What is an Emotional Support Coworker? Your Work BFF On Demand

what is an emotional support coworker

Work can get pretty overwhelming, right? Deadlines, meetings, the random office dramas it’s easy to feel burnt out and need endless mental health days. That’s why having a solid support system can be a total game-changer! Giving and receiving support to colleagues isn’t just about having a feel-good moment; it’s essential for collaboration and success. 

Employers offer all kinds of wellness programs, paid time off, or business casual Fridays (that counts towards improving your mental health at work, right???) to support employees. But, that day-to-day emotional support you genuinely need comes from your colleagues. Because let’s be real you’re not running to HR when you need a vent sesh; you’re running to your workplace bestie. 

Today, we’re discussing what an emotional support coworker really is,how to find one, and how to be one. It’s not about being a stand-in therapist; it’s about making the office feel a little bit more bearable on the days you need a laugh or a listening ear. Let’s dive in!  

what is an emotional support coworker

What is an Emotional Support Coworker? Your Work BFF On Demand

So, what is an emotional support coworker? It’s that one person in the office that you know you can run to no matter the circumstances. If you need to vent, celebrate a win, or just unload the stress of your day, they’ll be there to offer support. 

What sets them apart from the rest of your colleagues is their ability to provide a safe, non-judgmental space; that kind of support is invaluable. Not only does it make YOU feel better, but it boosts morale in all the right ways. Feeling heard and supported makes you much more likely to stay engaged and productive. 

Long story short, emotional support coworkers add real value to both your life and the office. They strengthen the sense of friendship, build trust, and create a space where you want to thrive, not just survive. 

what does an emotional support co worker do

What Does An Emotional Support Co-Worker Do?

They listen without any judgment. 

Reputation is everything at work you don’t want a mid-week breakdown to change how your colleagues see you (even though we’ve ALL been there), nor do you want your excitement over a promotion to make anyone roll their eyes. Someone who actively listens to you, supports you, and provides a shoulder to lean on can make you feel heard and understood. 

Feeling comfortable enough to share what’s on your mind with someone you know will be there to support you can give you that much-needed attitude of gratitude. For more on developing this mindset, check out this episode of Absolutely Not!

They know when to offer space and when to provide support. 

Sometimes you just need space, and a good emotional support coworker knows that. Instead of asking question after question, they let you take a moment to breathe before pushing you to open up. With this, they also know when to offer a coffee break, a supportive word, or a simple distraction. 

They don’t overstep but are there when it matters. There’s a huge difference between intuitive and intrusive somehow, they always know the balance. This episode of The Nicole Walters Podcast tells us how to take back our space and find a balance between sharing too much and not sharing enough. 

They bring positive energy to challenging situations. 

When you’re going through difficult times or the stress starts piling up, an emotional support coworker will know all the right ways to lift your mood. It’s not that they overwhelm you with toxic positivity, but rather offer just the right amount to bring you back to reality. If you aren’t sure what “just enough” is, this episode of That’s The Point covers the difference between toxic and tolerable. 

Your emotional support coworker’s positive shift in energy can instantly transform your day from chaotic to calm no fake laughs necessary. 

They offer the right amount of encouragement and motivation. 

When you’re having one of those “nothing is going right” days, an emotional support coworker is the first to cheer you on and remind you of your worth. Even when you’re struggling to shift your mindset and stay focused, they help you refocus on the bigger picture to stay motivated through difficult situations. 

For more on finding motivation, listen to these episodes from some of our fave podcasts:

They encourage you to take care of yourself. 

Work can be all-encompassing; there’s no denying it. A good emotional support coworker can recognize when you need a break, and they’ll encourage you to do so. Leaving work at work is vital to both self-care and maintaining productivity. They’ll also remind you that you don’t have to apologize for setting boundaries when it comes to taking care of yourself outside of work!

Even if you are good at separating home and work life, your work bestie knows when it’s time for you to take a walk or go out for drinks after a shift. Want more time management tips for a work-life balance? Listen to this episode of Life with Marianna and this episode of With Whit

how to be an emotional support colleague

How To Be An Emotional Support Colleague

Check-in on your colleague(s) regularly. 

Sometimes, the best way to provide support at work is just by asking someone how they’re doing. It doesn’t have to be this grand gesture; it can literally be as simple as stopping by and asking, “Hey, how’s your mental health today?” 

Even though it’s a small act of kindness, it shows that you care about their well-being beyond the job, which is key to making people feel important. Don’t force the conversation, but let them know you’re there if they need that emotional support in the workplace. For more on how important a sense of community is, check out this episode of The Dream Bigger Podcast and this episode of House Guest!

Be an active listener. 

At the core of being an emotional support colleague is being a good listener. It’s easy to give advice and try to mediate things, but sometimes, all a coworker wants is someone trustworthy to vibe and decompress with.

Practice active listening by being fully present in conversations and avoid interrupting or jumping to finish their thoughts/sentences. Things like “I can see why you feel that way” or “That sounds really aggravating” lets someone know that you’re engaged and present. 

Remind your coworkers that they always have a safe space. 

Creating a safe space means opening up an environment where your coworkers feel like they can come to you confidently, whether about work or personal life. Through this, always show confidentiality, kindness, and trust. As The Dissenters have said before, there’s power in kindness

Someone opening up to you is a big deal! The last thing you want to do is run off and tell another coworker everything that was discussed office gossip is a BIG no-no as an emotional support coworker. 

Offer consistent encouragement and positivity. 

You don’t have to solve every problem your coworker has, but words of encouragement and positivity go a long way. Trust us, if these positive affirmations for work tell you anything, something as simple as “Hey, you’ve got this!” can be all the motivation someone needs to push through whatever they’re going through. 

Good vibes, a shift from a negative mindset to a positive one, and these positive podcasts will help you with everything you need to become an invaluable emotional support coworker. 

Celebrate small wins and encourage self-praise.

Just as you’d want this done for you, celebrating small wins and encouraging self-care is vital for being an emotional support coworker. Even though your coworkers may have people on the outside praising them for their hard work, there’s just something different about being celebrated by someone who sees your day-to-day effort. 

Alongside this, encourage your coworkers to celebrate, empower, and show up for themselves. When someone realizes their worth, they’ll be unstoppable. 

An emotional support coworker makes your life and work better for everyone involved. 

In all honesty, where would we be without our work besties? From midday pick-me-ups and affirmations for success to deep talks and vent sessions, they’re here for it all. Emotional support coworkers are more than just a friendly face at the office they’re the go-to person when you need a laugh or a shoulder to lean on. 

Whether you’re looking for new show recs, love-life advice, or helpful affirmations for ultimate success, the Dear Media blog covers it all. And, don’t forget to check out the DM shop for tons of must-haves. Like, you need this “Successful Era” mug for your mid-shift coffee break or this “Didn’t Cry Today” crewneck for those business-casual Fridays, because your emotional support coworker totally had your back and kept you from shedding those tears! 

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