11 Signs You Need a Mental Health Day

11 Signs You Need a Mental Health Day

In the past, mental health has been heavily stigmatized. Whether it’s therapy, self-care, or taking a mental health day—all of it was a no-no unless you had some BIG mental health problem. However, in recent years, people have finally come around to realizing that everyone needs to take care of not just their body, but their mind and soul, too. 

It’s not an option! In fact, mental health is integral to great physical health as well. One of the best ways to care for your mental health, especially if you’re delinquent on your self-care practices, is to take a mental health break. 

But, how do you know if it’s time to use a sick day, take a break from work, and practice self-care instead? That’s what we’re exploring today! Here’s our roundup of mental and physical symptoms that might be your body’s way of telling you it’s time to take a mental health day:

Signs you need a mental health day

11 Signs You Need a Mental Health Day

+ You are no longer passionate about work or hobbies. 

+ You’re unproductive.

+ You’re irritable or sad. 

+ You are always fatigued. 

+ You’re having trouble sleeping. 

+ You have headaches all the time. 

+ You’ve withdrawn from your social group. 

+ You’re stressed no matter what. 

+ You’re getting sick all the time. 

+ You find yourself indulging in unhealthy habits more. 

+ People have voiced concern for your wellbeing. 

Signs you need a mental health day

Benefits of Taking a Mental Health Day

Increase your productivity. 

When you’re dealing with anxiety and depressive episodes due to burnout and poor mental health, you can’t be productive. Your lack of productivity leads to more bad feelings, and it’s an exhausting cycle. Plus, if you’re not being productive at work, your lack of productivity could result in disciplinary action by management that’s totally unnecessary. 

Really, you just need a break. Your inability to focus is because your mind hasn’t gotten any time to recharge. It’s not working optimally, but it can be fixed! Taking a mental health day can give you a huge productivity boost. It gives your mind a chance to rest and prepare again for the tasks ahead!

This episode of ILYSM sums this concept up really well! In it, host Kenzie Elizabeth discusses burnout and healthy work habits. She’ll help you get back on track and stay on track with good boundaries and habits. 

Fall back in love with what you do. 

Do you feel disconnected from your job? Did you used to love it? Your days of feeling totally in love with your job don’t have to be over. But, when every day is a struggle, you can easily forget what you ever liked about work to begin with. 

When you take a mental health day, you can reflect on the past, present, and future of your job. With rest and without a mounting to-do list, you can rediscover what you love about what you do. Then, when you return to work, you can go with a reginited passion! 

Gain clarity. 

We all lose sight of our purpose from time to time. We need a sense of meaning in our lives to really feel whole and content. However, when you’re in that day-after-day grind of work and sleep, it can feel like your life has no meaning or forward momentum. 

With a mental health day, you can put work down and really focus on the future. What do you want to be? Who do you want to become? When your body is well cared for and you have your goal in mind, you’ll start feeling accomplished and satisfied with your life again! 

Reconnect with your support system.

Another huge benefit of mental health days is reconnecting with those you love. When you’re busy and mentally drained, you may only be connecting with your family and friends via social media. 

This isn’t very genuine, so when you take a mental health day, you can meet up with these people IRL. In person, your support system can encourage you, fill your social bar, and remind you how much they care. It’s a wonderful feeling that fuels your positive mental health! 

How to take a mental health break

How to Take a Mental Health Break

So, when you take a mental health day, what are you supposed to do? It’s best not to focus too much on a list of tasks, but instead, focus on what will make you feel good. Remember, how you feel matters! (Listen to Nicole Walters talk about this here.) 

On your mental health break, do what you love and create healthy habits. Rejuvenate your mind, body, and soul with activities that just feel amazing! We have some ideas below, but make sure to read our post “Ways to Improve Your Mental Health” too!

Do meditative workouts. 

Mediative workouts calm your mind and charge your body. They’re super helpful for returning to a stable mental state! In fact, exercise and meditation increase oxygen and blood flow to your brain, which forms new brain cells. This helps you focus AND betters your overall mood. 

To work on your body and mind during your mental health day, try tai chi, qigong, pilates, or yoga! The podcast Looking Up has a great episode on using yoga to build mental fortitude. It’s called “Yoga for Resiliency with Sky Ting Founders!” Check it out.

Express yourself creatively. 

We were all born with gifts and talents. If you have a creative gift, it can be easy to push that aside in favor of more practically productive tasks. However, doing creative things is great for your mind! It helps you express yourself and achieve a more self-confident and joyful mindset! 

So, on your mental health day, get out the paints or start typing that novel. Who knows, maybe practicing your creative talents will give you the sense of purpose you’ve been missing! If you’ve never really considered what your gifts are, check out the episode, “How to Discover Your Human Design & Recognize the Gifts You Were Born With” from the Skinny Confidential’s Him & Her podcast

Hit the spa. 

Do we really need to tell you why you should go to the spa on your mental health day? It’s the ultimate self-care experience! Whether you like a deep tissue massage or a polishing pedicure, getting to the spa will remind you your body and mind are worth taking care of! 

Sleep in!

There is nothing wrong with sleeping in, especially on your day off. Sleeping in isn’t just a good way of treating yourself, but it has lots of benefits for your body and mind! When you sleep, you strengthen your immune system, better your mood, boost focus, and you gain more patience for people. (We all need that!) 

Get some extra shut-eye, and learn more about the benefits of sleep with Dr. Will Cole from The Art of Being Well. He has a few episodes on sleep, but the one titled “The Minimum Method for a Stronger, Healthier, Happier You” has some really practical advice perfect for your mental health break. 

Clean up your house. 

Mess and clutter has a real impact on your mental health. It can be distracting and anxiety-inducing. Plus, the overwhelming nature of the task of cleaning can lead to some unhealthy coping and avoidance tactics. Things like watching a lot of TV, eating too much junk food, or sleeping too often can stem from a messy house. 

Letting go of clutter and cleaning up on a day off can do wonders on your mental health. It can make you feel accomplished and motivate you to conquer even more! Walking back into work with a strong sense of achievement will definitely make you more productive. Plus, the more peaceful living space will ensure your home stays a relaxing oasis.

Get organized. 

Of course, you need to get THINGS organized, but it’s a good idea to organize your mind too! Come up with some systems and processes that will help you maintain your mental health, productivity levels, and mood. 

Developing a routine, creating morning/evening rituals, writing out your schedule, developing a meal plan, laying out prepared outfits, and creating a command center are all great ways to get organized and reduce day-to-day stress.

Get outside. 

Part of the reason you may be feeling like there’s a dark cloud hanging over you is because you haven’t actually seen the clouds! You’ve been stuck inside working or sleeping, and your body is just begging you to get out. 

So, get outside on your mental health day. Take a walk. Read on the porch. Garden. Or, head to a local park or zoo. Just find a way to get some vitamin D. That sunlight can improve immunity, focus, mood, sleep, and more! 

Meet up with people you love. 

Don’t stay in alone all day. Instead, spend time with family members and friends to re-establish your connection and rebuild your support system. Their company will bring you joy, and remembering who you have in your corner will give you strength as you head back to the grind. 

Binge a podcast. 

Podcasts are the perfect mental health day experience! Not only can you gain deeper insights into your mental health or any other topic you’re passionate about, but you can do it while cleaning, driving, exercising, or resting! Multi-task and feel fulfilled at the end of your break by adding podcasts to the mix. There are plenty out there to suit your taste! 

Attend appointments and run errands you’ve been putting off. 

When your levels of stress are through the roof, you’re focused on surviving. You are NOT focused on taking care of your body. Suddenly, doctor’s appointments, dentist appointments, insurance calls, hair cuts, and other things just get dropped to the bottom of the to-do list and NEVER happen. 

Scheduling your appointments will make you feel accomplished and it’ll set a precedent for how you’ll take care of yourself in the future. No more skipping! When you attend appointments, schedule the next one right away. And, if you run an errand like grocery shopping, picking up the dry cleaning, etc, immediately plan when you’ll do that task again! This way, you won’t miss it and it will quickly become a positive habit!

When was the last time you took a mental health day?

Taking a mental health day is anything but selfish. In order to stay effective at work and in every other area of your life, you need to take a break. Though mental health support can be hard to come by and you may feel push-back from your employer, don’t underestimate the importance of your self-care. 

For more advice on mental health and managing your career, check out The Career Contessa episode “Round-Up: The Best Mental Health Advice from 2022.” These are vital tips that’ll affirm your mental state matters and give you tips to maintain it as you’re striving toward your goals. Check back with us weekly for more great self-help content and podcast recommendations!

11 Latest Podcast Trends (2023)

From 2022 – 2023, the number of active podcast listeners went up by over 40 million. And, leading to 2024? The number of podcast listeners is expected to go up by another 40 million. That’s a total of around 500 million podcast listeners!

The statistics are clear that people are increasingly turning to podcasts not as a niche form of media consumption, but as a totally trendy and competitive means of entertainment. Because of this, the podcast industry is booming!

So, to ride these 2022 podcast trends, what are popular podcasting styles for you to take advantage of this year? We’ve found that people listened to podcasts time and time again that have to do with reality TV flashbacks, wellness, mystery, pop culture, and so much more! 

Today, we’re going to explore some of these latest trends and dig into what they’re all about. Some of these new subgenres that listeners are really getting into will definitely surprise you! Get ahead of the game, and jump into one of these trending podcast niches. Here they are:

Latest Podcast Trends

11 Latest Podcast Trends (2023)

Reality TV Flashbacks/Post Reality Life 

People have loved reality TV for decades! But, after seeing so many shows come and go, you can find yourself a little nostalgic over shows and personalities you loved in the past. Keeping up with them on social media is great, but we’re seeing fans more and more wanting to connect with their favorite reality TV celebrities via a podcast!

These reality TV podcasts usually center on one or two topics: Rewatching episodes and reminiscing about the past reality TV life. Or, giving podcast audiences insight into a reality TV personality’s life years after the show. 

Back to the Beach is a BTS podcast about MTV’s “Laguna Beach: The Real Orange County,” with original cast members. It’s the perfect one if you want to relive all those Laguna Beach moments! However, if you want to see what some of your fav reality stars are doing now, listen to Girls Night or Recovering from Reality. All of them are worth saving on your podcast app!  

Limited Mini Series

Mini series are getting increasingly popular on streaming platforms like Netflix and Hulu, so it’s no surprise to hear that it’s coming to the podcast world as well! Lots of people are doing limited podcast content to either tell a short narrative or to promote a new project. It’s a super effective way of reaching a new or established fan base! 

If you want a good example, Lauryn Bosstick of the legendary Skinny Confidential blog and podcast did a 14-episode mini series leading to the launch of her book “Get the F*ck Out of the Sun.” This is exactly how you do a limited podcast right! 

Corporate Conversations

There has always been a divide between corporations and their customers. It’s hard to create authentic conversations about the brand and their products without being too salesy. So, many companies have gone to podcasts to have these discussions and provide an additional resource for their customers. Stuart Weizman totally did this right with The Shine Series

Fiction Series

Podcasting has often been dominated by real-life conversations and stories. Much of the inspiration for podcasting came from classic radio talk shows, so it only feels natural that this would be the case! However, we’re seeing a rise in fiction series. Much like people like audiobooks, people love a fiction podcast!

In shows such as Bone, Marry, Bury, podcast creators combine true crime, whodunits, and docufictions to create something ultra-trendy and INSANELY entertaining. That’s why listenership for fiction podcasts has gone up 427% in the past year. People are into it!

Live Podcasts

Podcasts have become a total sensation. They are EVERYWHERE. And, audiences want to get closer and closer to their favorite hosts. Of course, showrunners have connected with their fans through exclusive memberships, blogs, and social media channels, but sometimes, a fan just wants to see the real damn thing. 

So, some podcast hosts have taken to the streets! (Well, not literally.) Popular podcasts with a booming fanbase find venues and execute and record their podcasts live. People purchase tickets and get to see their favorite hosts up-close-and-personal. 

Afterward, they do meet and greets and sell exclusive merch. It’s a blast! Here are some upcoming and past events performed by our Dear Media podcast hosts! 

Comedy Shows

The Internet has created a whole new way for comedians to find a following. Gone are the days of wrestling with booker after booker to get a hopefully-paid spot at a less than favorable venue. Now, comedians can find their fans online through social media and podcast platforms. 

The podcasts are sometimes traditional comedy routines, but other times it’s just comedians talking about surprising topics or discussing their everyday life with a hilarious twist. You can hear what we’re talking about in the podcast Absolutely Not! featuring comedian Heather McMahan. Definitely prepare to laugh!

Latest Podcast Trends

Pop Culture Discussions

Who’s still watching Entertainment Tonight? No one. (That show has seriously been on longer than most of us have been alive!) Anyway, pop culture news and discussion has really shifted to the podcast world. Good Guys and Not Skinny But Not Fat are both podcasts that use their episodes to break down what’s going on in entertainment news and give you their 2-cents while they’re at it. 

History Breakdowns

Great historical podcasts are making so many people realize their love for history! Nobody likes soulless textbook accounts of past events. Instead, they want in-depth narrative history that is super relatable and super interesting. 

This trend has slowly been rising through the ranks of popularity, and in 2022 the listenership grew by 409%! It’s definitely a good time to jump in! To see how it’s done, check out Summer of Gold about the 1996 olympics. 

Wellness Podcasts

Podcasts about health and wellness are also on the rise! People are doing so much more self-care than they ever have before. To do this, they’re making sure to take care of their body, soul, and mind! 

Wellness podcasts of all kinds are circulating through podcast platforms, and many of them have die-hard audiences ready to take in each podcast episode and become the best versions of themselves. There are a lot of great mental health podcasts, but here are some of our favorites:

+ Looking Up

+ Pursuit of Wellness

+ The Art of Being Well

+ The Heal Podcast 

+ Mind. Body. No Soul.

Hobbies Talk

Everyone has a niche hobby these days! Except, when you’re on the internet, nothing really feels niche. There are thousands of others out there who are into the same things as you. So, no matter what you like, you can make a podcast out of it! 

Dear Media’s very own hobby podcasts include The Snatchelor, which is all about the basic female’s love of The Bachelor. And, Readheads, which is a virtual book club of fiction and non-fiction analysis and chatter. If you like to read, you’re gonna love this one!

But, what’s your hobby? What do you think the world would be interested in hearing about?

Niche Food Topics

There’s a foodie in all of us. I mean, we’ve all gotta eat, and we all like to do it with a good meal in front of us. Back in the day, all food content was centered toward middle-aged homemakers who consumed episodes of Paula Dean and Martha Stewart. Now, food is for everyone!

Podcasts are taking on food topics in really unique ways. Though there are many good ol’-fashioned how-to-cook podcasts, many show hosts are modernizing and niching down to stand out and find the perfect audience. 

Here are some top food podcasts:

+ Food Heaven Made Easy

+ Freckled Foodie and Friends

+ Good Instincts

+ What’s Gaby Cooking in Quarantine

+ Wine Face

Latest Podcast Trends

What is your favorite podcast trend?

All right, friends, it is time to tell your smart speakers what new podcast you want to listen to! All shows listed above are available across popular platforms including Spotify and Apple podcasts. 

Listen to podcasts trending in 2023 and get inspired for your own podcast! Plus, follow our Dear Media blog for all the best podcast creation tips. We’ve got all the info you need to make the next big thing!

15 Best Self Care Podcasts

Self-care isn’t just a trend, it’s a movement. We’ve got a whole generation of people that are standing up for their mental health and committing to take care of themselves. And, every generation to follow will be better because of it. 

The only problem? We don’t have a great model of what this looks like. Self-care really isn’t built into us naturally. Instead, we’re pressured to go go go. So, we at Dear Media thought sharing our top 15 best podcasts for self-care would help show you how it’s done!

Below is our list of self-care podcasts that will help you reflect, reset, and restart with confidence, clarity, and positivity. We hope you connect with some of these fabulous podcast hosts that have really learned what it means to take care of yourself. Here’s the scoop:

What is Self Care and Why is it Important?

Self care is prioritizing your own well-being through intentional daily behaviors. These could have to do with cognitive or physical wellness, but most practices have some sort of mental health twist. Here are some examples of self-care practices that make a big impact on your wellness:

  • Better Quality Sleep
  • Regular Exercise
  • Decompression Through Hobbies 
  • Meditation/Prayer
  • Eating Right 
  • Regular Breaks and Vacations
  • Journal
  • Hang Out with Friends
  • Practice Gratitude and Positivity 

These practices are so important, because studies show that regular self care helps you manage stress, brighten your mood, lower your risk of illness, and boost your energy. The problem is, beneficial self-care practices get pushed to the back burner when we’re busy. 

Society tells us self-care is non-essential, but if you’re burned out and anxious, you know that’s not true. Let these inspiring and wise podcast hosts help you kick start or refresh your self-care journey. Here are 15 podcasts for your mental wellbeing: 

15 Best Self Care Podcasts

Dear Gabby

Gabby Bernstein is an inspirational speaker and award-winning author who has a self-care podcast we all need! She acts as a real-time habit and life coach, answering listener questions and delivering straight talk on hot topics. Get answers to your questions and receive all the advice you need to make life-changing transformations. 

Everything is the Best

It’s so easy to feel alone. As you’re striving toward your dreams and working through big mental health challenges, you can feel totally isolated and alone. Everything is the Best podcast host Pia Baroncini connects listeners to the world and gives them community and advice to conquer their biggest struggles. This podcast will bring you joy and motivation to take on the next day! 

Going Mental

Eileen Kelly was a famous social media influencer and sex educator who secretly struggled with her mental health. She briefly walked away from all she built to better her emotional health and re-discover who she was. Now, she’s back to take you on your own mental health journey. 

Each week, she hosts a different guest and they discuss mental health topics like anxiety, depression, substance abuse, eating disorders, and more. It’s super relatable and fun, while also dishing out some serious wisdom we could all use to better our emotional wellbeing. 

It Sure is a Beautiful Day

Right after the pandemic, Catt Sadler saw that the world was hurting. She created her podcast It Sure is a Beautiful Day to inspire hope, renewal, and resurgence in people. She hosts in-depth interviews with notable guests on a variety of self-help topics to help you become your best self and appreciate the world around you. 

Looking Up

Dr. Deepika Chopra isn’t just any podcast host with a self-care spin. This impressive woman is actually a doctor who has studied the science of happiness. In her podcast Looking Up, she blends holistic and evidence-based medical practices that’ll help you manage stress, cultivate optimism, and become a more successful version of yourself. 

Mind. Body. No Soul.

Jackie Schimmel is a spiritual advisor like none other. She’s relatable, funny, bold, and a little aggressive. And, she delivers weekly meditations, affirmations, and mantras for the everyday spiritual. 

Nothing crazy. Nothing cooky. Just expert spiritual guidance to help you become more mindful, reduce stress, and live a more fulfilling life. Definitely add listening to Mind. Body. No Soul to your self-care routine

Pursuit of Wellness

Podcast host Mari Llewellyn for a long time never felt home in her own body. Many of us identify with this struggle, and her new podcast Pursuit of Wellness helps you transform your physical and mental health through radical honesty, goal-setting, and self-discipline. She’ll regularly dive into topics like nutrition, exercise, self-care, relationships, and so much more. 

Ready, Set, Spill!

Do you love to feel inspired? Does it give you the fire you need to take on the day? If so, you need to download some episodes of Ready, Set, Spill right now. SET Active CEO Lindsey Carter is the host, and she speaks on topics that matter the most to help you better all areas of your life. 

Real Pod

Victoria Garrick is a mental health and body-image advocate, and on her weekly podcast, she sits down with inspirational guests from all walks of life. They have authentic discussions about managing success and failure—and whatever else life throws at you. It’s the perfect podcast to cultivate self-love AND motivation to conquer the next thing. 

Recovering from Reality

So many of us out there are simply surviving. Whether it’s an incurable condition, childhood trauma, or just difficulty getting out of bed in the morning, life isn’t easy for a lot of us. In Recovering from Reality, Alex Haines gets real with her guests and audience about her own struggles. 

She opens up the conversation to provide hope and optimism for those trying to live better. If practicing self-care is new to you, and you’re dealing with heavy stuff. This is a MUST listen. 

That’s So Retrograde

This podcast delivers a fun-twist on the usual self-help scene. Hosts Elizabeth Kott and Stephanie Simbari are still very much working on themselves, and they’re bringing all of you along on their own journeys of self-discovery. While riding this roller coaster, you’ll receive a blend of pop culture and wellness to fuel your own exploration of self.

The Art of Being Well

Self-care might be something society has newly adopted, but it’s not as trendy as it should be. Taking care of not just your physical wellness, but your overall health has been proven to produce a more optimistic, productive, and happy person. But, where to start?

Start with a leading doctor in this self-care movement, Dr. Will Cole, as he explores science-backed health advice to help you nurture your body, spirit, mind, and relationships. 

The Blonde Files Podcast

Arielle Lorre knows the questions we’re all asking about wellness. She invites thought leaders from many industries to answer those questions for you! Each conversation is meaningful, authentic, and really helpful. Get everything from beauty hacks to career tips with The Blonde Files podcast!

Wavy with Summer & Brie

When was the last time you celebrated your triumphs and rejoiced in the little things? Brie Dunne and Summer Mckeen are a hilarious sister duo that make it a point to love themselves and teach you to love yourself too. They tackle big topics and host inspiring guests that help you find your strengths and rise from failure to become who you really are meant to be. 

You’re Gonna Love Me

Katie Maloney has been called every name in the book. Bitch. Mean girl. Bully. You name it. This judgment deeply impacted her, but she’s healed and moved on, and has created the You’re Gonna Love Me podcast that helps open the eyes, ears, and hearts of anyone who has judged or been judged. 

Since self-love and acceptance are such an important part of your mental health journey, learning to deal with criticism is key. Let Katie help you get to a place of contentment and confidence with who you are!

You owe it to yourself to invest in your health. 

If you’re ready to begin your own journey of self-discovery, don’t do it alone. Find a group of family and friends that can support you and keep you accountable through this period of resurgence. Plus, take one of the wise podcasts hosts along for the ride too! 

Any of these podcasts will perfectly prepare you for all the struggles that lie ahead. Together, you’ll come out on the other side and bigger and better you! You can check out our full list of shows here. Additionally, our blog has a ton of self-care content that’s curated just for you to give you hope and healing. You’ve got this!

What are the Benefits of Good Mental Health?

Just in the last ten years or so, we’ve heard the term “mental health” get thrown around a lot. Maybe you’ve really taken it to heart, and maybe you’ve outright dismissed the thought with a big “WHATEVER.” After all, mental health can’t be as important as our physical health. Our bodies literally carry us through the day, right?

Mental health is just as important as physical health. In fact, poor mental health will slowly break down our physical bodies too, so some would argue it’s even MORE important. The point is, it’s a big deal. And, too many of us have carried on with our lives without really learning what it means to have, cultivate, and maintain good mental health. 

So, today, we’re discussing the benefits of mental health. We’ll list all the reasons it’s in your best interest to live a life full of self-care, mindfulness, and rest. Here are the benefits of a healthy mind and soul:

What are the Benefits of Good Mental Health?

What is Good Mental Health?

Good mental health doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with mental illness or facing difficult times. Though having a good mental health status is important when you face trials, it’s not something that you should pay attention to only when tragedy strikes. No way!

Good mental health is a state of well-being where you’re content with yourself and your life. It’s this mode where your mental clarity and peace allow you to make the most out of your days. Good mental health breeds productivity, quality sleep, and physical fitness. So, essentially, a good mental state is the cornerstone of our overall health. This is why it’s important to take mental health days when needed!

Adequate Social Connection

Someone with good mental health maintains a vibrant and genuine social life. For some, this might mean going out regularly, and for others, this is visiting friends and family on a regular basis. The point is, real in-person connection can help with self-esteem, mood swings, anxiety and depression, and even our immune system. 

Physically Active Lifestyle

Your physical health and mental health are integrally linked. A good physically active lifestyle will often lead to a better mental health state and vice versa. So, someone with positive well-being lives a pretty active life. 

Living an active life doesn’t have to mean working out! It could be walking, playing a sport, gardening, or plenty of other things. Just get moving! 

Well Managed Stress

Stress is the ultimate killer of good mental health. Too much stress on our bodies weighs us down mentally and physically. (It can lead to something as serious as diabetes or heart disease!) 

Learning to manage stress is a key part of maintaining a healthy outlook and calm mental state. Gabby Bernstein in the Dear Gabby podcast discusses this topic and offers tips in the episode titled “5 Solutions for Stress and Anxiety.” Take a listen to see how stress management is done! 

Healthy Diet

Eating well makes you look good AND feel good. Even though keeping a diet is tough, it’s really worth the positive effects on your body and mind! Not only could you drop pounds or build muscle, but you could feel all sorts of cognitive benefits from eating right. Some of them include:

  • Less fatigue 
  • Better focus
  • Fewer digestive issues
  • More regulated moods 
  • Fewer headaches 

Good Quality Sleep

Many mental health problems can at least be partially alleviated by great-quality sleep. Research shows that people who learn to sleep better get sick less frequently, keep healthier body weights, lower their risk of health problems, reduce stress, improve their mood, stay more focused, and maintain better relationships. 

Even depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, ADHD, and ASD can be relieved through great-quality sleep. This is because each stage of sleep helps the brain in a different way. When you’re sleeping well, all parts of the brain can function better since they’re recharged and rejuvenated daily. Good sleep is vital to good mental health! 

Strong Sense of Purpose

It’s true that people with positive mental well-being who are content with their lives also have a deep sense of purpose. They’re driven towards a goal or mission. This fills them with good vibes and gratitude! 

Studies have found that when people have a strong sense of purpose, they have better brain functioning, better stress management, better sleep, and better overall life choices. They’re more likely to work out, eat right, and get the right preventive care. So, dream on and manifest all that you want from this world! It’s good for you. 


Tips for Maintaining Good Mental Health 

Go see people IRL. 

Texting. Commenting on social media posts. Sliding into the DMs . . . none of this contributes to a good social life. Instead, you need to turn off the phone, get out of the house, and see people in person! Research shows us that in-person communication enhances our quality of life, but online communication does not. 

So, unplug and get out there. And, if you want to COMPLETELY go off the grid, we respect that. It can be a really good mental health choice for some people! Ready, Set, Spill’s episode titled, “Staying Connected and Maintaining a Confident Mindset” goes in-depth on this topic and gives you tips and tricks to try out an offline lifestyle for yourself! 

We all know that most of social media is fake, so get out of your comfort zone and go see the real world. Have a get-together with family members. Go clubbing with friends. Or, have a grown-up sleepover. Make meaningful connections in person to improve your confidence and mental health! 

Get moving. 

Regular exercise can help you feel better in every way, including your mental health. Whether it’s something organized like pilates, yoga, weight lifting, or running or something more free-form like walking the dog or going for a swim, getting moving will revive your spirits!

If you’re ready to get in the game, listen to this episode of The Art of Being Well to learn all about the latest fitness trends. And, if you’re ready to start working out and staying fit, listen to this episode of The Papaya Podcast featuring plus-size fitness expert Sarah Taylor! They’re both great listeners.

Practice relaxation with yoga, meditation, or deep breathing.

Meditation, deep breathing, and other relaxation techniques can put you more in tune with your thoughts and feelings while keeping you grounded in the present moment. Through mindful practices like this, you can learn to overcome hardship, move past shame, and achieve a greater sense of peace and well-being. 

Mind. Body. No Soul. is a podcast hosted by a unique spiritual advisor, Jackie Schimmel, who leads her listeners in regular guided meditations. Dear Gabby is another podcast that includes meditations in some of their episodes! So, if you want to learn to look within, definitely tune in to these shows regularly.

Maintain a consistent sleep schedule.

We’ve discussed how getting better sleep can really impact your mental health. Consider maintaining a consistent sleeping schedule where you fall asleep and wake up at the same time every day. 

Additionally, get rid of all electronic devices from the bedroom and avoid big meals and caffeine right before bed. (Bonus tip: Exercise will help with sleep too!) Dr. Will Cole of the Art of Being Well has even more deep sleep tips here

Actually make time for your hobbies. 

Your hobbies are important! They give you a sense of purpose and allow you to decompress after a busy day. Prioritize your hobbies, and learn to say NO to things that get in the way of the things that matter to you and bring you joy. If you’re super busy, start with just a few minutes a day, and slowly rework your routine to include more of your favorite things. 

Determine your goals and find a means to express yourself.

Remember, purpose drives your mental and physical health. Take time to make goals and reflect on who you really want to be. Once you do that, make a commitment to be yourself, strive for your dreams, and manifest the best life for yourself! Even if you haven’t reached your goal yet, working toward it will hopefully give you a deep sense of contentment and happiness!


Mental health affects every part of our lives, so it’s important to practice regular self-care.

If you’re reflecting back on the last few months or a few years, and you just haven’t felt whole, it might be time to start investing in your mental health. You can conquer self-care stigma, and create a routine that promotes a positive mindset through exercise, great sleep, human connection, reflection, and purpose. 

We hope this post has encouraged you to take control of your mental health, but don’t think you have to do it alone. Follow these mental health podcasts and listen to them regularly to stay on track. Plus, you can visit our blog anytime and find great content about self-improvement. Let’s be better and FEEL better together!

How to Use Podcasts for Marketing

Successful marketing in 2022 doesn’t involve flyers, billboards, and local TV ads. At least not if you want to reach a wide, modern audience. Marketing in this day and age is all about the digital world where millions of potential customers connect and explore. This makes publishing podcasts a fantastic way to advertise your business and expand your reach! 

Nearly 400 million people listen to podcasts, and the numbers are growing every day. Reaching podcast listeners through your own show can do wonders for your brand! It’s not only a great marketing strategy because it reaches a wide customer base, but it’s helpful for other parts of your growing business as well! Here’s how you can use podcasts for marketing:

How to Use Podcasts for Marketing

Establish yourself as an authority in your niche. 

When people are looking for a brand to support, they’re usually looking for a mixture of quality and affordability. However, if they can be convinced enough of your value, they’ll pay almost any price for your expertise! Podcasts are a great way to establish yourself as an expert. 

Once your target audience understands you’re the ultimate authority in your space based on your quality content, they won’t look anywhere else for information on that specific topic. And, when they need your product or service, they’re going to you! So, ensure that your podcast includes lots of specialized information that proves your value in your niche! 

Be authentic. 

As much as you want to use expertise to drive your quality content, people don’t want their podcast hosts to be inauthentic personas. If you come off too salty or too much like a corporate caricature, people won’t connect with you or trust you, despite your knowledge. 

Just be you. And, don’t be afraid to give personal anecdotes and reveal facts about your life. People will love to get to know you, and they’ll be open to hearing about all your expertise once they know you’re honest and trustworthy. 

Push your episodes on social media. 

If you’re running a successful brand, chances are you’re already on social media platforms. That’s great because those social media channels are a great place to promote your podcast. Really push those on your channel after each episode drops. Don’t see it as pushy or annoying, instead, see it as added value for your customer! They get all this great content totally for free! 

Don’t forget the show notes. 

Show notes should provide all the links you discussed in your podcast to make finding these products and services really easy for your audience. Don’t skip writing detailed show notes that will make it easier for your listeners to become long-term customers AND subscribers! They’ll follow your links to access your products or services and to explore your brand further.

Upload on a regular schedule.

Those who listen to podcasts prefer to listen to them on a schedule. That means, if you want to retain listeners from one week to the next, you need to upload your podcast episodes consistently. Subscribers will know when to tune in, and it’ll make promotion and SEO much easier! (More on that in a bit.) 

Integrate calls to action.

Each episode should include a challenge or call-to-action for your podcast audience. Whether you want them to leave a 5-star review, join your email list, or share your episode, asking them to do something small like this usually produces excellent results! You can offer additional rewards for completing these calls-to-action like receiving a coupon, being listed as a podcast producer, or getting entered for a drawing!

If you can build your listenership or your email list, you can stay connected with your audience throughout the whole week. You can email and discuss both the podcast and general information about your business. This will help convert podcast listeners into paying customers. 

Always search engine optimization. 

Podcasts can do a lot for SEO! When your brand’s website is search engine optimized, you reach a much wider audience. This is simply because if they search your company type and you pop up on that first page of search results, you’re way more likely to get clicks. 

You can transform your podcasts into blog posts as well as transcribe the audio to create a searchable version of your podcast episode. If someone searches your niche, they’ll find your blog post, episode, and finally your brand and what you do! There’s more you can do for podcast SEO too that you can read about here

Use it as a training tool. 

You already have this high-quality content created, you might as well make it multi-purpose! Rather than just using it for content marketing, use it for training too! Instead of sitting in front of a PDF manual or boring corporate videos, your employees can listen to practical podcasts that apply directly to your business. It’s a great way to double-dip and make the time recording and producing the podcast well worthwhile. 

Engage with listeners to build relationships. 

Your targeted audience isn’t just listeners, but hopefully long-time customers or followers. In order to capture this type of loyalty, you need to engage with your listeners. Reply to their comments. Make episodes in response to their questions. Execute giveaways. Give them access to a community Facebook group. And, even host exclusive events for your loyal fans. 

This will not only make your podcast more popular, but it’ll also increase your sales! Once customers believe that you’re an expert who is authentic and caring, they’ll pay whatever price to make sure you’re the only one they turn to for your service. Your podcast creates more value for the customer and more opportunities to connect with you! 

Track your analytics. 

This is a relatively new marketing tool! You never know what’s going to work. So, track your analytics to see what upload times, guests, and content type get the best results. If you don’t have access to a ton of analytics, we recommend third-party analytics sources like the ones in this list

Upload across all streaming apps. 

Lastly, cast your net wide! To do that, make sure your podcast is widely distributed across multiple popular platforms. No one is going to download a new app just to listen to you! (Not yet, anyway.) So, make sure you reach your customer by meeting them where they already are. Here are the most popular apps your podcast should be on: 

Using a podcast to market your business is a great way to increase brand awareness and sales! 

We hope these podcast marketing strategies will help you launch your company to the next level. Remember to stay authentic, provide quality content, and to be mindful of the technical side of things. If you’re not sure about all the ins-and-outs of equipment, SEO, and other podcasts best practices, check out our blog! We’ve got the information you need to make this podcast a success!

Parenting and Social Media

Let’s talk about parenting in the age of social media. Not only do our children use social media, but we do too. Because of that, our parenting journey and the online world are incidentally intertwined. And unfortunately, this can be super stressful to navigate, because social media just hasn’t been around long enough for us parents to know exactly how to handle our family’s online lives. 

There is no parenting manual on social media (though, this episode of Shenanigans with Scheana Shay comes close.) So, no one expects you to get everything right and know what to do in every situation. Well, no one expects that but you! Anyway, If you’re interested in learning more about social media through the parenting lens, read on. We’re here to help you steer your parenting through the challenges of the internet. Here we go:

Parenting and Social Media

Parenting in the Age of Social Media

When we were young, things were different. A lot of things were different! Social media didn’t burst into the scene until we were in our teens or twenties, and even then it wasn’t what it is now! Every social platform today has millions of users, dozens of functions, and a whole network of influencers promoting their lifestyles or showcasing their experiences. 

Now, that’s the good of it, but there are some clear drawbacks to using social media that I’m sure you’re aware of. The average person spends 2.5 hours a day on social media, and that number is increasing every year. Additionally, ⅓ of women claim that the first thing they do in the morning is checking social media, and these online platforms contribute to 66% of divorces. Yikes!  

If all that wasn’t alarming enough, from the parenting side of things: 87% of bullied teens say it started online. And, studies show excessive time on social media in teens leads to depression, anxiety, and other mental illnesses. Yet, getting left out of the social media game can isolate them from peers and other benefits of the connected online world. 

So, knowing the drawbacks of social media and the inevitability of social media, how do you handle it? How does it affect your parenting journey? And, what can you do to help your teen and protect them from the dangers of the world wide web? Let’s discuss this.  

Effects of Social Media on Parent’s Parenting


The effects of social media aren’t all bad. If that were the case, there’s no way any of us would be on it! Here are several upsides to using social media while being a parent: 

Increased Awareness

Social media has a lot of resources that help your parenting journey as Chazz Lewis explains in this episode of Raising Good Humans with Dr. Aliza. Online, you can learn about productive parenting styles, discover common disorders, and learn essential safety information.

When moms and dads browse parenting social media pages, they open their minds to tactics that they normally wouldn’t have known about. You might find a gentle parenting method that allows you to better connect with your child. You may discover a car seat safety tip you never knew about. Or, you may find medical advice that changes the way you handle your child’s disability. The point is, the internet can be a great place to learn and broaden your horizons! 

Connection After High School

When your child moves out (we know, you don’t want to think about that yet – but still), they probably won’t pick up the phone and call that often. It’s not personal. It’s just not the way the world connects anymore! Getting on social media, though, allows you to stay connected to your graduate daily. 

You can see where they are and what they’re doing and also instant message, call, and video chat with them right there. You’ll see new pictures and overall get way more updates than you ever would over text! This isn’t only true for your growing kids, but with social media, you can also stay connected to friends and family members who live far away!

Available Support Networks

No matter what your unique parenting challenge is, you can find an internet support group to help you through it. There are groups for parents of twins, parents of kids with specific medical challenges, parents of bullied children, and more! If you don’t know how to navigate your struggles, find a group online that’s there with you. 

Celebratory Platform

Building your child’s self-esteem is a powerful way of fortifying them for the future. Kids who know their value feel confident and capable. They have growth mindsets, easily bounce back from mistakes, and stand up for themselves. Of course, there are lots of ways of building your child’s self-esteem, but one way to do it is to celebrate on social media!

When parents share a child’s accomplishment on their Facebook or Instagram, it further reinforces how proud you are of them. They’ll also know that their best is always enough and that their successes are worth celebrating. 


For all of the social media’s positive impacts, there are double the negative effects. It’s hard to be a parent in the digital age! Here are some things you’re probably struggling with as a parent on social media: 

Envy and Comparison

Social media can be totally toxic to our own mental health and self-esteem. Dr. Cole talks about this in this episode of his podcast The Art of Being Well. It’s so easy to compare ourselves to other parents and then feel inadequate, leading to a deterioration of mental health over time. Yet, a lot of what we see on social media isn’t even real! With social media, we can easily feel like we’re never doing enough. 

Encourages Absence 

How many times a day do you check your social media channels? Probably a lot. It’s easy to get sucked into the infinite scroll when you have a spare moment. Unfortunately, this disconnects you from the valuable time you could be spending with your kids. 

Of course, it’s all about balance. You’re totally allowed to have decompression time. But, check out what Nicole Walters says about balancing it all in her podcast episode “Take Back Your Space.

Breeds Inauthenticity and Perfectionism 

Your kids went on that vacation. They know it wasn’t the magical family experience you shared on social media. Also, your kid remembers how they tried to quit soccer three times and they know they’re not the “dedicated and committed” person you posted about after their tournament this weekend. 

The point is, your preteens and teens see what you post and they know the truth. If your posts bend the truth and show your family through a filter, your children will pick up on that inauthenticity. And, the pressures of perfectionism will sneak in with every exaggerated post. If you want to hear more about this, Dr. Aliza discusses this at length in this episode of Raising Good Humans.

Craving Fame

When we were young, dreaming of being on Disney Channel or MTV’s Top 40 was a fun fantasy, but totally out of reach for most young people. However, the internet has made it totally possible for ANY person to become a star. 

This hunger for fame could put a child on social media at risk. What will they do to get those followers? Or, the real question is, how far will they go to be liked? And, if they do hit it big, how the heck do you handle that? Luckily, Being Bumo interviewed the mother of two popular TikTok stars and asked all the need-to-know questions about raising social media stars. Check it out here

Social Media Tips for Parents

Encourage offline activities early on. 

To successfully raise your child in the digital age, you must teach them to value the analog! Minimize screen time when they’re children, put them in lots of situations to have face-to-face conversations, and go on all sorts of offline adventures!

If you can activate a love for the outdoors, a creative hobby, or any other non-internet activity, it’ll be much easier for you to appropriately manage your child’s social media intake when they’re older. In fact, it’ll be easier to manage their screen time period! 

Set a good example and engage without the phone. 

Lead by example. When you’re spending quality time with your child, whether you’re going out to dinner, attending an event, or just hanging out watching TV, put the phone down. Show your child that you care about them and you value the moment. This will teach them to do the same when spending quality time with their friends and family! 

Keep them off social media for as long as possible. 

There is no reason your child needs to have a social media account. Like, there is no reason at all. Of course, we’re not saying you’re a bad parent if you let them on a social media platform. But, sometimes the world likes to tell you kids without social media are deprived of connection and “missing out.”

Sure. They are missing out. Missing out on the comparison game. Missing out on cyberbullying. And, missing out on making poor online choices that’ll affect them forever. This way of thinking about social media was first thought up by Mark Berkman, and you can hear more about it in the Being Bumo podcast in the episode titled “Let’s Discuss Social Media.” 

There is no “right” time to start, but don’t think the minute your kid hits puberty, they need to be on Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok. You make the choice based on your fears, your child’s maturity, and your social environment. When you think it’s safest, go ahead and make the jump if you want, but you have no obligation to do what other parents are doing.

Set limits and supervise. 

Notice how we said to let them on social media when you feel it’s “safest.” It’s never really safe on social media. So, make sure you set limits for your child and supervise using monitoring software. Maybe your child can only be on social media on a shared computer. Or, maybe phones get turned off at 9:00 pm. Setting limits can reduce the exposure to dangerous web content and it can prevent social media addiction. 

Communicate expectations and teach reality. 

Be frank with your child about online safety. Tell them what they may encounter, explain how people might manipulate them, and ensure they understand that the internet is forever. Oh, and tell them, for the love of all things good in this world, don’t click that sketch link someone DM’d you.  

Once your child has a realistic understanding of the online world, set your expectations. What kind of pictures are they allowed to post? Who are they allowed to message? What platforms are they allowed to use? Make all this known early on, so there is no misunderstanding and no backtracking. This will prevent arguments as well as protect your child. 

Remind yourself this is an expressive platform.

Though you want to limit your child’s exposure to the internet, you don’t want to be too restrictive. This may promote lying and acting out. Remember that as your child develops their online persona, they will be expressing themselves in a way you might not like. 

Maybe your smart teen is posting some really dumb things. Maybe the way they pose for pictures you find distasteful. And, maybe the way they interact with their friends doesn’t reflect the kid you know. Don’t forget the parent-child dynamic, and if there’s nothing strictly harmful, try to let it go. Let them express themselves. 

Discuss online friendships. 

It’s common for people of all ages to make friends on social media sites. This can be incredible for kids who struggle to make friends. If your child has unique interests or a unique personality, they can easily find people online that share their lifestyle! This is a huge positive to your child is on social media.

However, this has a significant downside if you’re not careful. The internet is full of bad people ready to tear your kid down or exploit them. Be open to your child about this possibility. Teach them about red flags and how to safely navigate an online relationship. Also, encourage honesty between you and them regarding their online community. 

Build your child’s self-esteem. 

Building your child’s self-esteem is one of the best ways to ensure their online safety. A child with high self-esteem won’t be phased by cyberbullying attempts, won’t seek unhealthy companionship, and won’t compromise their values when pushed. Though high self-esteem doesn’t negate the necessity of monitoring equipment and open communication, it does go a long way! 

Evaluate yourself. 

How do you use social media? Take time to evaluate your consumption. Not only can you set a better example by putting the phone down from time to time, but you can provide social media advice and instruction if you have an awareness of your situation. Do you consume content when you’re stressed? Do you post unauthentically? Or, do you seek attention through your online platforms?

Take time to listen to “How We IG” from the A Thing or Two podcasts. These women open up about how they engage in social media, and it offers the perfect platform for reflection and change. Set standards for your kid’s social media use, and set standards for yourself. 

Parenting in the world of social media is stressful, but you can set good boundaries for your family using this guide! 

Social media is a blessing and curse for all of us. However, if we utilize online platforms mindfully, we can push out a lot of the negatives and engage in the positives! Make sure as a parent you don’t accept “the norm” at face value. Your child doesn’t need social media. They don’t even need a smartphone or access to the internet! 

It’s totally your call. Just approach your decision with love and understanding. Your child’s character is more important than their popularity or acceptance. Remember that when you’re setting your boundaries with social media, the goal is to protect your children and never stop growing yourself. What goals can you make for your own social media use this week? Let us know in the comments, and check back weekly for more helpful posts!

How to Break Up with Your Best Friend

Having a community of friends is incredibly important. When you have people that love and care about you in your corner, all of life’s curveballs become easier to deal with. Friends fill your life with joy, confidence, and support. Friends are an essential part of life. 

However, there are times when a friendship goes from a healthy relationship to something downright toxic. This can happen slowly or suddenly, and when it does, it’s really difficult to deal with. It sends you into a whirlwind of pain and panic. You try to hold on, but everything in you tells you it’s time to move on. And, friendship breakups are just as hard (if not harder) than romantic breakups. So, how do you get through it?

Today, we’ve dedicated our post to helping you break up with your friends. It’s one of the toughest things we have to do in life, but we’re always better for it. You AND your former friend are better for it. Here are some tips for breaking up with those closest to you:

How to Break Up with Your Best Friend 

Reasons to Break Up with a Friend 

  • You no longer hold the same values.
  • They don’t respect your situation, time, or efforts. 
  • They’ve stopped listening or being empathetic. 
  • You can’t trust them. 
  • They disregard your boundaries.
  • They always take and never give back.
  • You feel manipulated and gaslit in conversations.
  • They make fun of you and your accomplishments. 
  • You’re in two different places (distance or lifestyle.) 
  • They compete with you rather than support you. 

Find support.

Before you try to navigate a friendship breakup, meet up with other friends to find support. Those who love you and surround you probably see that this relationship is unhealthy. Talking with these good friends can help you feel validation and certainty about your decision. 

They can also help you remove emotions from the equation. You can express your rage and sadness to them, and expel it from your mind before you confront your former friend. Meeting up with healthy friends is also a great way of reminding yourself you are not alone without this person. 

Understand that this is normal. 

Sometimes people encounter their first friendship breakup in middle school and others don’t run into it until their mid-30s. No matter when it strikes, it hurts. It feels completely overwhelming. And, it’s easy to convince yourself that you did something wrong. It’s easy to say, “surely, you must be a bad friend if this could happen.”

That’s not true. Friendship breakups are a totally normal part of life. It won’t happen to you once, not twice, but multiple times over your time on this earth. And, guess what? It’s okay. Normalize it to yourself, so you can better prepare for these breakups. 

Don’t believe us? Check out this episode of What We Said, where podcast hosts Jaci and Chelsey discuss listener emails about their own friendship breakups. It’s incredibly affirming to hear from others who have gone through what you’re going through. You’re not crazy. You’re not a bad person. This is part of life! 

Ensure you’re in the right place mentally. 

Confronting a breakup when your emotions are running high is a bad idea. It’ll be so easy to drown out your message with tears, yelling, and other negative actions that aren’t fair to your former friend. Plus, acting on these emotions is unproductive and sometimes embarrassing. It can make the situation a whole lot worse! 

If you’re feeling this strongly about the loss of your relationship, it’s possible you developed a type of codependency with your friend. It’s never a good idea to rely on friends to feel confident and wanted. It’s far too fragile of a foundation! You can learn more about this with Nicole Walters on her episode “Your Friend Isn’t Your Therapist.”

Before you meet with your former friend, start by spending time getting into a good mental state. Overcome the big waves of feelings and get to truth and facts. To gracefully end this relationship, you need to foster good mental health. 

Plan what you want to say using “I” messages. 

When you are preparing for a friend’s breakup, it’s easy to come up with a list of things that they did to deserve this. However, it’s not useful to go into the conversation blaming and accusing your friend of all the problems. Even if it’s true, keep it about you. 

Instead of “You never reached out to me,” you could say, “I felt I was no longer prioritized when I stopped receiving messages asking how I was or what I was doing.” This will allow the listener to keep a more open mind. They’ll hear you better, even if they don’t accept the words or apologize. That’s okay. Don’t go into this expecting change from them. You can only fix yourself. 

Fade out slowly.

When you’re considering how to break it off with a friend, fading it out slowly might be a good idea. If a lot of the issues revolve around naturally growing apart, this method is super effective and has little emotional damage. 

Not talking or hanging out regularly is a common reason for breaking up with a friend. Maybe you’re always putting in an effort and they always say they’re busy or blow you off. Maybe they don’t respond to messages for days. Or, maybe they just moved far away! 

To fade out, simply stop reaching out. No more messages hoping they respond. No more attempts at hangouts. Simply end it. If your friend has already become absent in your life, chances are they won’t notice this change. That’s fine. That means no one was hurt, but the friendship ended as naturally as it could have! 

Talk in a public place. 

However, a fade-out doesn’t work for every situation. If you feel there is some explanation in order, meeting in person is a way better choice. A face-to-face meeting may be uncomfortable, but in order to respectfully and officially end things, it’s worth the discomfort. (Being outside your comfort zone is okay!) 

When you do meet in person, go to a neutral public place. This will keep everyone comfortable and prevent yelling. At a neutral location, it’s easy for each of you to feel safe, and you can leave whenever you need to. A coffee shop is a great place for a meetup!

Send a thoughtful message. 

If you feel unsafe or incapable of meeting in person, send a message. This can come off a bit impersonal if you’ve known this person for a long time, but it is an option. Sending an email or DM shouldn’t be frivolous when breaking up with a friend. 

Be honest and understanding, and note that you really cherish the time you both spent together. Then, move on and don’t engage in more responses. If a conversation does ensue, try to push that to an in-person meetup. (Again, unless you’re unsafe due to abuse or other extreme circumstances.) 

Don’t look at their social media. 

Watching ex-friends live their lives on social media without you is painful. This is especially true when you see them getting married, having kids, and going on incredible adventures that you thought you’d be a part of. 

To maintain your mental health, set boundaries on your social media. Block them and resist the urge to view their profile. They’re gone from your life, and they should be gone from your social media channels. 

Be open to giving them a chance.

When you speak to your friend, they may not be angry or annoyed, or they may be surprised! Pay attention to their reactions and responses. If they really seem remorseful and are asking for a chance to change, consider granting that. Just be aware that it still might fail. But, don’t think the conversation MUST be the end. Perhaps your relationship will just change! 

Like when romantic relationships turn to “just friends” relationships, it’s possible but difficult. It often doesn’t work out. If you go from close friends to agreeable acquaintances that still run in the same circles, you may find more pain there. Or, perhaps you’ll see the reconciliation of your friendship! You have to decide if you want to take the risk or end it now.

P.S: Taking risks is OKAY! Read more about risk-taking here

Remember that just because it ended doesn’t mean it was worthless.

When the friendship finally ends, you’ll feel a lot of things. You may feel like you wasted all those years being close to them. We’re here to tell you to cherish the good parts and value the friendship when things were healthy. Just because it wasn’t forever doesn’t mean it was worthless! 

The friendship was good for you. Now it’s not. There is nothing wrong with this mindset. In fact, it’s healthy to acknowledge that things aren’t all bad or all good. You can hear more about this on The Bad Broadcast episode “BFF Breakups.” The hosts discuss how tragic it is to accept the past and reconcile the present. 

Let yourself heal. 

After things end, allow yourself time to heal. Realize that there’s going to be a lot of pain for a while. Also, don’t let yourself feel guilty. You are not responsible for their feelings. If the relationship wasn’t healthy for you anymore, that’s all the reason you need to leave. The Realtionsh*t podcast encourages listeners to let go of these painful feelings in this episode.

Additionally, Eileen Kelly discusses the mourning process and how to build a good support network to help you through your grief. She also says you should get back out there and make new friends to remind yourself this is all just a part of life. It’s tough, but you can get through it. Listen to Going Mental’s episode called “How To Navigate a Friendship Breakup.”

Ending friendships is a difficult part of life, but with the right strategy, you can overcome the tragedy of a friend breakup. 

Navigating adult friendships isn’t easy. Plus, making new friends isn’t as simple as meeting someone on the sidewalk with a cool bike anymore. You have to work at it! Remember that you are valuable, you are interesting, and you are totally worthy of a great, healthy friendship. Get back out there, grieve your loss, and take it one day at a time! And, for support from afar, keep up with our weekly blog and connect with one of our mental health podcasters! Dear Media is here for you.

9 Different Podcast Formats

When you decide to start a podcast, there are a lot of decisions to make. Some stuff comes right away at the conception of the idea. You might know your topic, your audience, your style, etc., but there’s always more to plan. One of the most important things to consider before you start pushing out episodes is your format! 

Choosing a podcast format is a big decision! It’ll keep your listeners listening or push them to keep looking. There are quite a few formats that have become favorites over the years that you can use as a template. So, here are 9 different popular podcast formats for you to consider:

9 Different Podcast Formats


The interview podcast format is one of the most used! In an interview show, the host brings in different guests weekly, and asks them questions on a particular topic. These are questions the listeners are asking or would ask, and the podcast host acts as a facilitator. The interview show is usually conversational, but the host keeps the topic cohesive. 

Pros of Interview Podcasts:

Guest Focus

Your guest is the star of the show. You’re more the facilitator in this format. 

No Script

With this format, you don’t need to write out a full script. Plus, listeners will be forgiving of small mistakes, because they know you’re having an authentic conversation. 

Organic Promotion

Naturally, your guests will be notable figures. This means, they’ll pull an audience to your podcast all on their own. This is great for marketing new podcasts! 

Wide Scope

You don’t have to worry about your own opinion being overrepresented and annoying the listeners. Guests allow for lots of ideas and perspectives to be shared objectively. 

Cons of Interview Podcasts:


You’ll struggle to find guests early on. Bigger-named guests that’ll bring an audience won’t be interested in a small podcast with no analytics. This can make getting an interview podcast off the ground difficult. 


Interviewing isn’t an easy task. You’ll have to practice your delivery again and again to get it right! 


Finding new guests is tough each week. You’ll always be planning and coordinating. 


Since your guests are the star, you lose control of your podcast content. If a guest isn’t interested or isn’t organized in their delivery, listeners may move on! 

How to Do Interview Podcasts:

Find Guests 

Research guests in advance and plan them out from week to week. You’ll need to stay ahead to avoid running dry of guests. Contact guests weeks or months before you’d like them to appear to ensure you have a full schedule. Click here to learn more!

Research Guests

You need to know a lot about your guests. Research them so you can reference their accomplishments, expertise, and viewpoints. This will help you craft the perfect questions and decide what will be interesting to readers. 

Prepare Guests

Next, prepare your guest for the interview. Give them a copy of the questions, so they can somewhat plan their responses. You can still be organic and ask spontaneous questions in the interview, but this makes sure they prepare the proper research and materials for your episode.

Ready Tech 

Whether you’re interviewing via video chat or in person, you need to have your tech ready to go. A poor connection or crappy equipment will reduce the quality of your podcast and turn listeners off early. 


Finally, interview your guests! You’ll need some light editing, but luckily you won’t need a lot of retakes for the perfect recording. People love the authenticity of an organic interview. 

Examples of Interview Podcasts:


A monologue podcast is also known as a solo podcast. These podcasts are run only by the host, who speaks on their topic for the entire podcast. They deliver the information by a script (even if it’s loose), and it’s based on their specific area of expertise. 

Pros of Monologue Podcasts:


You’re in total control of this podcast format. You can keep pushing for a perfect recording and the perfect delivery because you’re the only one that needs to prepare and execute. 


You’ll find editing much easier with this format. There’s just one track! Easy. 

You Focused

You’re the start of the show. Unlike an interview format, you’re the center of attention and your expertise is what’s highlighted!

Cons of Monologue Podcasts:


These podcasts take a lot of time to plan, prepare, execute, and edit.  Listeners will expect the finished project to be really polished, so only your best will do. 


Keeping your listener’s interest might be more challenging without the back-and-forth of a conversation. You’ll have to really focus on good delivery and engaging content. 

How to Do Monologue Podcasts:

Plan Content

Since you’re a one-woman/man show, having weeks’ worth of podcasts in your bank before you get started is a good idea. You won’t be able to rely on anyone else if you are out of content. 

Write Script

Next, write a detailed script. Even if you don’t follow it word-for-word, you should have a script to keep you on track and promote good vocal delivery. 


Now, it’s time to record your podcast. Get the perfect recording by restarting each time you’re not satisfied with the audio.

Edit to Perfection

Finally, edit your tracks to perfection by taking all the best cuts. 

Examples of Monologue Podcasts:


A conversational podcast is another super common format! This one is comprised of two people who share a similar circumstance or expertise. The two talk back and forth as co-hosts. They will discuss a certain topic in a way that feels like listening in on two people’s conversation. It’s more casual than some on this list. 

Pros of Conversations Podcasts:

Split the Work

With a conversational podcast, you can do half the work! Bounce ideas off your co-host, share scriptwriting duties, and, of course, record together. This relieves a lot of pressure. 

Organic Delivery

With this option, you don’t need as much preparation. You can script some, but a word-for-word script isn’t what your listeners are looking for. They’re looking forward to the conversational delivery. It makes them feel like they’re hanging out with you. 

Cons of Conversations Podcasts:


Finding the right partner is HARD. You could disagree on a topic or on the delivery style. One partner could go off-topic, and it’d be difficult to rein them back in. Plus, finding someone who you have lots of chemistry with is like finding the needle in the haystacks.


Editing two voices is definitely harder than one. Not impossible, but it’ll take more time to get a good final cut. 

How to Do Conversations Podcasts:

Find a Partner

Finding a partner could be the hardest or easiest part. You may already have someone in mind! If not, the process of locating one should be your main priority. 

Decide on Topics

Once you have your person, decide on plenty of topics in advance and prioritize them. Ensure you both have expertise on all your content ideas. 


Before you go to the studio, practice your delivery. You’ll work through common hiccups, learn to add humor and practice staying on time. 


Next, record your podcast. Feel free to stop and re-record certain elements. Try to keep your flow as you do this! 


Edit each track to make the recording pleasing to listen to.

Examples of Conversations Podcast:


Panel podcasts are like interview podcasts, but there are multiple people weighing in at once. A group of guests will discuss a single topic as you, the podcast host, guide the conversation. It’s usually more of a discussion rather than a question and answer. 

Pros of Panel Podcasts:


These podcasts offer lots to listeners. Hearing a round-table discussion from a group of experts or a group of people in the same circumstance is really exciting for your subscribers. 

Organic Marketing

Each of these experts will probably bring their own crowd of listeners. This could get a lot of organic growth to your podcasts. 

No Script

There’s no need to write a script here! Your guests will come with plenty to say. 

Cons of Panel Podcasts:


Getting one guest each week is tough. Getting multiple? That’s a TON of work. It’s not just about finding people willing to join, but even coordinating the right time is a huge undertaking. 

Guest Focus

The guests will mostly do the talking, so you’re not the focus. You’ll simply make sure everything stays on topic and on time. 


Yes, time is tough, but also location or connection. Internet or phone connections can be unreliable. Additionally, getting everyone to one location if they’re in different cities is expensive. Facilitating panel interviews is tedious and difficult. 


The more tracks you have, the more time-consuming editing will be. Really, the workload overall of these types of podcasts is intense. 

How to Do Panel Podcasts:

Find and Compose Guests 

Find guests that’ll join your podcast at its early stage. Make a long list of guests and then start grouping them up in interesting panels. 

Prepare Guests

Even though it’s not scripted, prepare guests for your show by setting expectations, making the topic and tone clear, and communicating the facilitation. 

Ready Tech 

Get your tech ready for such a big group! Leave plenty of time to confirm there are no technical difficulties or connectivity issues. 


It’s time to record your panel! Keep everyone on track and don’t be afraid to cut people off. (Politely.) Remember, your listeners are those you’re trying to please, not just your guests!


Editing is going to take a while. Leave yourself plenty of time to edit each of those tracks. 

Examples of Panel Podcasts:

Narrative Nonfiction

Another podcast format is narrative nonfiction or non-fiction storytelling. This is where a podcast host picks a real-life event and communicates it in a dynamic way. The story must be compelling to the reader both in content and voice! 

Pros of Narrative Nonfiction Podcasts:


Podcasts are getting more popular all the time. However, there are still plenty of people that aren’t too familiar with the medium. Narrative podcasts are essentially audiobooks, though, so this is really approachable to new listeners. It’s a universally liked format! 

More Content

With a non-fiction story, you may be able to splice other audio pieces to get your length without talking the whole time. You can add interviews, news broadcasts, sound effects, music, and more. 

Easy Content

There are millions of interesting non-fictions stories that haven’t been told. You will always have plenty of content to work with. 


Since this is another form of the monologue podcast, you don’t have anyone else to rely on but you! You hold complete control of your project, and you’re the star!

Cons of Narrative Nonfiction Podcasts:


If you’re writing non-fiction, you’ll need to do a ton of research. Listeners will expect your facts to be 100% correct. Plus, you’ll need to collect any other audio you want. 


A script is a must with this format, and your delivery should be spot-on. You’ll have to do lots of takes to get the right recording, and your script needs to grab a listener’s interest. 


Editing takes a long time, especially if you’re alone. This is especially true if you have additional audio files to add. 

How to Do Narrative Nonfiction Podcasts:

Research Story

First, you have to find the perfect story. It needs to be something no one has heard before, and it needs to be super interesting! Take a lot of time interviewing people and searching on the internet to find your topic. 

Write Script

Once you have your topic, prepare and write your script. Write it and rewrite it to get the best narrative for your listeners. Plan where you’ll put in additional audio elements too. 

Practice Delivery

When your script is complete, practice saying it to avoid vocal mistakes when recording. This will relax you when you sit down to record. 


Now, record your narrative. Do plenty of retakes to get the perfect voice! Listeners will have little patience for inaccuracies. 


This one will take some time to edit, especially if you re-recorded it frequently. Leave plenty of time to find the right places for your audio elements!

Examples of Narrative Nonfiction Podcasts:

Audio-Drama (Narrative Fiction)

Audio-dramas are fiction podcasts that tell a story. This type of podcast usually includes sound effects, music, and sometimes a full acting cast. This is also a podcast where you could save time by repurposing content. Instead of coming up with your own fiction story, you could utilize something in the public domain

Pros of Audio-Drama Podcasts:


Once you get a listener’s attention, you’ll likely keep them. They’ll want to know what happens in your next installment, even if they’re only a little interested. This is great for new podcasts! 

Less Competition 

Though audio-dramas have been around since the dawn of radio, they’re not as popular in the podcast world. So, you’ll stick out from the crowd if you have something really cool. 

Made Up

Since it’s fiction, you don’t have to spend so much time researching and getting everything right. You also don’t have to worry about coming up with new topics every week, since the story naturally progresses.  

Cons of Audio-Drama Podcasts:


It’s super niche, so there aren’t as many people out there looking for this exact format anymore. This can make it hard to find a large audience. 


If you thought scripting monologue or non-fiction podcasts were difficult, audio dramas are on a whole other level! Every script must be refined and planned a whole “season” in advance. This creates a lot of work upfront. 


If you plan to have a variety of character voices, sound effects, and music tracks, you’ll need a good sized team. This can be expensive and hard to come by. 

How to Do Audio-Drama Podcasts:

Create Story

First up, create a compelling story. It can’t be too similar to what people have read. Nor can it be too different. Find something that’ll speak to a wide audience, but will keep each listener coming back for more. 

Write Scripts

As we said, you’ll need all the scripts for your current story arc to prevent continuity issues. You’ll need to sit down and create as many episodes in advance as you can. 

Workshop and Revise

Since you’re focused on a fictional narrative, you should workshop the story and see what people around you say about it. Take feedback and revise your scripts. 


Record your podcast and focus on the perfect voice. Listeners will have no patience for mistakes, ums, ahs, and gaffs. 

Add Extras and Edit

Add your music and sounds, and edit it to perfection! Take your readers on a fantastic adventure. 

Examples of Audio-Drama Podcasts:


Educational podcasts could be really similar to other podcasts on this list. In fact, you could have an educational podcast that’s in a solo format. Or, an educational podcast in an interview or panel format. However, what sets this podcast type apart is that it’s focused on teaching. 

Pros of Education Podcasts:


If your goal is to establish authority in your space, an educational podcast is a great way to show your audience that you’re an expert. 

Love to Learn

People like to learn. Once they become interested in a topic, they love to gain all the information they can on it. This will keep them tuning in each week. 

Flexible Format

You can get wild with the format. You can do some episodes as monologues and do others with guests. Honestly, you could even do a narrative nonfiction element. As long as you stay on the topic of the podcast, your listeners won’t mind the variety. 

Cons of Education Podcasts:


Eventually, there will probably be a limit to how much you can teach on one topic. This could mean your content runs dry after a while. 


Getting all the research and information right is vital for an education podcast. Listeners will not be forgiving of any incorrect facts.


There’s a lot of research, preparation, and scripting that goes into an educational podcast. Even if you do something more conversational, you still need to have all your data handy and have a good outline for the episode.  

How to Do Education Podcasts:

Choose Topic

Figure out a topic that’s broad enough to include lots of episodes, but niche enough to bring interest to your readers. 

Content Plan

If you think there’s enough information on that topic to have a long-running podcast, test the theory. Plan out months of content on a spreadsheet to confirm you won’t run dry on ideas! 


Research your upcoming topic and collect all your numbers and facts. 


Record your podcast in the desired format, edit it to your liking, and upload it! 

Examples of Education Podcasts:


We know the world has an obsession with true crime. This is a popular format that has a variety of delivery options. Evidence and story could be expressed through non-fiction narratives, conversations, or even interviews. Each format brings something different to the table and has a unique tone!

Pros of Investigative Podcasts:


This is a really popular podcast style. This could be positive or negative. But we consider it a positive because as long as you’re talking about a different crime than other podcasts they listen to, you won’t be in competition with as many podcasts as you think. For example, people probably pick only one podcast on organization to listen to, but they’ll listen to to a dozen true crime podcasts as long as they’re about different crimes. 


You have control over the narrative in most formats. You can determine exactly how the podcast lays out to ensure you have exciting cliffhangers and equally interesting episodes every time. 

Cons of Investigative Podcasts:


There is a ton of research that goes into an investigative podcast. Not only are you compiling information from the internet, but you’re probably interviewing people, visiting important locations, and developing new theories. All of this takes a lot of time and brain power. 


Again, being popular is positive and negative. There are lots of high-quality investigative podcasts, so listeners will only accept the highest quality. If your audio quality or delivery isn’t exactly what they want, they’ll move on. 


If you’re using a lot of additional files like voice recordings, interview snippets, and news clips, editing will take some time. 

How to Do Investigative Podcasts:

Find the Perfect Crime

Don’t commit the perfect crime, but definitely find the perfect one. You want something exciting with lots of twists and turns. You want something relatable too. But, you probably don’t want something too recent or too controversial. Get some distance. 


Research the crime to death! Don’t just read the information that’s easily available, but dig deep to find things that your audience has never heard or seen before. 

Organize Info

You’ll need to reference your material throughout your podcast, so get all of it organized. If it’s readily available, you’ll avoid accidentally saying something false. 

Plan Delivery

Now, how will you deliver the podcast? If you’re doing a monologue, script it out. If you’re interviewing people, set up the calls. And, if you’re just chatting with your co-host, discuss your plans and research. 

Record and Produce 

Finally, record your podcast, add your extra audio bits, and edit it to match your format. 

Examples of Investigative Podcasts:


Video podcasting has become super popular! A video podcast is when both video and audio is recorded during a podcast episode. The audio is always prioritized, but the recording studio has an aesthetic element that makes it feel made for video. These have become popular because people love to see BTS of creative projects and because YouTube uploads are great for search engine optimization! 

Pros of Video Podcasts:


Search engine optimization makes your content visible to Google searchers. Podcasts are hard to find on search engines, but video content populates well. YouTube videos are a great way to populate on search engine results pages and move toward podcast monetization. 


It’s so easy to repurpose content when it’s in a video format! Put clips on TikTok or Instagram. Upload it to YouTube. Whatever! Also, it’s not really a lot of extra work. Just set up cameras in the studio!

Flexible Format

This podcast type can be a lot of things. People will love to watch whether you’re solo or with a whole panel of guests. Listeners are particularly interested in the conversational style of the video addition! 

Cons of Video Podcasts:


There is more editing work with videos, so you need to have the team to do it. It might not be more work for the podcast host, but it is more work for the production side of things! 


Lighting, make-up, and room design suddenly all become important! Make sure you have great staging. Luckily, you can mostly set it and forget it, but realize your video needs to be high quality like your audio.  

How to Do Video Podcasts:

Set Up Studio

When you decide to start doing a video podcast, you need to set up your studio. It shouldn’t just be set up to have great audio quality, but now you need room for guests, decor, and other aesthetic pieces. Plus, you’ll need to decide on all your cameras and angles, the lighting, and any extra video equipment. 

Decide on the Visual Element

How do you plan to interact with the visual element? Will you look at the camera? Will you pretend they’re not there? And, will you have demonstrations and other visuals as well? All these things must be determined before you hit record!

Record Both

Finally, record your audio and video. Obviously, record them separately so each can be edited. Don’t rely on a webcam or camera microphone to catch your voices. 

Edit Both

Edit each one to the highest quality. Then, upload for your audience’s enjoyment! 

Examples of Video Podcast:

How to Choose a Podcast Format 

Once you’ve read about all the podcast formats, it’s time to choose your style. Which format will make your podcast a great podcast? Here are some things to consider:


What’s your budget? If you have a low budget, a monologue or narrative style may be best. This format only requires one person to execute the entire podcast process. This makes it time consuming, but cheap. If you add more tracks, more people, and more production, you’ll make your podcast more and more expensive. 


The amount of time is another important factor to consider. An investigative, educational, or narrative podcast will take a ton of prep work. All the research isn’t for those with busy busy schedules. Consider a conversational or interview type podcast if time isn’t on your side!


What is your purpose? Ask yourself if you primarily want to entertain, educate, commemorate, or celebrate! An audio-drama will definitely entertain. An investigative podcast could both educate and commemorate. And, a panel or interview podcast could celebrate! Consider why you’re making your podcast, and what will best fulfill that purpose. 


The tone of your podcast is an important trait of your podcast. Something serious and riveting might work best in a monologue format, whereas something comedic and casual would work best in a conversational podcast. An investigative podcast could be fun and funny, or respectful and riveting. Each format provides a different mood, so think about that before making your choice. 


How big is your team? Is it practical to believe you can produce a multi-media panel podcast all by yourself? Probably not. If you’re not particularly skilled in editing, a multi-track audio drama with lots of sound effects may not work. Before dreaming big, consider who you have in your corner. 

You’ll do your content justice and serve your audience best with the right podcast format. 

Choosing a podcast format isn’t always easy. If you’re an avid podcast listener, you probably like different things about each style. That’s why we’ve weighed the pros and cons for you to find the perfect podcast format fit for you and your content. 

For more information on starting and maintaining a podcast, check out our blog! And, for podcast inspo, head over to our show page. Listening to professionals using these formats will help you determine what’s best for your new project!

Why Routine is Important for Mental Health

Over the past few years, the topic of mental health has become less taboo. This is a huge win for humans everywhere because our mental health affects EVERYTHING. You deserve to feel good, feel motivated, and conquer your goals. However, if you’re facing mental health problems, making progress on your dreams can feel totally impossible. 

One way to start taking control of your mental health is to develop a healthy daily routine. A routine has a ton of psychological benefits for anyone, but especially for those overcoming mental health challenges. So, today, we’ve dedicated our post to routines for mental health. Let’s get into it: 

Why Routine is Important for Mental Health 

Alleviate your anxiety. 

Our stress levels both center on things we can and can’t control. That means our own efforts can ease at least half the anxiety we feel. We can control things like how often we work out when we clean the house, and if we hit all of our due dates. When our life is out of control, though, the stress of “when will I get it all done” can totally overwhelm us. 

Luckily, with a good routine, you can have confidence you’ll get everything done. You can take control of your days, hours, and minutes for the sake of your mental health. As your routine proves it can make you productive day after day, you’ll see some of that stress alleviated, replaced with a pattern of accomplishment. Take charge of your mental health with a great routine!

Get better rest. 

Whether you’re getting poor sleep because you’re stressed about your to-do list, or you’re getting poor sleep because you have no set bedtime or wake time, a routine can help. As you get more done with an organized routine during the day, you have no reason to stay up late at night! And, if you stick to a firm bedtime and wake time, you’ll stop feeling like you’re playing catch-up and running on fumes. You’ll feel big boosts in your energy levels with a solid routine! 

Maintain healthy habits. 

If you want to invest in all parts of your wellness (mental, spiritual, or physical health), you need a routine. Right now, considering working out, writing, or reading every day could feel impossible. Where’s the time? Where’s the motivation? 

A routine will confirm you complete your healthy habits every day. You’ll spend less time on time-sucking tasks like scrolling social media, watching TV, and just vegging out, and more time being intentional. Then, in turn, your day-to-day routine will make you feel even better with all the healthy practices you can now include in your schedule. Once you reach this point healing is just around the corner.  

Feel more accomplished. 

Nothing feels better than checking a box or achieving a goal. Likely, with a good routine, you’ll be more productive all around. You will complete a lot of tasks to be proud of, and this will boost your mood and motivate you for the future. Accomplish more and dream bigger! (You can check out more on this concept with Siffat Haider in her Dream Bigger Podcast!) 

Keep us accountable. 

A routine is like a built in accountability partner. It waits for you every day to cross off that task and move to the next. And, it anticipates a repeat cycle daily. As long as you have your routine written down somewhere, it will push you each day to be your best self—and most importantly, take care of your health! 

How to Build a Good Routine

Make a routine, not a schedule. 

Instead of building a daily schedule, start with a routine. What’s the difference, right? Well, a routine is an order of events accomplished throughout the day. A schedule has set times for each task. Now, having a set time for each activity isn’t a bad thing, but it’s easy to fail with that format. 

An extra ten minutes spent at an appointment and then another fifteen minutes on your run suddenly set your whole day off. This can be SO stressful! A few days running behind on your routine, and you’ll give up on your new regimen. Instead, simply have a list of tasks and a loose period of time to complete them

Start small. 

You may want to work out, journal, meal prep, meditate, and read as you excitedly make your new routine. But, again, success is the goal here! So, start with just a small list of tasks. Even include tasks you’re already completing like “brush your teeth” or “eat breakfast,” just to have some easy wins! But, don’t start with a long list. You’ll fail early and give up fast.

A great place to start when deciding how to build your first routine is with this ILYSM episode “A 101 Guide on Becoming a Morning Person, Creating a Morning Routine & Using Journaling for Manifestation.” Just waking up when you’re supposed to and journaling is the perfect place to begin your new journey!

Allow for change and flexibility. 

Even if you start small and keep a loose routine, you still may need to change things up. That’s okay! To find a routine that works, you’ll need a few weeks of practice. Create a daily routine that works now, and reevaluate weekly to see what needs to be added, removed, or changed. Don’t feel like your efforts were fruitless if you have to switch it up! This is part of the process. 

Write it down and track progress. 

Track your progress somehow. It could be on any number of phone apps, on a whiteboard, or in a journal. Studies have shown that writing down your goals makes you way more likely to accomplish them. Plus, when you write your habits down, you can track your progress to see how you’re doing with your new routine! 

Set goals and celebrate every win.

Set small goals that you can achieve regularly. Then, set a time each day where you sit down with your routine tracker and celebrate wins! Celebrate these wins with something that makes you happy! A snack, a night out, or even an hour in front of the TV. No shame. You’ve earned this! 

Don’t give up. 

No matter what, start your day new. There will be times you fail your routine. There will be tons of times you don’t check all those boxes. It’s OKAY. Just wake up the next day, and keep on going. This isn’t a competition, and the goal isn’t stress. No way. The goal is peace! 

For days when you fail, Dear Media’s podcast team has got you covered. Check out “6 Steps to Reset Your Routine & Get Back on Track” from the Life with Marianna podcast! Don’t forget that resetting is an option, and you don’t need to give up forever. 

More Daily Routine Podcasts:

If you’re looking for a good way to start your day, make listening to a podcast part of your daily routine. It’s a great burst of inspiration while you’re still waking up or are getting ready in the shower. Here are some daily podcasts to listen to in the morning:


You won’t be able to listen to Lauren Elizabeth every day, but she does post pretty regularly about her best and worst moods of the week! She dives into her feelings with authenticity and reliability which inspires us to be one with our emotions.

Real Pod

What’s more real than trying and failing at a daily routine? Victoria Garrick gives weekly advice and inspiration through conversations with real people about their failures, successes, and daily challenges.

Mind. Body. No Soul. 

If the regular meditation podcast isn’t your vibe with the melodramatic music and the overly spiritual language, this podcast is for you. Jackie Schimmel gives you real-world wellness advice for your daily routines. 

A morning routine can reinvigorate you and restore your mental health! 

Mental health struggles can keep us from accomplishing our goals and feeling well-deserved peace. A good routine can boost your mood and set you back on track to achieving your dreams. It’s tough, but with the right philosophy and task list, you’ll feel the benefits of a planned day. For more inspiration and education on mental health and routines, check out our blog and podcasts! Dear Media isn’t just a podcast hub, it’s a global support network that helps its listeners walk through life together.

15 Self Care Influencers

Self-care is an important part of everyone’s routine. In a world where we’re constantly giving to others in our family, career, and community, it’s SO important to take time to take care of yourself. Your mind, body, and soul need nurturing for you to be truly healthy! 

This is difficult for many, because there’s such a stigma around taking time for yourself. But, those who practice regular self-care experience a ton of benefits. Studies show that these people become more confident, productive, and happy! Who doesn’t want that?

If this concept is totally new to you, or you want to up your self-care game, we’ve got what you need. We’ve compiled a list of self-care influencers that help guide their followers through their personal wellness journey. Immersing yourself in their content could help you be more efficient in life and experience more peace and joy! Here are 15 self-care influencers we absolutely love: 

15 Self Care Influencers

The Blonde Files

Do you ever wish you could have an expert that consults on all aspects of your self-care? Whether it’s how to deal with oily skin or what yoga poses are best for stress relief? Well, Arielle Lorre asks all your questions for you. On her podcast “The Blonde Files,” she interviews experts on all aspects of self-care, so listeners like you have the inside scoop on all the latest self-care wisdom and encouragement. 

Instagram | TwitterWebsite

The Balanced Blonde: Soul on Fire

Arielle Lorre is a brilliant self-care influencer. She’s so influential not only through her website and Blonde Files podcast, but from this one too! Soul on Fire gets even deeper to answer those burning questions we all have. What are the keys to success, joy, balance, and spirituality in this wild and fast-paced world? For this podcast, she maintains her casual interview format that makes you feel like you’re part of the conversation! 

Life with Marianna

Marianna Hewitt and her network of influencers are definitely living their best life. Marianna is the founder of a skincare brand and a leading social media influencer who’s ready to give back to her followers by providing a helpful podcast that helps you achieve your greatest potential. She and her friends share weekly advice on life, wellness, motivation, and so much more! 



What about a self-care influencer with a little humor? Lauren Elizabeth has a self-care podcast where she simply shares her weekly highs and lows! She relates to her listeners through the joys and hardships of everyday life while sharing tips, tricks, and products to help you achieve peace, joy, and confidence. She’s a casual self-care guru who feels like a friend! Beyond her podcast, she’s got a vlog and blog to enjoy as well! 


The Dream Bigger Podcast

Siffat Haider, founder of Arrae, runs a weekly podcast to encourage listeners to become the best versions of themselves. She has weekly guests that’ll help you start a new business, discover a better skincare routine, begin the right workout regime, and more! The whole goal is to challenge you to be bigger through uplifting conversations, expert advice, and loving encouragement. 


The Skinny Confidential

We all want to get more out of life. We want careers, hobbies, friends, and influence, but that starts with good self-care. Lauryn Evarts and Michael Bosstick host weekly conversations about all of life’s most important challenges. They’ll answer questions about health, wellness, business, and relationships. 


Going Mental with Eileen Kelly 

Eileen Kelly seemed to have it all when she was running her crazy successful blog “Killer and a Sweet Thang,” but behind the scenes her mental health was breaking down. She left social media for a while, went to treatment, and took a journey of self-discovery. 

Once she recovered, she found a new calling: Destigmatize and raise awareness for mental health journeys. She does this through her insightful podcast that invites health experts to discuss and give advice on your greatest mental struggles. 

The Art of Being Well 

Unlike some other influencers on this list, Dr. Will Cole discusses self-care from a medical perspective. But, don’t worry, his content won’t go over your head. In “The Art of Being Well,” Dr. Will Cole uses a graceful, laid-back approach to ignite your self-care journey. He shares weekly advice on physical, spiritual, and mental health. 


Everything is the Best

It’s really easy to feel alone. As you’re striving for your dreams, you’re made aware of every flaw, every obstacle, and every critic that stands in your way. Pia Baroncini seeks to connect her listeners, guests, and herself to one another to get real, get vulnerable, and get inspired. Soon, you’ll feel capable and confident to pursue your dreams as you realize you’re not all that different from the best of the best. Learn that we’re all human with Pia Baroncini! 


Dear Gabby

Gabby Berstein’s podcast has the perfect tagline for self-care content. “Become the happiest person you know.” That’s the goal, right? Well, Gabby Berstein, who is a motivational speaker and best-selling author, gives you personal coaching, straight talk, and lots of love through her podcast. You’ll feel totally inspired by her down-to-earth approach that feels relatable and possible. 


It Sure is a Beautiful Day

Host of the legendary “NAKED” podcast, Catt Sadler releases another regular podcast! This one delivers authentic content from guest interviews that’ll make you laugh, cry, and feel inspired. For a mindful, but relaxed way to invest in your self-care, listen to “It Sure is a Beautiful Day!” 


Looking Up with Dr. Deepika Chopra 

Dr. Deepika Chopra is another self-care advocate that brings medical expertise to her podcast. She studies the science behind happiness, and teaches you to take control of your life, experience optimism, and ultimately achieve joy! All her advice is science-based and holistic, and she’ll never push you to be perfect. Instead, she’ll push you to be resilient, confident, and happy. 

Podcast InstagramDr. Chopra InstagramWebsite

Mind. Body. No Soul. 

Like self-care, but not the melodramatic spiritual stuff? Jackie Schimmel has created a podcast that prides itself on providing wellness for the unwell. Her methods aren’t the guru-type calming spiritual exercises you’re familiar with. Instead, she guides her readers through meditations, aggressive affirmations, and maniacal mantras using her authentic voice and style. 


Recovering From Reality

Former reality TV star Alexis Haines knows that the road to self-discovery is rough. In her podcast, she helps listeners navigate the road to recovery, seeking self-care techniques along the way. Whether you’re struggling through a trauma or just looking to gain self-confidence, Haines has content to empower your wellness journey! 


The Papaya Podcast

Sarah Nicole Landry is a powerful woman, mother, and boss lady who is known for messages of acceptance, inspiration, and hope. Her podcast and blog focus on candid conversations about our real lives and our real experiences. She shares her own flaws, life lessons, and struggles with her audience to build a foundation of honesty and love. Get real with The Papaya! 


Add one of these self-care podcasts to your routine to invest in your mental health on a daily basis!

Each one of these podcasts brings a fresh perspective and a powerful voice to your self-care journey. They’re just what you need to feel totally empowered and inspired day after day. Check out Dear Media’s full list of shows here, and don’t forget to browse our blog. We often share meaningful mental health content influenced by our own podcast creators!