How to Empower Yourself to Achieve All Your Goals

How to Empower Yourself

Self-empowerment is all about taking control of your life to achieve what you want. It’s super important if you want to be successful, and who doesn’t want to be successful?! Knowing how to empower yourself can help you identify what you’re really good at and overcome areas that need improvement, so you can totally take control of your life and destiny.

Sure, to “empower yourself” sounds a little cliche on the surface, but at its core, self-empowerment is a necessary tool for achieving success of any kind. Like Rob Dial, The Mindset Mentor, said during his guest appearance on Scheananigans, “It all starts with believing you deserve everything you desire.”

So, today we’re sharing practical strategies on how to empower yourself so you can be successful and the BEST version of yourself. Here’s what to do: 

How to Empower Yourself to Achieve All Your Goals

How to Empower Yourself to Achieve All Your Goals

Recognize your abilities.

Take a good look at your strengths. What comes easily to you? What are you really good at? There are a ton of different kinds of strengths, but focusing on character strengths can boost your self-confidence and make you feel more empowered. 

Your character is defined by your thoughts, feelings, and actions. Character strengths are the positive personality traits that embody who you are. Common character strengths include:

  • Creativity
  • Optimism
  • Humility
  • Love of learning
  • Bravery
  • Integrity

You’ve got some of those, right?! Of course you do! If you need help figuring it out, listen to this episode of Him & Her called Discovering Your Inner Strength, Ridding Yourself Of Fear, & Unleashing The Person You Are Meant To Be

Never stop learning.

Once you recognize your strengths, it’s time to identify what needs improvement. What do you want to be better at? What do you need to work on to reach your goals? Adopt a growth mindset and never ever stop learning! Remember, your areas of improvement aren’t weaknesses, rather they’re things that you can work on as you pursue success.

Improving skills you already possess, in addition to learning and developing new skills, will make you feel empowered and boost your self-confidence. Check out some of the best self-improvement podcasts for inspiration!

Set reasonable goals.

Setting goals is an important step in self-empowerment because goals give you direction. Deciding what you want to achieve is an easy way to fulfill your purpose and add more meaning to your life. To empower yourself, set clear, realistic, and meaningful goals. You can set small or big goals, as well as short-term and long-term goals. Whatever you want!

If you need some inspiration, check out this episode of Him and Her on how to achieve your goals with special guest Ed Mylett. You can also listen to a more job-focused goal setting mentality by listening to this episode of The Career Contessa

Prioritize and set boundaries.

To empower yourself, dedicate your time and energy to things that uplift you and push you toward success. This will probably require you to say no to more things than you’re used to, but you don’t want to waste time on things that will only slow your progress. Set clear boundaries and soon enough, people will recognize where your priorities lie.

Remind yourself to take care of yourself first by rocking this Boundaries crew from the Dear Media Shop! And, dive deeper on this topic in the episode of Being Her called Finally Set Boundaries and Amplify Your Feminine Energy. 

Use positive self-talk.

How you talk to yourself significantly impacts your self-esteem. To feel more empowered, you have to let go of negative thoughts and make a conscious effort to practice positive self-talk. An easy way to use positive self-talk is with positive affirmations. Give yourself a boost by looking at yourself in the mirror and saying things like “I work hard” or “I am resilient.” The more you say these phrases out loud, the less weird it will feel, trust us! 

If you’re struggling hardcore with negative self-talk, we’ve got a podcast episode for you! Jump into the episode of Looking Up called Self Mastery + Coping with Negative Self-Talk

List of Ways on How to Empower Yourself

Surround yourself with supportive people.

Another key step toward personal empowerment requires you to be a bit selective about the people you spend time with. You should surround yourself with people who make you feel good, encourage you to reach your goals, and support you through the highs and lows. Anyone who holds you back should be kept at a distance… a FAR distance.

Support others.

Have you ever noticed how good it feels to help others? It makes sense then that supporting others is a great way to empower yourself. Try to do something every day that supports others. It can be something as small as sending a complimentary text message to a friend. 

Our post on ways to empower women offers some great tips on how to uplift the women around you. 

Practice self-care.

We preach self-care A LOT. It might be because we’re constantly listening to the best self-care podcasts, or it could be because we’ve witnessed firsthand how much of a difference it makes. So many of us are too busy meeting the needs of others to fulfill our own needs, but that comes at a cost. If you’re not already burnt out, it’s only a matter of time. Empower yourself today by taking better care of yourself. 

For some self-care ideas, check out this episode of Trying Not to Care. Oh! And, definitely grab some self-care goodies from the Dear Media Shop like this self-care mug!  

Get organized.

A lack of organization can have a major impact on your overall well-being. Maintaining an organized environment is important for self-empowerment. Whether it’s your office space, your apartment, or your car, a chaotic physical environment can really mess with your head. Take some time to organize the spaces you spend the most time in and you’ll be amazed by how much easier it is to focus on your goals.

This can be super overwhelming at first, so let some of our podcast besties help you out! Listen to the episode of HIm & Her called Setting A Zen Space, Organization, Minimizing Clutter, & How To Make Something Out Of Nothing and the episode of With Whit called Tips to Declutter & Reset Your Home Easily

Be willing to take risks.

Step outside of your comfort zone! Complacency is the enemy of success. Your routine might feel nice and cozy-comfy, but it can keep you from growing. Try something different. Learn a new skill or pick up a new hobby. You never know what opportunities might be waiting outside of your comfort zone!

How to Empower Yourself

With these strategies, you can feel more empowered today!

At the risk of sounding cliche, you only have one life to live. If you want to get the most out of it, be successful, and achieve your goals, you first have to know and believe you can do it. These strategies can make you feel more empowered and give you a major confidence boost. 

For more ways to live your best life and become the best version of you, check out our blog. Dear Media is allll about helping you be the best you can be!

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