How To Conduct A Good Podcast Interview

Who doesn’t love a good podcast interview? Podcast interviews are entertaining, engaging, and always keep those listeners coming back for more. Not only do interviews make podcast episodes more interesting, but they can actually add more value to your podcast. And here at Dear Media, we know a thing or two about how to conduct a good, successful podcast interview.

So, what does a good podcast interview look like? When conducted properly, podcast interviews contain conversations that flow freely from one topic to the next. They keep the audience hooked and make the podcast episode unforgettable. Additionally, they open the floor for the most thought-provoking responses, resonate well with the audience, and promote increased engagement

If you’re interested in conducting an awesome podcast interview, we’ve totally got you covered! Check out these tips below to find out what to do before, during, and after your podcast interview to make sure it’s one for the books. With these tips, you can be confident that you’re creating a great podcast interview each and every time! 

How To Conduct A Good Podcast Interview

Do your research. 

First things first, do your research. What topics interest you? Which topics interest your listeners? What type of people would you like to interview? Use this information to figure out who you should invite on your podcast and what topics you’d like to discuss. The more time you take to background research your podcast guest, the more it will pay off in the end. Plus, your guests are tuning in because they love your specific niche—chances are, finding the right guest will just make them want to tune in even more.

Invite interesting guests. 

Let’s be honest – no one wants to listen to an interview with a shy or boring guest. This is why it’s so important to research and invite interesting guests. But, how do you accomplish this? Well, there are many ways to ensure that you’re inviting an engaging guest. You can try reading their book if they have one, stalk their social media, listen to past interviews, read some of their blog posts, and reach out to past employers. It’s all about finding guests that are a good fit for you and your content. Make sure you choose people you are genuinely interested in—if not, it will show. For more information on inviting guests, be sure to read How To Get Guests For Your Podcast

Establish a pre-interview process.

As a podcaster, we’re sure that you already have a pre-recording and planning process. Maybe you do some research, jot down some topics or a list of questions, create an outline, and then record. When it comes to podcast interviews, it’s a good idea to create a pre-interview process as well. But, what does this look like? 

The short answer is—it looks different for everyone! However, your pre-interview process should at least include introducing yourself, going over topics and your prepared questions with your guest, taking some time to get to know your guest, and making sure your guest is comfortable in the podcast studio. This honestly could take all of 20 minutes—it doesn’t have to be a super long process. But, establishing this will greatly improve the quality of your interview and make your guest more willing to actually open up, tell personal stories, create great content with you. 

For more tips on introducing yourself the right way, listen to this episode of Career Contessa!

Use the right equipment.

Of course, it’s also important to invest in the correct equipment. The equipment required for a solo podcast is a little different than the equipment required for an interview. For example, when conducting interviews, you will need an extra microphone, an extra pair of noise-canceling headphones, and recording software that can separate and record multiple audio tracks.  Be sure to check out our blog on Everything You Need to Start a Podcast for a comprehensive list of necessary equipment and our specific recommendations. 

Focus on the guest(s).

Now, let’s talk about what to do during your podcast interview. As the podcast host, it’s your job to be a great interviewer. You should be in control of the conversation, but not to the extent that the interview seems to only focus on you. While recording, always make sure to focus on the guest. Of course, you will be speaking, answering questions, and offering insight as well. But, it’s important to highlight and/or showcase your guest—that’s why you invited them, right? Ways to focus on your guest include asking relevant questions, giving them ample opportunity to share and speak, and staying on topic. 

Keep the energy up.

Your vibe sets the tone for how the interview will go. Stay engaged, sound interested (because you should be!), and bring some perspective into the chat. While you’re here to listen to your guest, you’re also here to enthusiastically keep the energy going. If you don’t seem interested or you’re giving basic, one-word responses, chances are neither your guest nor your listeners will be back.

Know when to step back.

With talking enough comes talking too much. Know when to take a step back—more in times where your guest’s story is super passionate and interruption would only disrupt the flow. Not only does this allow them to fully express their thoughts and feelings, it also gives you the chance to collect your thoughts for a proper response. If you just jump into trying to reply, it may come off as inauthentic because you didn’t give yourself a chance to sit with the content and truly listen.

Ask the right questions.

To keep your interview interesting and engaging, it’s essential to ask the right questions. You can incorporate some basic questions in there, of course, but keep it on brand. Asking off topic, controversial, or random questions can make for a less interesting, or even awkward, interview. Be sure to take the time to craft interesting and engaging questions and always feel free to have your guest double check these questions in your pre-interview process. This way, they can remove any questions or topics that they feel uncomfortable talking about. This can also help prevent those awkward silences and reduce editing time later. 

Not sure what to ask? Don’t worry—we’ve got plenty of resources you can use to craft the perfect interview questions. Some questions are best for the beginning of your interview to help break the ice and get your guest talking. These are your fun interview questions. Other’s offer insight to your guests past, their values, their dreams, etc. For inspiration and help creating the perfect questions, be sure to check out our articles on the 15 Best Questions to Ask in a Podcast Interview and the 30 Best Podcast Questions

Respect their boundaries.

There might be a topic in mind that you really want your guest to dive into, but they may not feel the same way. If they dodge a question or seem uncomfortable, chances are there’s a reason. Pushing them on a response will just kill the vibe. This is also why it’s important to include a pre-interview process! If you skip that step, you may risk stepping into hot water with some of your questions.

Practice active listening. 

Active listening is one of those things that is easier said than done. It’s a skill that takes practice and patience and when applied, can greatly increase the quality of your podcast interview. It can prevent those awkward silences, make your guest feel more comfortable, and promote quality conversation. In reality, every podcast host should be a great active listener, especially if they plan to host interviews often. So, what is active listening?

Active listening is the “practice of preparing to listen, observing what verbal and non-verbal messages are being sent, and then providing appropriate feedback for the sake of showing attentiveness to the message being presented.” And, according to MindTools, there are five key ways you can be a good active listener. These include paying attention, showing that you’re listening, providing feedback, deferring judgment, and responding appropriately. As you prepare for your next interview, be sure to hone in these skills. 

Match their energy.

Each guest has a different vibe—some are super high-energy whereas others are more low-key and soft spoken. Matching their vibe will help with the natural flow of things, and make them feel more comfortable during the interview. If they bring a lot of energy to the table and you’re quiet and reserved, they may feel out of place. This episode of Dear Gabby dives into effective communication strategies that can make it easier to match certain energies.

Know when to interrupt.

During a podcast interview, it’s important to keep the conversion moving forward. This prevents stagnant and boring conversation, reduces editing time later, and keeps listeners engaged the entire time. In order to keep the conversation rolling, it’s important to know when to interrupt and refocus the conversation. 

Podcast hosts should interrupt when the guest has misunderstood the question, is venturing too far off topic, or is struggling to answer a certain question. Alternatively, hosts should not interrupt when the guest is speaking in a super passionate way or sharing interesting and engaging information. 

Reflect on past interviews. 

The best and easiest way to improve your interview skills is to reflect on past interviews and measure your podcast performance. Take note of which interviews garnered the most listeners and which didn’t. Also, take note of which interviews garnered the most listener interaction and which received no interaction at all. Then, ask yourself questions like: Which interviews went well and why? Which questions were the most successful? What questions should I avoid in the future? What type of guests did my listeners appreciate? By reflecting on your past interviews, you will be able to better identify what makes a good podcast interview. And thus, create better interviews in the future. 

Wrap it up smoothly.

One of the most important parts of a good outro includes ending the conversation in a smooth and natural way. Don’t just abruptly cut things off—end with a meaningful, grateful closing statement. Also, allow your guest the chance to plug their work! A cold sign-off leaves the wrong impression, and can totally tank an otherwise good interview.

Follow up and stay connected.

The interview shouldn’t be the last time you connect with your guest, stay connected! Send them a thank-you message, tag them in all the promotion of the new episode, and even reach out just to check in. You don’t have to become besties with each of your guests, but you never know when a second interview (or a cool collab) could happen!

Listen to the pros. 

Last, but certainly not least, listen to the pros. Take some time to research other popular podcasts in your niche and listen to their interviews. By doing this, you will be able to identify some key characteristics that make for an excellent interview. Take note of good questions, transitions, structure, when and how the podcast host interrupts the guest, and so on. Then, apply this information to your own podcast. Don’t be afraid to try something new and branch out of your comfort zone—the results just might surprise you! 

Conducting good podcast interviews can greatly improve the success of your podcast!

There are many ways you can improve the success and quality of your podcast! These include investing in the right equipment, learning how to better market your podcast, and, of course, conducting good podcast interviews. If you’re looking to start a podcast or to take your podcast to the next level and you love to interview people, then the above tips are sure to come in handy. 

As you continue your podcasting journey, feel free to come back and refresh your memory as often as needed. And, for more information on podcasting in general, head on over to the Dear Media Blog. There, you will find a wide variety of blogs that contain professional podcasting tips that can help you up your game in no time.

May we recommend an “ILYSM” card for when you send your thanks to your guests? Or maybe a “Luckiest Girl In The World” notebook for jotting down all of your pre-interview prep work! For more must-haves, check out the DM shop! And finally, if you have any additional questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line below! Until next time, we wish you the best of luck as you develop your podcast. 

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