Couple sitting on the couch tense

There is a lot of lingo thrown around when talking about dating. The latest talk has to do with flags. Flags make it easy to categorize the different issues or good signals that come up as you get to know each other. They can help you decide where the relationship is going, including whether it will last long term. Green and red flags are pretty easy to figure out. 

We already wrote a post addressing the question What is a beige flag?” But today, we’re taking a closer look at yellow flags. What are yellow flags in your relationship and what can they tell you about the person you’re dating? Let’s get into it!

Yellow Flags In A Relationship

7 Yellow Flags In A Relationship You NEED to Know

Understanding what a yellow flag means can help you more than you might think. Being able to recognize yellow flags means also being able to spot potential warning signs in your relationship, which is just as important as knowing the signs of healthy relationships. Remember, we want to see you WIN! So we’d hate to see you miss the signs that are right in front of you! 

Soooo, with all that said, it’s time to dig deep and talk about what we mean when we say “yellow flag” and then give you some common examples of yellow flags in a relationship. You ready!? Let’s GO!

Yellow Flag Meaning In A Relationship

So, now think about what a yellow light means in regards to driving. You probably came up with the words “caution” or “slow down,” right? Yellow flags in a relationship carry the same meaning. They are things you should probably keep an eye on, but they aren’t necessarily deal breakers that suggest you need to break up with the person immediately. 

Yellow flags are subjective, and not necessarily good or bad. But you definitely want to keep an eye on them in case they start looking a little more red.

Speaking of red flags, be sure to check out some of our fave podcast episodes on red flags, including A Complete List of Red Flags from We Met At Acme and Breaking Down Green & Red Flags in Friendships from Twenty Whatever.

what is a yellow flag?

What Are Yellow Flags In A Relationship?

No experience with long-term relationships.

Everyone has a first, and if that happens to be you, don’t be alarmed! However, just be aware that their lack of experience with long-term relationships means there will probably be a learning curve. It’s up to you to decide whether it’s too steep for you to handle.

Very small friend group (or no other friends at all).

Are they just super selective about who they get close to or do they have some deep-rooted issues that prevent them from maintaining healthy relationships? If your significant other has very few or no friends at all, you would do well to find out why. 

Not close to their family members. 

The same goes for their relationship with family members. If they’re not close to any of them, even their parents, there might be something problematic to be aware of. This is especially the case if you are super close to your own family members. But remember, don’t jump to conclusions. Their relationship with their family could have been ruined by something entirely outside of their control.

Moving fast.

We’ve all heard someone say they “just knew” when they met the right person. And sure, many people have maintained long, healthy relationships that moved quickly in the beginning. But this isn’t always the case. If the person you are dating prefers to go 60 mph while you’re coasting at a steady 35, it could create problems down the road.

Unemployed or lack of career prospects.

There will always be exceptions, but if your beau is unemployed or stuck in a low-level or entry-level position that is well below their skills, this could be a yellow flag. Unless they are still in school, on temporary medical leave, or they are a contract worker, you should probably start paying attention to the factors at play. Do they have a legitimate reason to be where they are career-wise, or are they actually just lazy and unmotivated?

Lots of debt.

It’s important to openly communicate about finances if you see a future with the person you are dating. Debt in itself isn’t a red flag, but it’s definitely not a green flag either. Tons of people have debt and it’s not all bad. But it depends on how they came into it and how they’re addressing it. 

Trash-talking their ex. 

Ugh, this is totally one of our biggest pet peeves. Unless, of course, their ex really is a total bitch. This isn’t a total deal-breaker, but it does make you wonder if their ex actually deserves what’s being said about them. Not to mention, what would they say about you if y’all’s relationship goes south? It may be time to put on the red flag bucket hat

yellow flags examples

Knowing the yellow flags in your relationship can make it easier to know if it will last.

Yellow flags are super helpful when trying to figure out if your new beau is the one or if your current relationship is destined to last. 

For more info on flags in relationships, check out our post on bedroom red flags. Then, head over to the blog for tons more fabulous posts just like this one!