First of all, what’s a mindset?
A mindset is a combination of how you think, perceive, behave, and feel about situations and problems. It’s how you approach the world. Your mindset can impact your personal and professional growth—both positively and negatively.
This is because your mindset is a combination of your attitude, beliefs, expectations, and more. If you believe and act like you’ve got your sh*t handled, you probably do! Likewise, if you believe life’s gonna get you down…well, it might!
That’s why mindset is SO important. It can affect literally everything in your life. So today, we’re going to talk about one of the best mindsets out there: the high-performance mindset. Don’t sweat it, we’ll give you all the tips and tricks for how to master it. Let’s get into it!
Let’s talk about something a high-performance mindset DOESN’T have: limiting beliefs. Limiting beliefs are a set of beliefs on what you can accomplish or handle. When you have limiting beliefs, your capabilities are limited to what you believe you can do. This is part of a fixed mindset.
When you develop a high-performance mindset (also known as a growth mindset), you get rid of any limiting beliefs. People with a high-performance mindset don’t set limits on what they believe they can do. They have a strong sense that they are capable of achieving success no matter what they’re facing, and because of this, they’re able to achieve their goals with consistency.
A high-performance mindset allows you to work at your peak performance level because you believe you can learn, grow, and improve as you make mistakes. This way, mistakes are just a bump in the road, rather than a dead end.
So why not try adopting a high-performance mindset? See what it can do for you!
What do you want your life to look like? What would it take to accomplish that? How much time do you need to work on each step toward success?
These are the questions you need to answer to begin developing a high-performance mindset. You won’t make much progress if you don’t know what you’re reaching for, after all!
So to achieve your goals, you need to set realistic ones. Give yourself the time you need to get there—they say Rome wasn’t built in a day, and a high-performing bad b*tch isn’t made in a day either.
How do you spend your time? Chances are, some of your habits are productive—pushing you toward your goals—and some are not.
Binging TikTok on your phone for hours? Probably not helping you out. Eating 3 solid meals? Now, that probably is helping you!
This is why it’s crucial to look at what you’re already doing. That way, you can make a list of what you want to keep doing and what you want to be done with. It’ll also give you an idea of how much time you have to add in new habits, like the best morning routine for success!
Speaking of bad habits… ruminating on everything you did wrong? Yeah, that’s got to go, babe.
A high-performance mindset takes mistakes, learns from them, and moves on.
You’ll want to focus on the present moment because that’s where you can take action toward your goals. If you’re ruminating on the past or wishing you had something you don’t, you’re not taking steps to reach your goals.
Sometimes, you just don’t want to!
Achieving goals is HARD. And there are plenty of reasons not to—bad days, seasonal blahs, feeling unmotivated, etc. But people with a high-performance mindset find a way to make progress despite these things.
Maybe you make a little less progress than you normally would. Maybe you make progress on an easy part of your goal. OR, maybe you say “f*ck it, I’ll feel better if I go all in.” No matter what you do, you want to make sure you’re doing something to progress every single day.
The goal of a high-performance mindset is not to push yourself to your breaking point. The goal is to get the most out of your day in the healthiest way you can.
This means you want to be attuned to your body’s needs and meet them WHILE accomplishing your goals. Got a phone call you need to make? Why not talk + walk at the same time? With multitasking, you can work with your body to give it what it needs and achieve your goals.
Him & Her offers great eps on how to constantly level up, motivate yourself, maximize your time, and keep growing. They also discuss things like morning routines and productivity regularly on this AMAZING podcast!
The Career Contessa has TONS of great advice for your career. A lot of it can help you develop that high-performance mindset you’re aiming for:
Kenzie Elizabeth’s podcast episodes of ILYSM are great for examining your habits, cleaning up your mental mess, and transforming your life with habits that stick. This girl has her sh*t together!
Need someone to help you through it? Connect with The Mindset Mentor, interviewed by Scheana Shay on the Scheananigans podcast! Scheana always has the best guests that give you great insight into your own life and personal growth journey.
Feeling undisciplined? It’s a tough skill to learn. The Blonde Files can help with how to master your mind and how to break bad habits. Host Arielle Lorre is literally there for you EVERY week telling you how you can level up your life. Once you feel inspired, definitely take a hot girl walk to get in the right mindset, and then join “The Walking Club” with this cute crop top.
It’s important to focus on growth and welcome the change—but it can be hard when growth looks like making mistakes. Fortunately, we’re not alone in that. Listen to Dr. Deepika Chopra and Jameela Jamil unpack making mistakes and welcoming change if you’re feeling down! And the rest of her podcast is great too—breaking down the science of feeling happy and fulfilled.
If you’re getting started and feeling like you’re faking it rather than making it—that’s okay! But you can feel better with motivational speaker and body positivity advocate, Victoria Garrick Browne on Real Pod. Here are her 10 tips for performance confidence.
Nicole Waters is just a total winner, and she gives you all the deets on having a successful financial, relational, spiritual, and personal future! Learn how to change your mindset by taking control of YOU with the Nicole Walters Podcast!
Siffat Haider is an amazing female entrepreneur with a podcast focused on showing you how to want more out of life and GET MORE out of life. Listen to this episode about reaching your fullest potential and this one on how to maximize your time. Grab this Slay Era journal and start taking notes, because Siffat dishes out constant wisdom, and your high-performance days are here!
Where are you going? How are you growing? We wanna know! We’ll wait a while since we know you’re currently rebranding, but give us the deets on your new way of life ASAP!
Then, check out the blog for more of the best advice on how to totally win in life! We’ve got everything from career know-how to relationship advice. Dear Media always has you covered.