podcast topics to talk about with friends

Starting a podcast with your BFFs sounds like a total dream. Podcasting with friends is simply hitting the record button on conversations you already have over brunch or girls’ nights. Except that now, other people actually want to listen in. 

BUT it’s not as simple as it sounds. It can be nerve-wracking to find fresh topics to discuss every time. Sure, you and your bestie could talk for hours about anything, but finding fun and relatable topics is not always easy. 

However, as your resident podcasting gurus, we’re sharing some interesting podcast topic ideas that will make your listeners hit that subscribe button faster than they can say “obsessed.” 

So grab your BFFs cos your pod is about to blow TF up!!

podcast topics to talk about with friends

13 Podcast Topics To Talk About With Friends: Get Your Listeners Obsessed!

Self-Help or How-To Advice

Everyone needs a little pick-me-up sometime. So why not offer some AMAZING self-help or how-to advice on your podcast? It could be anything from getting rid of stress to how to start a music career or even money hacks. Just think of anything you or your friend ever needed help with and discuss how you solved or overcame it.

You don’t even need to be an expert on the subject matter (although it’d help if you knew a little about what you want to discuss.) You can even have listeners submit questions and answer them on your show.

Need some inspo??? Here are some of THE BEST self-help podcasts out there!

A Day in The Life

A good ol’ day-in-my-life episode never gets old. We all looove a sneak peek into someone else’s daily routine. Social media influencers do them, so you and your bestie can jump on the trend for your podcast as well.

You can talk about how you snoozed your alarm about seven times before finally dragging yourself out of bed or how your yoga routine somehow turned into a twerk routine. You’ll be amazed at how easy (or downright chaotic) both your daily routines are. It could be insightful or seriously funny.

Day-in-the-life discussions work well because they are sooo relatable and full of little life hacks. 

Movies and TV Shows Reviews

It doesn’t take any special skills to review a movie or TV show. Besides, you already do that during your girls’ night in, dissecting the plot of your favorite movies or TV shows. So, why not do the same on your podcast?

Movie reviews are fun and the perfect excuse to indulge in your favorite binge-watching habit. All you have to do is discuss what you feel about the movie or TV show. Your friend might be obsessed with analyzing every little detail while you’re simply obsessed with the romantic scene between Jack and Rose in the Titanic. Whatever your style is, your listeners will love knowing your thoughts and unfiltered opinions.

Still unsure about doing a movie review? This podcast episode of Twenty Whatever about Disney Channel Original Movies will do the convincing. 

Travel Adventures

If you and your friend are adventurous girlies who love to travel, or you simply have a lot of destinations on your bucket list, this is the perfect topic for your travel podcast. We love living vicariously through others, so when you share your adventures, you LITERALLY give your listeners a taste of the world.

Whether you’re gushing over the breathtaking mountaintops of Peru or the clear, blue waters of the Maldives, these episodes are like mini-vacations for your listeners. You can reminisce about the rowdy airports, delicious food, city layovers gone wrong, or your new city one-night stands. Remember to share any helpful travel tips, hacks, or dream destinations. You never know who you’ll inspire to also plan a trip.

To help you get started, listen to Travel Hacks and Travel Bugs, Tips, and Tricks for Travel by Him & Her and find out why listeners would love this topic.

Funny Stories

You and your bestie probably already crack each other up. So, you won’t have any problem doing the same on your podcast. One thing that listeners love is hearing about other people’s crazy stories. The crazier they are, the better!

Relive your epic drunken dances gone wrong, nights out with the girls that turned kinda nuts, and hilarious recipe fails you miraculously survived to tell, and you’d have your listeners in stitches from the sheer ridiculousness. You can also make a game out of it by asking each other fun interview questions.

An episode packed with funny stories would be a blast to record, and your listeners would feel like they’re in on the joke, too. But, don’t forget to snag this Funny For A Girl Crew sweatshirt for you and your bestie to slay during your recording session.

Fashion and Beauty Inspo

Fashion and beauty? Count us in!! Nothing excites us girls more than talking about the hottest outfits straight off the runway, the latest makeup looks on TikTok, or skincare hacks from around the globe. So, a podcast episode on beauty and fashion is a no-brainer.

Your listeners will love hearing about your favorite pieces for the summer or wardrobe essentials you think every girl should have, or just giving out helpful beauty tips. You can make it a little more interesting by conducting giveaways for some fashion and beauty items on the show. You’ll have your listeners begging for more. (Plus, maybe a brand sponsorship is in your future???)

Listen to Olivia Perez of Let’s Get Dressed dish out a few fashion tips in 9 New Styling Hacks I Brought Back From A Week in Paris. Or dive into Molly’s 30 Tips You Never Knew You Needed From VIP Skincare Expert on Lipstick on the Rim. You’ll learn a thing or two from these beauty and fashion episodes. 

Love, Sex, and Relationships

Spice up your next podcast by bringing all the juicy deets about love, sex, and relationships. These topics will always be a hit because everyone has a story, an opinion, or some wisdom to share. When you’re talking about love, whether it’s a soul-crushing heartbreak, an awkward first date, or the first kiss that gave you butterflies, there’s bound to be lots of laughter and relatable moments.

Sex, on the other hand, is where things get hotter. But a little heat never hurt anyone. When you and your friends talk openly and honestly about sex, you’re not just giving advice; you’re creating a safe space for your listeners. Plus, you can mix in some banter to make it feel less intimidating.

If you want a serious lesson on how to get super confident talking about sex and relationships in your podcast, listen to Ex Virgin. Nothing is off the table with Carter Cruise!!! 

True Crime

There’s something chilling but captivating about diving into real-life mysteries and unsolved cases. Many of us love playing detective, so this genre is our guilty pleasure. And when you break it down with friends, your podcast becomes binge-worthy. So, true crime will for sure make a really good podcast topic.

True crime topics might be a bit dark, but you can keep it lively and engaging by discussing why it’s trending on social media or how another news podcast inspired it. You can encourage listeners to share their own theories, ask thought-provoking questions, or maybe do a live episode where they can join the conversation. 

podcast topics to talk about with friends

Celebrity Scoop and Pop-Culture

Think about how much fun you have talking about the juiciest celebrity gossip and pop culture trends with your friends. Now, do the same thing, but on a podcast. With celebrity gossip, no take is off limits, and no opinion is too controversial.

Hollywood constantly gives us new material: shocking breakups, PR stunts, or a “Did she really wear that?” red carpet moment. So, there’s always new content. All you and your besties have to do is gather the wildest stories and discuss.

Check out Kim vs Kourtney, Scary Movies, and Our Fall Faves, and Pop Culture Moments that Live in Our Heads Rent Free from our girls over at Twenty Whatever for some inspiration. Or, you can get your inspo from the pop culture queen herself: Amanda Hirsch of Not Skinny But Not Fat

Top 10 Rankings

Imagine coming up with totally random categories for you and your friends to rank your top favorites like best rom-com kisses, dream vacation spots, or celebrity crushes. The opinions will have you constantly yelling, “NO WAY, YOU TAKE THAT BACK!” But, the conversation and disagreements will flow and make for a really good podcast episode. 

You’ll have a total blast ranking your top 10 of anything since you’ll each have to defend your choices. The best part? Everyone’s list is different, so there’s always room for fun conversation, a few surprises, and maybe even a little playful shade-throwing. And your list doesn’t even have to stop at 10. You can rank as high or low as you want. 

Personal Stories

You can’t go wrong discussing your personal stories on your podcast. This always comes in handy when you and your friends can’t think of anything else. 

You can just sit and laugh together about funny and awkward experiences; discuss significant life events like graduations, weddings, or moving to a new city; or open up about something you’ve struggled with. You can even compare what’s on each other’s bucket lists.

Sharing your personal stories makes your podcast heartwarming, hilarious, and totally relatable; your listeners will feel like they’re a part of your inner circle and your experiences. If you want to take it further, encourage them to share theirs and feature a few in one episode.

Listen to Victoria share her eating disorder story in this episode of the Real Pod, or the girls at Twenty Whatever share their Embarrassing Childhood Stories. You’ll get motivated to share your personal stories, too. 

Mental Health and Wellness

Mental health and wellness are topics that EVERYONE needs to be talking about, especially with your besties. Because sometimes these conversations are exactly what you need to hear. 

Talking about mental health and wellness with your friends on a podcast allows you to share your experiences and learn from others. It creates a safe space for your listeners and makes the heavy stuff feel a little lighter.

You can talk about your favorite workouts, fitness goals, and challenges. Or share your self-care routines, health recipes, cooking tips, mental health tips, and wellness practices. You can also bring in mental health and wellness experts to give some professional advice.

Wellness Her Way and The Heal Podcast have some really good episodes on these topics. So be sure to check them out for some inspiration.

Work-Life Balance

If you’re looking for business podcast topics your audience will love, work-life balance is where it’s at! With today’s hustle culture, there are so many career girlies that could use some helpful advice. Hearing how other women juggle their work and personal lives while still maintaining their sanity (which isn’t easy BTW) can be very reassuring.

Because sometimes, between our careers, social life, relationships, or just finding time for yourself, it can be frigging hard. So, when you have this conversation with your friends, you’re guaranteed to have a conversation that’s relatable and full of teachable moments.

The Career Contessa and The Work Party are great podcasts for inspo on work-life balance topics. Be sure to check them out!

how to choose a podcast topic

How To Choose A Podcast Topic

Brainstorm with your friends.

Grab your friends and some coffee (or wine) and bounce ideas off each other. Before the brainstorming session, you can ask your friends to come up with topics. You’ll be surprised at how many ideas flow between you guys. 

When you’re brainstorming with friends, there are no wrong answers. Everything is a potential topic for a successful podcast. So, write down every idea you or your friends have and then narrow them down to the ones you’re most passionate about. 

Think of what you have in common.

One of the easiest ways to come up with podcast content is by figuring out what you and your friends have in common. You could all love sharing ghost stories, or maybe you’re all foodies who love hitting up the latest local spots. Whatever it is, that shared passion is your podcast gold. 

When you and your friends are genuinely into a topic, it shows. Your excitement is contagious because you could go on about it for hours. And your listeners will pick up on that energy.  

Consider your audience.

If you’re going to create a podcast with friends, here’s a golden rule: always consider your target audience. Before you hit that record button, you need to think about who your listeners are and what will keep them coming back for more.

Start by asking yourself who these people are. Are they looking for health tips? Are they movie aficionados? Or, are they career women looking for work and business tips or moms looking for help with parenting? Whoever they are, your listeners have their own interests, and it’s your job to tap into it. 

Consider what is trending.

If you want to keep your podcast fresh and entertaining, then you’ve got to have your finger on what’s hot right now. Your listeners will love you for it. Go on TikTok, Instagram, or X, search for the hottest trending topics, and give your takes on them. Easy peasy!

Besides, when you create content around current events, you’re more likely to get noticed by people searching for those topics. Imagine your podcast episode going viral because you were one of the first to weigh in on the latest hot topic major podcast goals right there!  

When you become viral sensations, remember to show yourselves some love by snagging this Going Viral t-shirt for you and your friends. 

Ask your audience to send in their suggestions.

Sometimes, the best ideas don’t come from you; they come directly from the listeners. Yes, we said it! What better way to get fresh topics for your podcast than asking your audience what they want to hear? It’s the easiest way to know what your listeners want and keep them coming back. Simply drop the question on social media and watch your comments flood with suggestions. 

Turn these topics into podcast gold!

We hope these topics have sparked some ideas for your next podcast episode with friends. Trust us! These topics will keep listeners glued and begging for more. Just bring your good vibes and positive energy to the mic.

If you need more inspo for podcast topic ideas, head over to Dear Media. You’ll find more helpful posts to help you decide what to talk about on your podcast as well as a STELLAR catalog of amazing podcasts to help keep your creative juices flowing!