As most of you probably already know, the world of podcasting has literally exploded in recent years. Podcasts have become one of the most effective content marketing platforms that brands use to promote their businesses, share research findings, talk about complex topics, and so on. With so many podcasts to choose from out there, choosing the right topics to keep your listeners hooked is one of your top priorities as a podcast content creator. But, as a podcast host, it can be challenging to choose a good podcast topic that will your listeners hooked. This is especially true when it comes to podcasts about business. In light of this, we decided to share a roundup of business topic ideas that our readers can use for inspiration in the creation of their next business podcast episode. Let’s dive right in!
Here at Dear Media, we have a plethora of podcasts devoted to business and growing your brand. These include Life with Me, Him & Her, Balanced Black Girl, and The Career Contessa Podcast. While all very different, there is one thing all these podcasts have in common—their awesome podcast topics. We’ve learned so much about the world of podcasting from our podcast hosts, and in combination with some serious research, we’ve come up with 25 awesome business podcast episode ideas. Let’s go over each one and quickly discuss why they would be a great topic for your next episode!
There are tons of steps between the conception of an idea and the creation of an actual business. If you love talking about business, consider creating an episode all about how to take your idea or product to the next level. Getting started is a super popular podcast topic, so you can never go wrong with letting this be your starting point. Share tips and actionable steps to help guide your listeners through the process of creating a successful business.
Ever thought about turning your side hustle or hobby into a business? First off, listen to this episode of Because I Love You to find out ways to make serious cash from a hobby. Next, don’t be afraid to share your advice and experience with your listeners. In today’s world, many people are seeking happier and healthier employment—which starts by choosing a career that you enjoy. Give your listeners the low-down on how to transition from their office job to their dream job, all while making some serious cash. This episode of Balanced Black Girl talks all about working towards a dream job. And, while you’re at it, check out The Tony Robbins Guide to Getting Out of Your Own Way to get the juice flowin’.
When you talk about business, you can’t help but to also talk about marketing. And, rather than reading countless articles online, many listeners have turned to podcasts to learn about this important topic. Consider creating an episode all about finding your target audience and then share some different ways listeners can go about marketing (social media, creating a blog, paid advertisements, etc.)
Just like finding your niche audience is an important topic in business, so is expanding your audience and forming connections with a larger audience. Once someone knows what their niche is, they can get a better idea on how to expand that! This type of marketing will look a little different than niche marketing. So, give your listeners the skinny on how to advertise with the goal of reaching more people.
Keeping with the marketing theme, increasing brand-awareness is one of the most important steps to growing and maintaining a successful business. Plus, there are many ways to improve brand awareness, from creating an interesting and exciting logo to creating aesthetically pleasing social media pages or packaging. Share these key tips (and more!) with your listeners and don’t be afraid to throw some of your own anecdotes in there as well.
“How do I grow my business?” is one of the most frequently asked questions when it comes to creating a successful business. No matter what business your listeners are thinking of starting and/or growing, there are plenty of actionable tips you can focus on in your episode. Think of tips like always being confident, staying consistent, improving your marketing skills, and so on. Promoting the podcast is key! Check out these confidence boosting podcasts to get some creative inspo.
As a podcast host, you probably already have plenty of experience turning your idea into a business. In reality, a podcast is a business, right? So, a great idea for your next podcast episode is to share your story. Talk about the challenges you faced along the way, share your point of view, and inspire others to take the leap into the world of podcasting.
When it comes to podcasting, listeners love to hear real, honest, and intriguing stories about the podcast host and/or guests. Opening up to your listeners creates a sense of vulnerability and shows your listeners that you are relatable and trustworthy. In light of this, don’t be afraid to open up and share your story or stories of failure and how you came out on the other side.
No matter what business you’re in – wasted time is wasted money. Consider creating an episode all about ways to improve efficiency in the workplace. Some tips might include maintaining a tidy workspace, establishing a better work/life balance, and/or creating a good sleep routine. For tips on morning routines, listen to this episode of That’s The Point. For tips on building a solid routine all-around, this episode of Trying Not to Care is a must-listen.
Sometimes it can feel like there are not enough hours in the day to accomplish all your goals. This is why time management is an essential skill for business owners. In your episode, try to include tips like making listings, creating short and long term goals, and rewarding yourself. For some inspiration, take a look at these tips for increasing productivity throughout the day. If you need some help with goal-setting, listen to this episode of Career Contessa!
Owning and maintaining a business takes some serious dedication and hustle. But, not everyone knows how to really hustle. In fact, even the most efficient business owners could stand to learn a few more tips and tricks for getting the job done. Some tips to include might be working smarter not harder, establishing a morning routine for success, and delegating as needed to avoid extra stress.
Each and every business is different from the last. But, there are some business tools that are beneficial to almost every business owner. These include a quality laptop, a bookkeeping system, a planner or calendar, a business-minded attitude, a toolkit of stress-relieving techniques, etc. Consider making an episode all about the best business tools that every business owner should invest in. And remember, not all tools are physical tools or equipment. Some tools are simply skills.
Burnout syndrome is becoming more and more common. In light of this, it’s important to establish a routine that keeps you motivated and focused on what really matters. Mental health days are important—no shame in emphasizing that! To help your listeners avoid this pesky syndrome, give them the low-down on burnout syndrome, how to avoid it, how to cope with it, and how to eventually overcome it. Listen to this episode of Real Pod to discover how to reset and recharge during your own burnout!
When it comes to business, many believe that competition is necessary for success. Competition pushes us to be our best selves and to strive to create the best products and/or best quality content. But, beating out the competition can be a very daunting task. As an idea for your next episode, try to think of some tips you can offer your listeners about overcoming competition. These can include things like doing market research and comparing the quality and price of your competitors products/content to yours. And, if you have any personal experience dealing with tough competition, be sure to share your story with your listeners, too!
In this modern age, there are so many different platforms with which you can market your business. There is social media, of course, but there is also TV, billboards, word of mouth, niche blogs, and more! With so many platforms to choose from, each with their own pros and cons, this is a great topic for any business podcast. Listen to this episode of House Guest if you want to understand just how far email marketing can take you.
Social media has quickly become one of the best ways to market your business and reach a much larger audience. By taking advantage of social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, etc.), business owners can drum up way more profit, visibility, and popularity. An episode all about how to use social media for your business would be totally beneficial to any business owner.
When starting a business, there are many beginner mistakes that business owners should be aware of. Similarly, there are many things that business owners may forget that could come back to bite them later. And, unless someone makes these business owners aware of the do’s and don’ts of starting a business, they may encounter struggle, strife, or even failure. Consider creating an episode all about starting a business and how to avoid common mistakes. This episode of Life with Marianna is great to listen to before you start on your own. We know your listeners will appreciate the advice!
Many business owners and entrepreneurs tend to struggle with stress. This can come from the pressure to succeed, an overloaded work plate, or because they have little separation between their work life and their home life. Toxic productivity is a real thing. No matter the reason, most business owners could use a little stress relief from time to time. Consider creating an episode all about the many different ways business owners can take a break, practice some self-care, and relieve that stress before it becomes too much.
As the old cliche states, “if you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life.” Here at Dear Media, we absolutely believe this is true. We also believe that happiness can be found even when you’re not in love with your job. If you have many listeners who struggle to find joy in their work, maybe they could benefit from hearing some tips and tricks to help improve their day-to-day life. Consider creating an episode where you share tips like starting the day with a positive mindset, doing something nice for a co-worker, improving mental health at work, or practicing self-care.
As a business owner, one of your top priorities should be employee happiness. If employees are unhappy in the workplace, owners will most certainly see a higher turnover rate, a decrease in productivity and focus, and a decrease in quality of work. So, a perfect podcast topic for your next episode just might be tips for improving employee happiness. You can mention tips like keeping a tidy workspace, allowing employees to take time off, playing music in the office, revamping the office lounge, and so on. This episode of Career Contessa offers some great insight for steps to career satisfaction.
Do your listeners often have to deal with needy coworkers? Needy coworkers can reduce your productivity, create needless distractions, and even put you behind on your own work—no thanks! But, let’s be honest…Talking to your coworkers about this type of issue can be annoying to say the least. Consider creating an episode where you share actionable tips and tricks for how to set boundaries with your coworkers. You can also mention tips on how to set boundaries with your family, friends, boss, etc.
If you’re a podcast host, you’re already in the business of podcasting, right? So, why not create an episode all about what you do. Share your story and your best advice to inspire others to take the leap into the world of podcasting and create a podcast. Feel free to tell plenty of interesting, hilarious, or even serious anecdotes to educate your listeners—all while allowing them to get to know you a bit better, too! Not sure how to explain the process of starting a podcast to your listeners? Check out this blog for some inspo.
Are your listeners looking to take their podcast to the next level? Who better to hear from than a podcast host like you! When it comes to podcasting, there are plenty of ways to monetize your podcast. Feel free to share different methods (sponsorships, ads, affiliate marketing, etc.) with your audience and then expand on how to actually accomplish each one. This episode of Let’s Get Dressed can give you an insightful start on how to start a conversation about monetization!
Is it just us? Or is gift-giving such a hassle sometimes? Gift-giving is especially hard when you’re not sure exactly what the entrepreneur in your life needs. As an entrepreneur yourself, you should easily be able to come up with a variety of awesome gifts to inspire your listeners before the next big holiday. Think cool tech gadgets, planners, their favorite snacks, office decor (like fun podcast studio equipment!), business or financial magazine subscriptions, etc.
Know a successful business owner? Invite them on your podcast! Feel free to interview people in the business world – CEO’s, CFO’s, small business owners, etc. – and have them share their interesting stories, knowledge, advice, and more. Not only does hosting interviews make your podcast more interesting to listeners, but it also increases the credibility and trustworthiness of your podcast. If you need some help, check out How To Conduct A Good Podcast Interview and Best Questions To Ask In A Podcast Interview!
Even though all successful podcasts start with efficiency, dedication, and a lot of hard work, a work life-balance is crucial. Overwhelming yourself can lead to stifling your creativity and your flow, so prioritizing real life can be key to not losing that drive. Even if you do work from home, you need to when (and how) to leave work at “work”! You may think the idea of taking a pause in work at times is a unique angle, but it’s an important one. Listen to this episode of Life with Marianna to hear Jessica Alba’s take on the importance of a properly balanced work-life relationship.
Being your own boss is a dream, and no matter what type of podcast you have, knowing how to embrace and thrive in entrepreneurship makes for a great podcast topic. But with being your own boss and relishing in all of the success that’s to come, comes the challenge of moving past imposter syndrome, learning to prioritize emotionality through structure, and so much more. Listen to this episode of The Balanced Blonde to learn more about imposter syndrome, and this episode of Mood to dive into what it looks like to be an emotional entrepreneur.
Yeah, your podcast focuses on business, but you can simultaneously focus on what your brand brings to the table that other podcasts may not. There’s power in individuality, your listeners want to know more about you! Whether it’s catching up on the latest news in the business world, doing a steam of listener Q&As in each episode, or interviewing a business mogul once a week—find something that separates you from the rest of the crowd. This episode of Let’s Get Dressed talks about the steps you can take to building a unique brand identity!
Here at Dear Media, we love sharing all our best tips and tricks for podcasting. In this particular blog, we’ve discussed a multitude of different business podcast topic ideas that you guys can feel free to personalize and use as inspiration for your next big episode. If you’re looking for even more podcasting information, how-to’s, and advice, look no further than the Dear Media Blog. There you will find the answers to all your frequently asked podcasting questions and more! Still have some questions? Feel free to drop us a line below and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible!