If there’s one thing we love at Dear Media, it’s podcasts. Like, DUH, right? But podcasts truly have so much to offer. They can make you feel seen and heard while also improving your life or entertaining you! And there are plenty of podcasts out there, so there’s always going to be one with a topic you enjoy.
The podcasts that typically resonate the most with women in their 20s are self-help and lifestyle advice podcasts. Because let’s be honest, we have NO CLUE what the f*ck we’re doing. Well, we’ve got some ideas, sometimes. Maybe? UGH!
Let’s face it, our 20s can be a super confusing time. There’s so much to navigate: career, friendships, family, romantic connections… it’s all a lot to keep track of! But we’re determined to help you out so you can live your best life in your 20s. So here’s our round-up of podcasts that can support, teach, and inspire you to have a fresh new perspective as a woman in your 20s!
This podcast is the ultimate podcast series for your 20s. Sierra Schultzzie, Riayn Christina, and Paloma Malfavon discuss navigating your 20s with your friends through different phases of life. Formerly called Sierra Unfiltered, you’ll hear these besties speak candidly about all the drama, difficulties, and d*mn good times you can have in your 20s.
House Guest with Kenzie Elizabeth (formerly ILYSM) is seriously THE podcast for your twenties. She hosts guests every episode to discuss some of your biggest life struggles in the second decade of life: including dating, friendships, careers, and way more.
Two of our fave episode we’re always replaying are Feeling Lost in Your Twenties, Wanting to be Liked, Deciding What Passion to Follow & Fun on Weekdays and Making Friends in Your Twenties, Living Alone, Comparison, Finding Motivation After a Rut & How To Gain Confidence. Listen to these, and you’ll be hooked on House Guest! Enjoy your stay with this commemorative crew.
Hosts Sami Clarke and Sami Spalter are the dynamic dup being the lifestyle brand FORM. Yes bad*ss female entrepreneurs in their 20s! Like FORM, the Transform podcast is all about conquering your personal journeys with fitness, wellness, and self-love.
There’s a lot of sh*t that happens in your twenties that make you feel like you’ve got to emotionally recover and a lot of times emotionally recovering sounds, like, completely impossible.
Some podcasts can inspire you to feel better and DO better in your life, and this is one of them (especially if emotionally recovering is something you’re working on). Join author, therapist, and podcaster Catherine Gildiner as she leads her audience through inspiring stories and practical advice.
Freckled Foodie and Friends isn’t just a podcast about food. Actually, it’s not really that at all. It’s a show all about making healthy living of every kind super approachable. Cameron Rogers joins her other 20- and 30-something friends every week for candid convos about living your best life ever. In the episode What I Wish I Knew In My Twenties Cameron shows us exactly why she’s our spirit guide of young adulthood.
Ever get that feeling that you’re like an adult, but… not quite a REAL adult, somehow? We’ve been there. (We even have hats.) And so has podcaster Violet Benson, who is the host of the series Almost Adulting. In this series, Violet covers a wide range of topics that affect your 20s, including dating, manifesting, changing your life, and loving yourself.
In our twenties, we could all use a big sister even if we already have one. Payton Sartain brings that kind of sisterly love every week on the Note to Self podcast like in this episode called “The 10 Best Things I’ve Done For Myself in My 20s (So Far). It’s the perfect space to get grounded, get perspective, and empower yourself in your 20s!
This podcast is all about slaaaaaaying womanhood and become the best version of you! Margarita Nazarenko helps you master all aspects of your young adult years, but her podcast focuses mostly on relationships, self-care, and self-love.
If you’re looking for some laughs as well as some sage wisdom, What We Said will get you through. BFFs Jaci Marie & Chelsey Jade cover a ton of topics relevant to this important season of life including health, business, and relationships. You’ll get plenty of unsolicited advice and heartfelt advice from these ride or dies. Listen to their 20s Survival Guide and grab your Slay Era journal to jot down all the best advice.
Kristin Cavallari knows a thing or two about growing. Not only did she flow gracefully from her wild teen years to her wandering 20s to her inspiring 30s . . . but she did it all on TV. You probably remember Kristin from Laguna Beach or The Hills (or the Back to the Beach rewatch project), but now Kristin is back in this amazing podcast to share all she’s learned and help you live your own headline-worthy life. Let’s do this!
Remember: everyone who’s got to their 30s has made it through their 20s. And, a lot of people have made it to 30! So you definitely can, too. You just might need a few tips and tricks to get the most out of this season of life.
On a podcast kick now that you’ve found your podcast niche? We have more great podcasts available for you. Try our best self-help podcasts for more lifestyle advice! Plus, we’ve always got tons of tips and podcast recs on the Dear Media blog. Come back and hang out with us!