to break, but you have to. Joy and grief CAN coexist. It doesn’t mean you’re forgetting; it just means you’re healing.
Listen to this episode of Dear Gabby to better understand how to process your feelings and care for yourself in every situation.
Healing through grief can feel lonely, suffocating, and downright exhausting. Having books in your toolbox can help remind you that you aren’t alone and you’ll always come out on the other side. Remember, you can grieve, be strong, break down, feel happy, and cry it out all at the same time.
Be sure to check out the Dear Media blog for tons of helpful advice on anything from mental health to binge-worthy podcasts. For a notebook to start your new journaling era or an inspirational mug to drink from while you get cozy and read your new books, check out the DM shop!
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