16 Best Gratitude Podcasts

This groundbreaking study from Harvard shows that living a life of gratitude actually makes you happier. In this crazy and dynamic world, it’s so easy to dwell on the negative and focus on all of the bad in our lives & in the world around us

But, when you add gratitude into your routine, you can experience some pretty incredible life changes. It’s crazy to think that such a simple action can have such a big impact, but the bottom line is: it can.  

So, today, we’re breaking down the benefits of gratitude. And, we’re sharing 16 great podcast episodes that can help you reset your mindset and focus on a brighter future. Here we go:

Benefits of Daily Gratitude

16 Best Gratitude Podcasts 

Absolutely Not: Attitude of Gratitude

After a hectic night full of negative energy, podcast host Heather McMahan discusses the positive effects of gratitude. Since she’s a comedian, this concept is approached in a pretty funny way. Plus, there are plenty of fun tangents to keep you interested (and keep you laughing.) 

Dear Gabby: 3 Ways to Connect with Your Inner Guidance System*

In this episode of Dear Gabby, podcast host Gabby Bernstein reads a portion of her audiobook, “Your Life: A Hip Guide to Happiness.” The book is all about how to release your negativity and choose happiness. When you make the choice to live with gratitude, she says you’ll become a magnet for what you want to manifest! 

Divorced Not Dead: Melissa Gorga on What Needs to be Ignored to be Happy

Melissa Gorga is a reality TV star, entrepreneur, mother, and wife. She faced a lot of challenges in her years on TV, but she’s found a way to unlock happiness and find peace. She has a unique system on how to achieve joy and she shares it with Caroline Stanbury in this episode of Divorced Not Dead

Him & Her: Dr. Edith Eger on How to Improve & Change Your Life Using Forgiveness, Perspective, Resilience, Gratitude, and Love*

If you want wisdom on survival and life change from a true expert, this episode is for you. Lauren and Michael of Him & Her sit down with Dr. Edith Eger who is a holocaust survivor, author, and specialist in the treatment of PTSD. She shares how to change your life using simple principles like forgiveness and gratitude. 

Life with Marianna: 11 Things I learned in my 20s + 30s

Marianna reflects back on the last 20 years of her life and shares them with listeners in this insightful and inspiring episode of Life with Marianna. One of the biggest lessons she learned in her 20s/30s is how to take charge of her happiness and relationships by prioritizing what’s important, practicing gratitude, and maintaining a meaningful routine. 

Mind Body No Soul: Grateful Heart 

Mediation is a great way to renew your mind and form new pathways to positivity. In this episode of Mind Body No Soul, podcast host Jackie Schimmel guides listeners through gratitude meditation. Take part in this reset to fill your heart with appreciation for everything going on in your life right now. 

Mood: Current Mood: Intentional with Thought Patterns, Self Care, & Change

What’s your daily mood? This podcast processes Lauren Elizabeth’s daily mood in a way that’s super relatable and fun. In the episode, the mood she chooses is intentional. She discusses how to maintain intentional thought patterns and change your mindset. 

Note to Self: My Favorite Things of 2022, a Master List

What better way to end the year or season than a list of all the things you feel grateful for! Hear about Payton Sartain’s favorite things of 2022 and let it inspire you to cultivate gratitude. Start a gratitude journal by jotting down everything you loved from the past year. It’ll give you a more positive mindset as you head into whatever is ahead. 

Raising Good Humans: Quick Practices to Grow Your Gratitude Muscle 

Does your whole family need more gratitude? Dr. Aliza teaches listeners how to cultivate a grateful attitude using simple gratitude exercises. She’ll share tips, too, on how to do it with your kids—or anyone in your home! 

Raising Good Humans: Answering Your Questions & a Gratitude Meditation

This Q&A with Dr. Aliza is FULL of helpful info about all things parenting. Aside from answering listener questions, Dr. Aliza also shares a gratitude meditation that’ll keep you grounded and appreciative of all that’s around you. 

Ready Set Spill: Fitness Guru and Form Founder, Sami Clarke, on Realistic Goal Setting, Expanding from a Personal Brand, and Holding Gratitude 

Two successful long-time friends discuss their history and personal brands. More importantly, though, they sit down and talk about how they accomplished their goals by connecting their mind, body, and soul. They did this through daily routines and practicing gratitude! It’s a great listen!

Real Pod: The Science of Gratitude & Human Potential with Dr. Glenn Fox | The Truth About Being Happy!  

Real Pod host Victoria Garrick joins neuroscientist Dr. Glenn Fox to discuss the human mind. He breaks down what science suggests about gratitude, social cognition, and social influence and how that affects our day-to-day. You can learn a lot about your brain in this episode! 

That’s So Retrograde: World Gratitude Day

What better day to discuss gratitude than World Gratitude Day, right? In celebration of this not-so-well-known holiday, Elizabeth and Stephanie of That’s So Retrograde go to one of their favorite LA spots: Cafe Gratitude! Here, they sit down with the owners and discuss achieving their dreams and holding a spirit of gratitude. 

The Bitch Bible: Gratitude Adjustment

This episode of The Bitch Bible was recorded during Thanksgiving, so it’s all about gratitude! Jackie recounts the triggers and struggles that come with the holiday season but also gives listeners a ton of helpful tips and tricks to make it through with a good gratitude—oops, we mean attitude. 

The Career Contessa Podcast: Gratitude Letters: How to Cultivate Happiness in the Workplace 

Feeling unfulfilled at work? Do you ‌have a negative attitude toward your job? This episode of The Career Contessa is perfect for you! Nancy Davis Kho, author of “The Thank You Project” gives listeners three steps for writing gratitude letters to cultivate happiness in the workplace. 

What We Said: The Grass is Always Greener . . . 

This episode is for anyone struggling with discontentment! Chelsea and Jaci of What We Said discuss how to appreciate the stage that you’re in and express gratitude. The grass is not always greener—you’re right where you’re supposed to be.

Use this roundup of gratitude podcasts to learn how to cultivate gratitude – even on the toughest of days. 

If you’re feeling down and discontent, a daily gratitude podcast could do a lot for your life! Learning to appreciate what’s around you will cover you in positivity and alter your mindset. With more optimism, you’ll have the motivation to take on your goals and dream even bigger. 

We hope these episodes breathed some new life into you! Be sure to check out all of our shows and blog posts for more ways to better your life and achieve more!

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